How is Friday The 13th The Game? Is it worth $40? What are the problems with the game...

How is Friday The 13th The Game? Is it worth $40? What are the problems with the game, specifically with the ps4 version. Anyone willing to share play?

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it looks bad

Come back in about six months and ask again. It needs work

It's very fun as a Friday the 13th simulator but it's not balanced and isn't meant to be. If you're looking for a competitive esport get DBD, if you are looking to either attempt to survive a terrifying and overpowered supernatural killer, get F13. Most games no more than 2/7 counselors survive, in many games all 7 die. Personally I love it and if you are a fan of the F13 films it's amazing.

With that said the servers are having terrible issues and you run the risk of not being able to play much until it's fixed. Which could be a couple more days still.

Also only get it if you have a mic and are willing to be social. Voice communication is super important in this game.

Ignoring server issues I love it and give it a solid 8/10. Totally worth 40 bucks for me.

Played 25 hours, including 12 hours starting 1 minute after launch.
The game has a lot of issues, but is fun. It's a hide and seek game where you have to find car pieces, fuses and boat pieces to try to escape before Jason kill you.

The game has a lot of problems right now, but nothing that cant be fixed. The biggest problem right now is the servers crashing.

Gameplay wise, the biggest problems is the E smashing and the Teleport grabbing. There is a couple of known bugs that will probably be fixed soon ish.

Actually I didn't think about the e smashing, that is annoying. I don't like mashing with my left hand. They should make it left click smashing and I'd be okay with it.

Nah they should make it a skill check based on strenght. E Smashing does nothing.

Game is definitely fun. Ruined by servers at the moment.

If the devs actually put some work in polishing it further and fixing bugs, the game will be fantastic.

I'd rather it was a hold button. A straight up check is dumb.

That might work. I don't mind the concept of mashing to get up faster/escape, E is just an awkward button for it. They should maybe combine the 2, higher strength just gets a boost. Strength does seem a little worthless right now since I don't think it even gives a stun bonus, just damage.

A good game soiled by incompetent devs. An online multiplayer game is clearly too ambitious for a small team that got funding from Kickstarter.

why is this even a thing anymore, does anyone like it? outside of mario party it should fuck off forever

It's worth it for the waifus alone

Thanks for the feedback, I really like F13th, I've seen all 12 movies and enjoyed most of them so I know I'd probably like the game but I think I'm just going to wait until they fix the servers / whenever the storymode comes out.

Is this better played using a gamepad on pc?
Looks like it for the most part but aiming knives and map teleporting might be a little more cumbersome

The game is straight up fucking broken. Its FILLED with game break.bugs,shit har makes you just close the program. Literally stealing your money

Don't know, haven't been able to to find a fucking match on the Xbone.

Aiming knives sucks fucking dick with a mouse anyway. I don't know how anyone can do it.


>Chad players
>Vannessa players
You can't name two worse things that exist in this world

>not maining Chad
Get the fuck out of my face.

Has it been confirmed that SP is going to be a storymode? I assumed it would just be the same as multiplayer but with bots.

Just text the other 3 people with xbones and tell them to start matchmaking at the same time. You guys can do it!

Chad is great if you like luring Jason to everyone else with his shit composure and leaping out of a window to leave everyone else to die. That's it, he's a male Vanessa.

>is it worth 40 dollars
it's worth less than 5 dollars

When I tried to do that, my game stopped connecting to the server all together.
Gonna try again later tonight.

slasher games with 1 game mode are never worth over $20.

It would be but I can't figure out how to use push to talk with a gamepad.

>Haven't gained any exp since Yesterday morning
>Level now stuck at 0
I was one game away from unlocking Part 2 Jason, I'm pissed

Yeah, they said it will be coming out later in the summer.

It's plenty fun, just a bit shakey when it comes to technical side of things right now. Still definitely worth it.

Not worth the 40 by far. There is no content, controls are clunky as fuck, jason feels unfun strong (Can tp and warp next to you and grab for instant kill, that as far as I can see can only be stopped by predicting he is coming and attacking thin air as he shows up), 3 'maps' that all feel and look the same, bugs everywhere, massive server issues, its early access without the tag.

I wanted to like the game, but for 40$ there is no way I can say its worth, its a early access game thats worth about 20 at best.

I exclusively play Chad. You're just mad you can't be a normy Chad like me plowing roasties all day and selling out other counselors to save my own skin. The Chad life ain't easy.

Those all suck, retard

Some people have to be sacrificed for the greater good.

Use the clunky as fuck Looking for Group thing, you can find games.

a friend bought it for me. its boring as hell

not worth 40.
there's gonna be a sale in October for sure though, friday the 13th and all.

They need to up and add Tina Shepherd so that you can summon her dead dad to kill Jason when he's in the water.

It's a lot of fun when it actually works. But the launch is a mess. Wait a week for the devs to get their shit together.

why didn't they just call it early access

Its a 12$ game being sold for 40$

Because most of the problems with the game are server/authentication related. The core game works just fine without too many bugs.

>12 movies
>still no part 13