Official art

>official art

How did they get away with this?

Other urls found in this thread:

They didn't.

What happened?

Gee I wonder who made this thread.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

get away with what ? she's 200 hundred years old

kys degenerated pedoshit

She's 80 years

What does kys mean?

You were allowed a pretty lenghty loli thread yesterday, aren't you satisfied?

Looks fine to me.

Im posting official art by arc system work a video games company that love to make fighting game on the video games board.

Why does video games make you so mad, user?

By not being a triggered fucking pansy like you

Kill yourself

The thirst of a lolicon knows no limits.

deus vult fellow 1488er!

I will allow this

don't forget to report any pedoshit


furries got hourly threads here for years

The game got a few sequels and a fairly sizable fanbase that loves it.

You're welcome.

cartoons aren't pedoshit you fucking retard

Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds...

>You were allowed

You couldnt even wait 10 minutes to repost your deleted thread?

I only report Sup Forums

Hello newfriend

It's Japan, there isn't any SJW fags looking for everything to be controversial over there
Though it is baffling to me sometimes how far Japan gets with loli stuff (not that I mind)

Why does 3DPD shit and furry threads get a free pass but video games loli threads doesn't?

checked and reported

Why are you pointing fingers at unrelated shit like a little bitch? Worry about your own threads.


Where did I state that I reported the thread? You seem really defensive about posting cartoon little children. Get help.

Who are you quoting?

kiss your shota, it means shotas are superior to degenerate loli art.

Why is this guy asking me to kiss a little boy while calling me a pedophile?

Im so confuse.

>micro bikinis
The best

Reminder that if you hate loli then you belong to the nu-Sup Forums cancer

does that dude really look like this or is it shopped lol poor guy

The anthro thread is a legit question about character creation, but much more importantly than that, it wasn't just made 5 minutes after an old thread 404d as a fuck you to the mods, so I don't know why you have a problem with it in the first place.

Link it.

Best Bikini maybe.

>not being a part of the racing swimsuit master race

Furry is Sup Forums culture and has always been allowed faggot pedo

Got deleted due to a literal shit-poster Sup Forums-tard that got triggered

Because it's a rule breaking furry thread for a specific fetish? Why are certain fetishes allowed threads and others not?