So why does everyone care about this childrens' platformer anyway?

So why does everyone care about this childrens' platformer anyway?

nobody does

Believe it or not, it was a great series until it got trashed after Warped

There's a lot of buzz around these games right now, and I don't get it.

But, it's just your average platformer. Nothing to it...

It's fun and it's coming back.

>crash remakes get announced
>first gameplay footage shown
>it looks like shit
>W-who cares about kiddy platformers anyways??

t. Nintendamigo.

I just don't get it. I played the first game. Nothing really special when you get down to it.

Who still cares about kiddy platformers after the ps2 died?

Nostalgia. No matter how much of a product of its time it is, I can appreciate platformers becoming relevant again

> children's platformer

Is there a single platformer you don't consider for children?

Besides, they're not for children, but for everyone.

If it was nostalgia, they wouldn't have remade it, but just ported it over.

I want Ape Escape 4.
Fuck you, Knack.

Literally 20 year old game but with fucked up mechanics and aesthestics.

>I can appreciate platformers becoming relevant again

... You know what, just fuck you. I'm not even going to say why, because you know why.

I want neither. Fuck them. Crash for life.


Because it's the last resort sonygnogs have.
Crash was never good and nothing will change that fact.

Shovel knight? It was good.

And you can't name a single one, because you didn't play them.

Crash has got to be the most dated 90's mascot in existence, and a testament to Naughty Dog's history as trend chasers falsely attributed with trend setting.

well, you see ryzard, the crash bandicoot is a game created by the government to brainwash our youth. the global agenda is to make the people into sheeple and those who are on top will rule the galaxy. /thread

1) It's boring

> fact

I believe there's an age limit here.

Wait. Fuck. It's summer, isn't it?

Don't mind that guy, he's just trying to bait, don't get baited

>there are people who actually believe the summer meme is still a thing after 2011

As if Sup Forums is better when it isn't summer. Gimme a break.

Reply to the wrong post there, champ?


It clearly is, when you can't even see the glory of our lord and saviour Crash Bandicoot.

Only the most wicked of people would utter the words you do.

I'll be praying for you, son.

Don't call me that, or you'll live to regret it.


Who gives a fuck what you don't understand?

You, because you got baited haha

You don't have to. People have different opinions, tastes and interests. Not everything has to appeal specifically to you in order to be allowed to exist.

I loved the first two and Warped kinda pushed me away from the series. These games are just now getting hyped up again after fading away for many years. I remember being laughed at for mentioning it as a top game just a few years ago. Now, game hipsters are taking it to another level.


YouTube ecelebs pumped it. That's why Sup Forums keeps talking about it

Who cares about Crash?

mario odyssey the only thing 3d platforming has to look forward to