Why did it get so popular
Why did it get so popular
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casual """""RPG""""
same as oblivion: sex mods
Normies liked the base game, and pc gamers liked the mods
because it is loads of fun and simple to play. you can just have fun playing it without having to open excel to calculate the best stats options.
>best stay options
Because Morrowind and Oblivion were very popular and successful... and the game is good.
>the game is good
>low polygon sex mods with terrible framerate, buggy, robotic animations and canned moans.
I played the game for ~150h. It was very fun and relaxing for me.
No other series offers an immersive rpg experience where you make your own character and explore a world at will.
>playing vidya on 2008 alienware
It's fun
I bought it twice
once for 360 and once for Steam
Is there a good leveling mod for Oblivion? Its kind of bullshit how I have to make a custom class so that all my main skills will be minor just so that I'm effective as I level up.
I'm guilty of this too
it's just fun, what other game can i make my own character and go do whatever I want?
Because it chaneled mascuiline energy into the beta gamers with its all male chorus and big muscled white warriors
But then all the betas play as big titted sluts.
How is it fun? Also, 150 is not a lot of play time for an RPG
Level scaling is less prevalent than in Oblivion. Thank Christ.
How is it fun
I just played Oblivion first time in 10 years or something today.
Holy shit that game is so much more fun than Skyrim, I didn't even use many mods
Tell that to the millions who played it on console.
go to bravil and buy an invisibility spell. voila, all of your problems solved. you should also restart and make a new character because if you're not using major skills to level up you're missing out on a lot of enemy variety.
Instead of changing the leveling system, just get a mod that removes enemy scaling (OOO for example). Blam, no more downsides for leveling up.
It sounds like you didn't like skyrim which is fine. If you can't find the game fun, it's just not for you man.
Vikings fighting dragons and nice looking cloud mountains and shit. Also a lot of replayability.
Enjoy getting the lesser versions of armor and weapons because you didn't autistically plan out your playthrough.
Same as smoking
1. It's addictive
2. It stinks
Less prevalent, but still visible enough to get really annoying when you reach higher levels. Nothing screams anti-fun more than a tomb full of Draugr Deathlords who will all shout your weapon out of your hands and take ridiculous amounts of punishment before dying.
Thanks mates I will do just that
The only response I'm getting is "the gsmrnis good because its fun"
What makes it fun
>it stinks
Looks like we have a dumb non-vaper over here, boys.
Replayability? There's zero replayability. Every playthrough is pretty much the same thing.
Don't do this
OOO is fucking shit
With it you're railroaded into a linear progression through the game world, and the starting out phase is incredibly retarded because the modder for some reason thought that populating the villages and areas around the imperial city with enemies 7 levels above you would be a good idea
I still remember going to kvatch and being attacked by a level sixteenth fucking bear who murdered the entire place before I ran the fuck away
I don't know man, if you played the game, you will know the answer. I find it fun because of the quests, landscape, soundtrack, characters, combat etc.
Yeah, searching the ground for your weapon is fucking awful.
Vapers are all massive faggots
You ever tried nexusmods.com
We're not, you're just a cylindrical cunt.
That's why I'm excited for Shadow of War, although I really like Skyrim.
its what people wanted: a fantasy rpg with no learning curve that kids could play and feel like they were going on an adventure. also a big sandbox world to fuck around in.
fus ro dah and arrow in the knee memes
How does it feel to know that everyone laughs at your habit? Sure, it's not as annoying as "brb smoke break," but it still resembles sucking a robo-dong.
Oblivion got a lot of awards and normies eat up "rave reviews"
Its an open world but its not a sandbox. A sandbox has various tools/options for the player(s) to create their own content with. Skyrim just has exploration and hitting things
delet this post it's triggering my ptsd
but you're absolutely correct
you can customise your home and with dlc build your own
Its pretty bad
Once again the progression system is completely fucked, without a level cap everyone is a master if all trades, there is no variety to make repeated playthroughs fun
The writing is complete shit, most of the quests are boring with exception of sanguine, it let's you join every guild without consequences
At least the visuals and gameplay were improved
no, that stuff is a side effect of already established popularity. most of you were born in 2000 so you're too young to remember that skyrim was a pretty big fucking deal even before it came out.
It's an OK idea on paper, giving enemies abilities that do other stuff than just direct damage usually makes combat more interesting. But in practice it fucking sucks, it's hard to find a fallen sword in all those dark corners of the caves and too often it just gets completely lost in scenery, possibly even clipping to some unreachable place.
I fucking loved Skyrim when it first came out. But after buying that scam Skyrim Special Edition bullshit I can't get back into it and I have slowly come to the realization that the game is shit.
Don't forget to mention the leveling slowed down by 200%
That doesn't make the game any more of a sandbox. "Creating content" is not just literally building things in the game. It should interact with the world somehow, like a dynamic war system. Skyrim doesn't have these things (without mods)
You take that back right now
It's easy to pick up and play and offered a big world to run around in.
The countless people with hundreds and thousands of hours of game time disagree.
Nope, why should i?
What does it do?
Can't access the page atm for some reason
Hey buddy, you enjoying those hard edges? OH WAIT
Dragon's Dogma is superior in nearly every way. If it had elves (like originally planned), more than one city, and a weather system; it'd be the ultimate action rpg.
Just a different highest rated overhaul that has maintains level scaling instead. Wondered if you had tried it
>low polygon
>terrible framerate
The others are partially true. Bugs can be avoided for the most part if you mod properly. OSex seems pretty good as far as animation quality goes but I haven't really used it.
literally everyone who does not vape thinks people who do are faggots
Oh, who am I kidding....
>blowing a cylinder shaped fluid container
>it makes weird noises
>it leaks sometimes
>it has resistance
No matter what anyone says you will respond like this. You do not like the game and that is fine.
I'm sorry ;_;
All they did was make it so that npcs always wear the same armor types instead of running around in glass and daedric. The health bloat and shit is still there, it's actually even worse than Oblivion because at least in that at high levels you would see new enemy types like minotaurs and dreugh. In Skyrim you just see the same types of enemies with the same equipment forever.
>21.4 million views
This undoubtedly helped.
It got more publicity than its predecessors did. Arena and Daggerfall were cult classics. Morrowind was the start of the series' transition to the mainstream, Oblivion continued that trend, and Skyrim completed it.
Come back, cylinder. I miss you.
With the trend of each TES getting more and more streamlined what more could they possibly do?
well it started with morrowind, dunno if it will stop
The power of marketing and hype.
because it's a better version of morrowind and oblivion. it's more engaging as a character driven experience than a screen full of menus can be. It has more variety in skills and makes playing a magic based class viable. It's a well executed trope story.
I have a little faith that they won't butcher it as bad as they did with Fallout 4 since they got a lot of shit for that.
They'll follow the money and make it play just like Skyrim. I'll take that over even further streamlining
Because ya'll get so fucking mad about it.
Yes. I'm sorry, I was projecting my own insecurities onto you. Sup Forums is nothing without cylinders.
Skyrim had the worst magic in the series though? It got boring as fuck because of the very, very little spell variety and lack of spell creation along with using a retarded book system.
>he still has faith
so young and naive
to be fair Todd even admitted that at least the voice acted protag was a mistake.
>tfw Skyrim feels small as fuck
Why must Falskaar be a piece of shit mod?
Aw shucks. All is forgiven, user!
What is TES's actual competition?
I want her to ASMR her tiddies in my earholes.
Yeah! Cylinders!
Brought back old memories:
>was a mistake but doesn't mean he gives a fuck about it or he will make something about it
Anyway, voiced protagonist or not, Fallout 4 was a shitty bland game, especially for an RPG even if it isn't one, but the voiced protagonist are related to the RPG side of the game, not the FPS side. Skyrim was also a shitty bland game, not as bad but you got a pretty good preview of a game without voiced protag.
Voiced protag doesn't excuse the shitty dialogue options and that wasn't entirely because of the voiced protag. Why have the character say the same thing three times but worded slightly differently?
It was free though?
>Because it's cheaper.
>It's less costly.
>Fewer things to write about which brings down the budget.
What did they mean by this?
Make a PF group in FF14
Enable "Recruit From Across Data Centers"
Comment = Oblivion > Skyrim
See pic
1. Major marketing push. Morrowind didn't have primetime commercials.
2. It was dumbed down enough for normies to play it without getting lost.
3. OMG Arrow to the knee HAHAHAHAHAHA
4. It's also fucking fun even though it's the worst in the series
I wasn't upset about it. They handed it out for free to anyone who had Skyrim + the 3 DLCs on PC.
See that mountain?
the Dark Brotherhood in Oblivion is so good. Then the Skyrim one is boring as fuck the entire time.
skyrim was amazing
if you think otherwise, youre just a shitter trying to be contrarian, with an opinion that holds no water
skyrim was the fundamental shift into all genres accepting open world gameplay
it also was probably the most important game last generation