Nintenbros get an upscaled 3DS rehash with eye-bleeding low-poly models

>Nintenbros get an upscaled 3DS rehash with eye-bleeding low-poly models
>Monster Hunter 5 will be coming to PS4 Pro in 4K and 60fps, HD assets galore
Enjoy your scraps while you can.

Other urls found in this thread:

Back the fuck off ???

>Monster Hunter 5 will be coming to PS4

>this shit again

This is old and already proven to be fake.

>No source
Nice try

>PS4 will get Monster Hunter: The Movie: The Game by Capcom Vancouver

keep wishing then bro. Not happening.

That wont happen because Capcom is lazy as fuck and will do anything to keep the visuals lowpoly on MonHun.

I dont even know what it is about the image, whether its the lighting or the models that makes it look like shit.

XX already released on the 3DS, right?

Not like it's releasing outside of Japan anyway, it's not worth wondering if they'd release both 3DS and Switch like they did for 3U.

>it is time to take a look back at an earlier rumor from Sup Forums that stated that Monster Hunter 5 might be PS4 exclusive
>rumor from Sup Forums

never ever

>Played MHFU and P3rd on PSP
>Have PS3 and play P3rd HD
>Have 3DS and play 3U
>Have Wii U and play 3U HD
>Have N3DS and play 4U
>Have N3DS and play Gen
>Have Switch and PS4 Pro

Is it so hard to own all systems?

That's some quality journalism these people do.

Sup Forums is mostly made up of underages who still have to ask mommy to buy their games for them.

>open world
>no timer
>no missions
>think this is true
>even if it is, thinks it's Monster Hunter

To be fair, it's consolewar bait so you can safely assume the guy's never played a Monster Hunter game.

>HD assets
hol' up

Sorta pisses me off the game will still look like shit because Capcom is lazy as fuck and will never make a proper HD MH. Will be just as lazy as the Tri Wii U port.

>two sets of ears

Fucking retarded

Many people here are children and manchildren with no job or money to pay for their own consoles, and of course their parents only allow them to get one console per generation.
Fucking plebs.

>PS4 MH5

Honestly the only thing I ever needed was a higher render resolution. The graphics don't matter but a higher res helps a shitton with visibility and being able to use a bigger screen makes it easier on the eyes for longer sessions.

I don't even own a Switch.Yet.
I'll probably buy a PS4Pro if MH5 actually goes on it.

The rumor came from a dude who predicted MHG, MHXX and the Switch release correctly.

The post was anonymous, you dipshit.

>New Monster Hunter
>On PS4

Look at him! Look at this pathetic man and laugh!

You fuckwits know how rumours work, right