Just started playing
What the fuck was that chapter 1?
Why is the fucking world falling apart?
Why was that building full of ridiculous contraptions?
Is this game just a set of crazy ideas that the devs had or something and then they connect them with some stupid plot?
Just started playing
there's a resolution don't you worry about it op
its a stupid one
but its there
Like most games, it gives you a hint in the very beginning, but its not going to show you the WHOLE deck in the get go
OP, keep playing the game and you'll get answers, you'll easily see whats wrong with the world by beating a chapter or two
Imma give you a pro tip on weapons OP, but spoil it just in case you want to play completely blind
Upgrade that crossbow
Are you that guy who keeps making stupid questions throughout the movie? Keep playing fool
I just found it shocking, the whole chase thing is more fitting of fucking uncharted than a horror survival game
The way how characters act is also very odd
I loved sneaking around the giant guy, but then it was back to cinematic hold forward scenes
What a strange amalgamation of tone
If you're looking for a good, atmospheric horror game, you're in for a huge disappointment. The beginning of the game is very promising but as you progress further in the game it steadily becomes worse, shifting more and more towards a generic third person "horror" shooting game. When you're halfway through the game it has lost even the last bit of horror and you're just shooting endless waves of enemies with a shotgun or whatever weapon you happen to be carrying. By that point you don't even have to spare your ammunition because you're playing an action game that gives you resources like candy. If you want proper horror, drop the game and play something else.
You're trapped in Ruvik's mind.
I just want to play a good game
But the tone shifts does bother me
The Evil Within had a chance to be great.
If only they didn't yank you out of gameplay every 20 seconds.
Well it's not very good either, just a generic third person shooter trying to be a horror game.
Buy the DLC.
>What a strange amalgamation of tone
Oh you have no idea, you're in for a ride sonny boy.
>never played the game and only regurgitate contrarian Sup Forums consensus.
Honestly, it's kind of a shame they don't stick with utilizing the setting for "anything can happen at any time". Too much of the game gets bogged down in long stretches of really predictable and stale environments.
>The game is made by RE creator
>It symbolizes the whole series, from the promising spooky beginning to dumbed down nonsense bullshit generic horror
This comment fucking boggles my mind, did we play the same game? Evil Within has 11 unique levels, varying from woods, cities, mansions, many of which will twist and distort as you play through them, the sheer number of locales is more than twice than what you'll find in any given game in the survival horror genre. You might be the dumbest poster on this entire fucking board. Never utter an opinion on the internet ever again.
>they can do literally anything
>it's the exact same shit we've already seen a million times
Awesome variety.
Not him but 11 unique levels that didn't have anything to do with each other. It feels like they just draw whatever they felt like "horror" at the time and didn't bother to make a coherent theme or motif behind the scenes. Hence, generic variety
You've barely started.
Mikami just made a shitty action game pretending to be a horror game.
literally nobody liked it 2bh
I'm old enough unlike you to have seen this exact thing happen before with titles such as Resident Evil Remake. People will reflect back to Evil Within with equal passion in a distant future. Mark my words.
It's objectively a better game than RE4. Anyone who liked that liked TEW, unless they're a contrarian.
>It's objectively a better game than RE4.
Your opinion is objectively fucking stupid.
It's RE4 without a coherent plot, it's objectively worse
>abloo bloo i'm old
>being proud that your sack of shit and biomass is slowly failing
yeah yeah enjoy the senile home gramps
I actually really liked the general gameplay of Evil Within, but I also can't think of a single Mikami directed game that I didn't enjoy from a pure gameplay standpoint. It's just that the story is literally nothing, the settings are mostly blander versions of very typical horror locations and feel cut-and-pasted in, and unlike RE4 there are no fun or interesting characters to be found to prop up the nothing story. Ruvik's OK, I guess.
As a result, it's hard to have any interest in what's happening at any given time. Your main character has no plan, an extremely roundabout connection to anything that's happening, and is basically just teleported from location to location between chapters completely resetting any scrap of motivation he previously found.
I think it had a lot of potential, and either turned out the way it did because Mikami didn't give enough of a shit early enough in its development, or wanted to do something else and Bethesda told him to keep steering it back into RE4 territory. Either way, it ended up just a really boring version of RE4 with the occasional flash of brilliance that's never fully explored.
At some point your motivation is to find Leslie before Ruvik gets him.
I like the game as action thriller just fine, I like Sebastien as a character.
No need, a already downloaded Full Repack.
Who here is hyped for the Evil Within 2? That leak on the Jap VA site pretty much confirms Beth will show it at E3.
That motivation makes no sense when your rival is a teleporting godbeing that can do literally anything but never bothers to, and every time you start to make a tiny bit of progress you get teleported to a new location to start the search all over again for no reason. And what the fuck is Seb even going to do when he gets to Leslie? The game is just a series of things that happens that someone decided "has to be in a horror game."
I guess I just like that no matter what crazy shit happened in RE4, you always had a clear motivation. Leon has a job to rescue Ashley, and that works as a perfect anchor and source of stakes. Meanwhile, Seb's character motivation related to his wife is revealed slowly through the game, and even after you know it you're not really sure if Seb knows it because it has no relation to anything that's actually happening. Since it doesn't matter, why is it in mandatory files you're forced to pick up instead of optional back-story files like RE?
Mikami has stated he doesnt believe in lunear syorytelling and it shows in this game.
The plot os given to you like pieces of a puzzle. By about 2 thirds in it will all start to make sense. It's actually rather cleverly done.
You're wrong. It doesn't work that way.
Ruvik was fucking with the people in the stem. He didn't actually expect some mook detectives to give him a run for his money. He pretty much expected to get Leslie the entire time but since he's a vindictive shit he wanted to see how far Seb & Co. could get before breaking/dying. He says as much directly to Sebastian's face.
Maybe it's sppoky if you only read the stories/secrets and whatnot, but since the motivation is unclear during the game, and the levels have almost zero correlation, there were no stakes when you play the game. You basically just go from A to B to advance the story and watch a confusing story rather than experiencing horror firsthand like a GAME should've been
I get your point (especially relating to Ruvik), but being teleported into another location didn't broke motivation for me. I don't think Seb was motivated by his wife at any time (you talking about reveal in DLC, right?), that's what I like about him, like the player he doesn't know shit and just wants to survive this hell.
RE4 had very clear story. This game at least tries to have a story more akin to "The Enemy" or something like that.
Like I said. You have to pay attention. It all comes together
The Evil Within > Resident Evil 4
it ultimately didn't matter to the gameplay though, which is the point of playing the game, doubly so in a horror game where atmosphere and player interaction is crucial. If I wanted to read spooky stories I'd just read books.
The game was good up until the city parts. If the game ended before the city parts began, it would have been perfect.
I was more referring to the fact that the entire reason Seb gets involved in the case is because he's trying to find out what happened to his wife. That's revealed to you over the course of the game, and ultimately you find out what happened to her. But even though you're dealing with the very people that were involved with what happened to her, Seb never brings it up or seems to care. It's like he never found out the very information that the game forced you to have him pick up and read. The game finds it important enough to drip-feed you his personal motivation in even being here, but then the character does literally nothing with it. Stuff like that is why I found the characters really uninteresting. Like you said, he's just there to survive.
>literally nobody liked it 2bh
Speak for yourself
Currently doing an AKUMU run to get ready for the E3 announcement of 2. This game never gets old.
>I was more referring to the fact that the entire reason Seb gets involved in the case is because he's trying to find out what happened to his wife.
I might be forgetting that then.
I thought of Seb's family situation as more of a "lore" type a thing.
The gameplay changed up and vartied enough. It built on itself.
It also has one of the better upgrade systems ive seen in the genre
It just tells how Resident Evil would've turned into crap with or without Mikami.
The game is very much what would happen if Resident Evil and Silent Hill collided, and I loved it for that.
RE 3.5?
The first couple chapters were fun and unsettling, but the rest of the game falls flat because it becomes a generic 3rd person shooter and you have to go through waves of enemies to progress.
So, what do I spend my green goo on?
Should I upgrade one specific weapon over another?