What does Sup Forums think of the Uncharted series?

What does Sup Forums think of the Uncharted series?

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I only played 4 and I liked it a lot

Pretty good TPS adventure games. I played the first 3. The first was good, the second was great and the 3rd was so so. I really don't know if I want to play the 4th. Naughty Dog has gone SJW ever since they released the TLOU DLC.

Sup Forums loves to shit on them but there on par with the jak series. both are decent imo

It's an ok movie I guess. Not even close to indiana jones though.


Gameplay matters folks

2 is pretty good

1 and 3 are kind of shitty

4 is meh

The gameplay was best in 4 though.

Cancerous Cinematic Crap

A thoroughly mediocre TPS mixed with some of the most boring platforming ever made (if you can even call it platforming)

4 is the only good game in the franchise

1 is bland but has funny glitches you can do.
3 is pretty good, if a bit random.
4 is too influenced by TLOU. It's not light-hearted like the others and doesn't have a funny bone in its body but otherwise it is good.

2 is nearly perfect video game. The pacing is masterful, and everything from the gameplay to the characters to the level design is top-notch. It's single-handedly the reason why people give a shit about this series to this day.

Genuinely overrated.

They are okay forgettable games that got too high scores. I would give them 60-70% ratings yet they got 85%< scores everywhere. I assume the people are just impressed by the visuals which are indeed nice. But what's the point if the gameplay is so incredibly linear and monotone? The platforming doesn't require any skill. You just point towards the next platform and press the jump button and the character makes the jump automatically. The """puzzles""" are insulting. You just read the diary that has instructions to solving the puzzle. Every time you progress to the next area there are enemies to fight. It happens so often that it quickly becomes a chore because there are only a few type of enemies and the shooting mechanics are not very enjoyable. So all that left is the mediocre and cliche story with cliche characters. The voice acting and motion capture is good though.

i'm tired of working on them

Pretty average stop and pop gameplay but i do love the car chase set pieces

It's trash.

Pretty good I don't mind action for actions sake

2 is the only good one.

>on par with the jak series.
Absolutely fucking not.

As someone who didn't like 1, or 3 and only thought 2 was okay, I was really looking forward to 4. It's a shame that I thought it was absolute garbage. this series is so fucking overrated. More-so than God of War.

Only played 1 and 2.

1 has aged terribly in some ways. Looks ugly and there's way too many repetitive enemy waves.
I can see why 2 got so much praise but it's fundamentally the same game except with better presentation and more environmental variety. The train setpiece was pretty good though.

Overall I thought they were okay. What annoys me is that nothing about them is really "amazing" except a couple setpieces here and there. The mechanics are incredibly shallow and the plot is cliche and lacks any semblance self-awareness. I know it's a video game based on Hollywood action movies, but I couldn't help but feel that Drake and co's happy-go-lucky attitude was in sharp contrast to the hundreds of people they slaughter in game. Yes it's technically "self-defense", but you can't rack up a body count that high without it being somewhat your fault. Drake should have some form of reaction to all the killing he does. Maybe he does in 3 or 4, I don't know.

gameplay in u2 is top-notch? how so?

braindead puzzles, traversal system that requires almost no input from the player, average shooting mechanics, everything is extremely linear and exploring is all about finding a place where you can start climbing

Probably has the most fun Multiplayer just like TheLOU it's really fun, and keeps me hooked with survival though 3 had the best multiplayer, and the f2p kept the game alive still to this day. The down system in 4 was not needed though

Decent, but has issues and the replay value is virtually nonexistent aside from the multiplayer

>Drake should have some form of reaction to all the killing he does. Maybe he does in 3 or 4, I don't know.
He doesn't, at all. I think the only times he's ever confronted about it is when the big bad brings it up like in 2 but then he just brushes it off.

1 was just good with a lot of potential

2 fixed almost every problem the first game had and added a lot more action to it. Best game in the series for me.

3 controlled like absolute shit when the game came out with some weird ass input delay. The story flowed like shit and it felt like an uninspired carbon copy or 2.

I tried so hard to like 4 but I got the game 4 days before release and didn't finish it until march of this year. It was so painfully slow and somehow worse than 1 and 2 for me.

For the life of me I don't understand why 2 is put on a pedastal and 3 is trashed by sonybro's.

They're all shallow spectacle driven setpiece games and 3 has better setpieces than 2 by a country mile. The plane and the sinking cruise ship are better than anything found in 2.

What does 2 have? A train ride that is similar to sequences found in tons of other games? Hell even Gears of War 1 has a similar setpiece to that.

Why do the bad guys have an entire army with them on an archeologic expedition when the only competition is Drake?

Because of the history of Drake taking down armies. The hope that one of them will be in the right place at the right time to beat drake in a scripted fist fight or point a gun at him when he feels like giving up.

I ahven't played any of the gamese since I got rid of my PS4 months ago, but I distinctly remember 3 being but fucking retarded in far too many ways. It had grandiose set-pieces just for the sake of having set-pieces. The plot ended up even taking a back seat just to show up a set-piece and it dragged the already bland game on for around 2 more hours than it should have. Not to mention that the plot progression was a 1:1 rehash of 2, which was already more or less a rehash of 1. The only thing 3 did better than 2 was lighting.



These are all cool details but do you even have the time to explore the world with the linearity and fast pace the game has?

4 is more open than the other games

Do you need to play 3 in order to get the story?

for only two levels, one of which is painstakingly short. Both of them are also barren.

Would be so much better if platforming required any degree of skill

Not really but you'll appreciate it more if you did

No. They're all fairly self contained.

Not really. The levels were too open with only a small handful of enemies, and that's if there were enemies. There was far too much climbing and segments where you just slowly walked and talked. The grapple also went largely underutilized to the point that I just consider it the first of the two climbing tools they introduced in this game.

Four just bored me to tears.

Find a better OTP.


in order to get the story, no. but you will have no knowledge of relationship between main character and other characters. that being said, I started with 4 and only recently played through the first trilogy and I don't feel like this was some kind of mistake. I intend to play though once more though.

So: it's better to start with the first game, but it's also better to start with the 4 one rather than not start at all. I guess you can also try one of the story recaps on youtube, but still the most important thing to know are the relationships between characters, the main plot is self contained in each game

Nate and Sully

Decent action series.
>inb4 some fat retard pops in and starts calling everyone a casual

>but you will have no knowledge of relationship between main character and other characters

What if I played 1 and 2?

1 - mostly just a shooting gallery with a crazy twist near the end. You're pretty much in this for the story
2 - Major improvement over the first in every way. Pretty much the game that made the series and the studio big
3 - has some great momements but a slight step down from 2. Some weird choices like walking in the desert for 5 minutes and the whole Nate and Elena making up and breaking up shit was annoying
Golden Abyss - Actually a good Uncharted game held back by Vita gimmicks.
4 - Best gameplay but worst pacing. They actually did a good job improving the gameplay but they make you wait a while to actually do it. Still I think it's the best in the series and has one of the best endings ever

Then you miss almost nothing. But I would recommend reading through the uncharted wikia page about Elena, so you will know what happened between them in the third game.

Fun action games, but nothing more than that. Writing is the smug "we're being so clever" genre, but there are occasional funny moments. I kinda wish they ripped off Indiana Jones more with a rotating love interest, rather than Nate and Elena's boring ass drama throughout the later games. Just Nate, Sully, and whoever Nate's fucking at the time.

I just want Nate's life

Played the first three basically in a marathon because I picked up a PS3 right before UC3 came out. 1 was alright, 2 was incredibly fun. Didn't enjoy 3 as much at all, probably less than 1. 4 was pretty good though, though pirate gold being the driving force of the plot felt kind of crappy.

How bulletproof are you?

In the first game it doesn't really make sense why they hired Eddy's pirates and an entire mercenary company. Unless Navarro had prior knowledge of the inbred zombie spainards. Plus I guess they needed people to cover the entire island and look for stuff.

In 2 Lazaravic was running a rogue Russian(?) section of the military trying to use the Chintimsni stone to become powerful. He didn't hire them, they were all in it together and he was thier leader.

In 3 it's basically British illuminati, but the numbers are excessive (unless they actually expected Drake to kill 100 goons) because they arnt even Searchonh huge areas, a single House and Castle don't need an army, although taking a huge convoy into the desert and lost city makes sense I guess.

In 4 it really doesn't make sense. Rafe was going to buy the crucifix somewhat legally, and search for clues. Help would have been needed but a Merc company doesn't seem very efficient (they even show how bad at archeology they are using dynamite to excavate the monestary). All the other "armies" had a connection to the main bad guy wanting the treasure, Navarro approached Roman with an oppurunity for finding El Dorado, in 2&3 the armies we already part of the bad guys organisations, in 4 Rafe specifically hired Nadine to help him even though she had no connection to the treasure.

I wouldn't say that, a lot of the combat arenas felt pretty open compared to 3.

>generic gameplay copy and pasted every game
>generic story copy and pasted every game

they're shit

Hey white guy, climb up this white thing then jump towards this other white thing then shoot these not white things.

Glad I saved myself money by watching the youtube movies.

I liked the movie.

>demo kiosk
>try it out
>walk a few meters, jump, climb
>cutscene starts
>cutscene ends
>people keep talking
>solve riddle
>people talk
>walking a bit, climbing

I don't understand why people praise it

Sonygers have shit taste and don't like gameplay.