Tekken 7 is so busted on consoles that pro players literally have to pause the game and set it to 720p on PS4 Pro to...

Tekken 7 is so busted on consoles that pro players literally have to pause the game and set it to 720p on PS4 Pro to play it at a tournament.


Ontop of having additional input delay on consoles:


You're not dumb enough to buy Tekken 7 on consoles, right user?

PS4 Pro doesn't have the same issue though.

They were literally playing on the PS4 Pro at combo breaker, you retard.

>blames lag and sets it to 720p
>still loses anyway
>to a girl
The butthurt was glorious

Honestly this is quite concerning, but with any luck it will get patched. If you don't have a universal platform where will everyone play on?

There's a day one patch soooo???

this looks fine to me, fluid and smooth

fuckboy needs to git gud


I have no doubt the input lag will be patched. The ps4 is the tournament standard regardless of whether you dislike consoles.


And he still lost anyway, despite the resolution downgrade. Our boy just needed to git gud.

Boy it's gonna be real embarassing for you Tekkenfags if it ends up being 8 or more

Not if the xbox version runs better.

I can't wait for this game to come out and bomb. The shilling has been insane the past few weeks.

People have those?

hey I'm just hoping they fuck off to their own general on /vg/ once it comes out

don't really care if it dies eventually anyway

why would it run better on inferior hardware


Its getting patched day one. A none issue.

>source: my ass

I'm going to laugh my ass off when its completely broken on PC like Automata was.
>but it got fixed!!
And minuscule tekken 7 bugs on ps4 will be fixed much more easily and faster.

You're a fucking retard if you seriously believe this. Just to list you a few things that the PC version will do better than the console version:

>less input delay
>higher resolution
>all sticks supported
>faster loading times
>more players in EU

enjoy your denuvo, fag

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

and here we go

& im sure IGN won't lower the score, because when console games have problems, it's fine it will just get patched, but when a PC game has problems, 4/10 & PC gaming is shit

Consoles are the DRM you retard, also enjoy monthly fee for PSN

TTT2 was already insane in input lag. Like 10 frames or something. If Tekken 7 has even more, then we're reaching Ubisoft territory.

>input delay
No shit

Are you sure you don't mistake input buffer and input lag?

Is denuvo really that bad for ssd? Should i install this to norrmal hdd?

Literally Harada, faggot.

No. It's a 2 year old meme when denuvo first showed up and obviously sony friends have been laching onto it to justify their shitty version.

Denuvo is bad for all storage mediums because what it does is write and delete tons of data for DRM purposes.

and hackers.
Because that made dark souls online so fun.

Yeah. My HDD always goes nuts playing Denuvo games and there is this weird stuttering present in many Denuvo games.

Bamco cares more about your wallet than your experience.

Because that's usually a problem in FIGHTING GAMES, right? Oh wait, it isn't.

MVC3 was played on 360 in tournaments rather than ps3

street fighter 4 on pc had a lot of hacking.

doa 5 is unplayable in steam because someone made a bot that can react on frame 0 by reading memory.

So any benefit installing on ssd? Will have to wait in vs anyway for the other guys hdd to load, no?

this is literally false


Why the shit performance? Game can't be that demanding.

unreal 4

You're not dumb enough to buy fightan on PC, right user?

Yes because the 360 version runs better because it was better hardware. Put two and two together about this gen you stupid fag.
Hint:The PS4 is stronger than the bone.

Are you crying right now?

Why do you so desperately want Tekken 7 to fail? Are you unhappy with SFV and so you are employing some sort of crab mentality?

Just stating that buying fightan on PC is nonsensical and there is no high horse to stand upon. I have both console and PC and PC fightan communities die faster and are generally less populated to begin with.

I'd buy it on PC IF it had crossplay. But it doesn't.

Why are you defending the shit version of a game when the better one is cheaper?

>girl doesn't even say anything
>just sits there and lets man do whatever he wants
why are girls so beta

I have 800 hours on SF4 on Steam, I have never played a single hacker..

are you serious?

Bamco, unreal 4, arcade port etc...

>yes I'm crying because I have to play the inferior version

When you spread stupid opinions like that, people are bound to listen and avoid buying the PC version which in turn means an even smaller community.

Stop poisoning people's minds.

Btw. why no crossplay? Even the dumb niggers at capcom managed to do it.

>be a losing bitch
>blame it on the grafixxx
And this is why nobody wants to play fighting games competitively.

buying outdated hardware and playing in worse conditions because everyone else does it is nonsense

Sony sabotaged it.

Because this comes out for both Xbox One and PS4, and they cannot do cross across all 3 platforms. So they didn't want to favor one.

No idea, it was a fucking dumb move.
I think nips are just afraid of cross PC/Console interaction for some reason.

this is exactly why i want to play fighting games competitively. Can't blame it on your team mates, so the salt gets real.

I was actually talking about the obnoxious pro scene but whatever.

And you're trusting bloody Japanese PC ports? Might as well play Russian roulette.

Only a retard would buy a game for consoles if there's a PC version out

Doesn't rocket league do cross platform between all 3? Why can't other devs get it working?

doubt it, bamco is big enough to do what they want.

That's because Capcom has dedicated server to join both sides.
Namco don't.

No it doesn't, they wanted to but Sony cucked them.

should I get the regular version or deluxe edition? is that shit worth the extra almost 20bucks ?
for _PC

Yeah, because you surely will be able to fuck with sonys network however you want.

Only a retard would invest 1000+usd to play multiplats and ancient ports.

Ps3 was much more powerful. But the cell just made it a bitch to code on . mvc 3 was released later into the gen where that really wasn't the excuse anymore. Yet 360 was still the standard

And what kind of magic did capcom use on sony?

The magic of "we're not going to release our game on xbox".

what ports?

If Tekken only had crossplay between the ps4 and pc nobody would notice. who gives a shit about the xbone?

From what I've seen the only real ''exclusive'' part is the metallic costumes for all the characters.

I still bought the deluxe edition

The 20 million + people who bought a xbox one? It would completely kill their xbox one sales and rightfully so because bamco would literally tell them to go fuck themself.

You know that's not how it works right? Chaning the output resolution on PS4 does not change the resolution the game is rendered. It literally makes no difference in performance compared to PC

Ok but we're not talking about PS3/360 or are you just going to continue your autistic rant

Your reason is stupid.
Rocket league has PS4/PC crossplay and it also came out on Xbone

That s fucking false and you know it faggot

>the next fighting game made without any love
I wish guilty gear was more popular.

Nobody buys/builds a pc just to play games on.

The only thing arcsys loves is money. It's the third fucking version of the game but now with 2 extra characters for only 20 bucks.

that's why rocket league crossplay doesn't exist, sony won't allow it if their playerbase is higher

Why don't fighting game tournaments play the PC version of games?

Are you retarded, RL has crossplay

with xbox you retard, all platform crossplay, sony said no when xbox wanted it

Because you really dont want to set up a pc on each station.

I prefer PC, but that is a legitimate console advantage. You can easily set up a lot of tournament stations.

PCs are heavier and more expensive.

People buy Xbones?

PS3 version of Mahvel 3 was worse. It dropped inputs on occasion. This was confirmed.

>"hey thats not fair, the rig has a different graphics card than mine, it has 0.5 frames of lag."
>"hey thats not fair, the rig has more input lag than my pc"

To be fair, you could always just use a mini-ITX build.
Or a laptop.

think about it for a sec

do a 5 minute browse on the steam discussion forums faggot.

or a console that 90% of the player base is used to.

Nah PS3 was all around weaker than 360, you paid extra for the Blu-Ray drive

>not playing bootleg Tekken 7 instead