So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird, I never knew there were minotaurs in this game, how did I miss them for so long? Has anyone else had this happen to them?
So I was playing Oblivion again today when I came across pic related for the first time. Weird...
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn get pumped full of Minotaur cum and become an addict, then follow the smell of Minotaur cum back to the Minotaur village to be used as a sex slave and be gang banged constantly for the rest of your life.
The way the level scaling works is that there are enemies specific to questlines/areas that you will only see if you are at least a certain level.
i.e doing the main quest right away vs. after you are level 50+ will result in a entirely different experience enemy-wise.
It's actually a pretty sweet result of the scaling in the game.
>people complain that this system is flawed instead of just gitting gud
>people actually want to fight and one shot rats at level 70
I also played CoC
Get off my board furfags.
i bought oblivion on steam to mod it
since i never finished it i thought it would be neat to make the next playthrough count, thus i wanted to apply the nicest graphics and mods possible
i can just easily apply mods to morrowind and skyrim with nexus mod manager, but for some fucking reason it was really complicated for oblivion so i never got around to it
>I'm Fucking Retarded: The Post
It's really not that hard
How do Imperials live with the fact that St Alessia, founder of their faith, was a dirty slut who loved to ride on fat minotaur cock?
i just got turned off when i found out you have to download other programs than NMM to easily do it
cool, keep me posted, alright?
sure thing but that's about it
nothing more to say really
>furfag uses a reddit maymay
>doesn't even use it properly
can't say i'm surprised
>implying someone using a spongebob meme is Reddit
Fuck I'm too lazy to type all the text out all caps and uncaps on the meme just for one response
I didn't miss them, my Oblivion character has had her hymen destroyed so many times by them.
That's a weird looking penis.
>"he doesn't use memes properly!"
t. reddit
>want to play Oblivion
>can't do it because I know that I would get stuck on an endless modding spree
Damn. I could always pretend that I'm going to install just one big overhaul, but then I would remember that it would be nice to have that one combat overhaul too, and then thst one magic overhaul would be nice too if I want to play as an mage, then I remember that installing some graphics mods would be nice too because this time I'd actually have a rig that can run them... And oh, also got to do something about those ugly NPC faces. And better also install a mod that makes landscapes more interesting.
Nickies thread?
To see them you'd actually have to play a single character long enough to level them up to a certain point.
Why do you continue to make this thread?
Level scaling
Why are you so emotionally invested in what threads people make?
You're a mongoloid.
Of course I want to one-shot rats.
I also want t have giant minotaurs and shit appear randomly, capable of one-shotting me.
That's how you create an adventure.
Oblivion is just a fucking skinnerbox.
I don't see the issue.
Because his tail looks like a dick in the thumbnail.
I'd want quite the opposite, and make the Minotaur my fuckslave, bring him back to my village and let people know who's boss as they grit their teeth in the night as the minotaur bellows out moans of pleasure.
Don't forget the mod that lets you become a prostitute, and the mod that lets you get gang raped by scamps.
Drag & Drop is really complicated, I know. I still struggle with these advanced computer techniques too.
Is addictive minotaur semen a meme started by CoC?
You're walking around the outskirts of town, when you stumble upon this. What do you do?
Why are you defending lame bait?
Be like "hey, that's a pretty cool statue."
>Max out difficulty
>Every fight turns into lolpoisons and stealth archery
>Eventually craft gear with 100% invis
>Literally takes 5 minutes of backstabbing to kill a single enemy.
What did I do wrong? I still never finished the game because of that shitdickery.
I'm just doing my part to save Sup Forums from the tumblrinas who cry and call everything they don't like bait. Now get the hell off my board.
skinnerbox doesn't mean what you think it does
>using buzzwords out of context
You sound like a newfag trying his best to fit in.
If no one was looking I'd try to take it home. I just found out I want a statue of a Minotaur playing with himself.
Bet you never saw one of these either then.
Least they were land only, unlike Morrowind.
I've been here since before you were allowed to drink out of the big boy cups.
>What did I do wrong?
Isn't it obvious? You maxed out difficulty in a game where difficulty basically means how much health enemies have.
I thought they were added by mods. Have run into a few, though, but it's been... fuck, almost ten years....
Better picture
We call them "billies." Not sure why, though.
I'll have you know I was drinking out of big boy cups by 1994.
cum on it
Weird. I remember seeing them but I think they're in such a small level bracket that it's very easily to just skip by it and never encounter it.
Talk about case in point, huh?
Nothing should one shot you if you know fuck all about character building. What the fuck game are you even describing?
I don't think you know what Skinner box means
My first priority in Morrowind is waterwalking/levitation to avoid these spooky fellas
Don't try to use advanced phrases if you don't speak enough English, or more likely are too stupid to know when to use them. Telling you this for your sake.
There's two protecting a unicorn not far from the city.
Yeah, that's where I remember them from too.
That's funny coming from the guy who uses buzzwords he doesn't understand.
They're really not an issue.
They also come up in the nightmare quest.
Not really, it's much more embarrassing to use English wrong than internet memes, but it wasn't wrong anyway. Only tumblrinas such as you get so emotionally upset at Sup Forums threads.
It becomes a problem when you always have "one more thing" to install and never get to actually start the game. And by the point one actually has all interesting mods installed and has them working, the whole affair has taken so long that the motivation to start the game has long gone. Been there, done that.
But it is funny.
>it's much more embarrassing to use English wrong than internet memes
Good thing I didn't.
Gee user, you just might have to learn how to have a modicum of self-control.
Man that's cool as hell. I tried to get into Morrowind but it honestly just feels so dated I struggled. I enjoy some reading and figuring things out for myself but I couldn't stand the wiki page dumping NPCs. Also the movement speed is just absurdly slow until you've leveled a bit
Please stop, you're just embarrassing yourself at this point.
There's a reason no one plays these games vanilla (except the ones that have to).
As long as you're having fun who cares?
Please stop, your samefagging is embarrassing everyone that reads it.
>what is wrye bash?
I run into the same thing, but it stems mostly from the desire to not integrate any new things in the middle of a run, so I wanna get all my modding done before hand. With the shit way most mod sites are and how bloated they are with trash, it makes it a bit of a pain to actually get look through and find the neat bits. Also, I've always thought it was a shame you couldn't assign specific mods profiles to specific saves.
>walking around exploring oblivion because the internet is off
>find a cave full of tribal argonians that are all just swimming around in a flooded cave
Not him but it's pretty obvious you're samefagging now.
Okay user, prove to me that I used "case in point" incorrectly.
Can you two just fuck already and get it over with?
Shut the fuck up no one cares
>skinner box
>get shinier weapons and bigger numbers
>don't get any more proficient going through areas because enemies grow in power too
I get the point he was trying to make.
There is the old trick of choosing complete trash main skills, and then leveling up combat skills (never attributes) just to dunk all the enemies that never scale up.
Fuck, I remember these now. Were they linked to a quest?
samefag lol
Literally shoot yourselves
Oblivion's engine build is even less stable than FO3 and NV. Trying to put more than half a dozen mods onto it will break it, and putting more than zero mods onto it has a high chance of fucking it all up.
Apply yourself >:(
Quit samefagging.
Nah, it was just a big ass cave.
Case in point aint exactly an advanced phrase. Do you mean idioms? Because their a diamond dozen.
>there are still mouth-drooling retards on Sup Forums who think this proves anything
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
That's just the plot of that doujin with the twin brown girls.
>excellia was ruined into a cumdump
I've half the mind to write my own, but then I'd be a faggot
>case in point
>an instance or example that illustrates what is being discussed.
>accusation of newfaggotry
>responds the way a newfag would
>a buzzword that doesn't really have a solid definition but anyone with half a brain knows that it doesn't mean "people who complain about things they don't like"
We done here?
stop making this thread you disgusting furries
>There are still faggots who are butthurt they can be called out for wrong samefags
>>a buzzword that doesn't really have a solid definition but anyone with half a brain knows that it doesn't mean "people who complain about things they don't like"
But that's exactly what it means you retard.
I only read the first two sentences of that shit and it gave me a headache. Like christ that is some terrible pasta.
Communicating in shitty memes doesn't help your sad argument. It's time to kill yourself.
Technically it's impossible to be butthurt at being called out since you can't actually prove whether or not someone was a samefag in cases like this.
Jesus christ did you just finish a high school psychology course and are throwing around buzzwords to sound smart while having no idea what they mean?
Kill yourself you idiot.
No, no, user, you got me, you tricked me. I get it now.