What are some games where the good guys lose?

What are some games where the good guys lose?

Persona 2


Rising Storm 2
Battlefield Vietnam


Friendly Reminder that Hitler did nothing wrong.

Fallout 4.

>american imperialism

Actually, any good war games focused on the Eastern front of WWII?

Either FPS, RTS, or TBS.

I actually agree with you.
commie scum dont deserve to win

There's two ways you can take this

>The good guys


Real Life

>be american
>invade a country
>get shot

To be fair, during the Cold War, America were indeed the good guys. Communism is a Jewish plague. They were just the stupid good guys, so they were duped.

Well I have been playing Red Orchestra 2 lately since they gave it out for free. I'm honestly surprised a 2011 game was still alive even before the giveaway.

Well both aren't wrong

America lost the Korean War, and Vietnam.


I love watching you wehraboo shits get blown the fuck out


hitler dindu nuffin


Vietnam yes, but South Korea still exists, so the war isn't lost, in fact it still isn't over

The US never learnt. They even got to watch the Soviets lose in Afghanistan after they lost in Vietnam and they still went into Iraq

Korea was a stalemate.

Steel Division: Normandy '44

Steel Division

Hitler and his incompetent country deserved to lose and be disassembled

Brits a best

Against post WW2 China. What an embarrassment, might as well be a loss. That's like letting the the special Ed kid score a hoop in a game of basketball.

>Scotland in charge of not getting nerfed every patch

Hearts of Iron, senpai-a-lam. You know it's true. I know it's true. Let's not mince words here.

The greatest mistake of the common man's analysis of history the notion of Hitler as a pied piper who seduced the German people and destroyed their country. On the contrary, Hitler and his ideology were the ultimate expression of everything German. Inside the heart of every individual belonging to the so called Germanic race is a ruthless, paranoid, insecure, self pitying totalitarian pervert whose means of compensating is projecting the collective insecurities of his people onto whatever the supposed "other" was convenient for him at the time, in this case the Jews. The German ideology is not positive. It does not build, but only seeks to destroy. What these barbarians do not understand is that if they had their way and all the "degenerates" were gone they would be left to themselves. These sorry excuses for human beings would be cold, afraid, empty inside, and have no one to blame. Truly a horrifying fate.

The vanilla version of world in conflict.

Final Fantasy XV, the game where the good guys and the players both lose.

>It's another Sup Forums knows nothing about history episode.

And we were better off for it. Gee golly, do I love Arabic. Yey, Jews still exist. Hot damn!

Let's be honest for a second.

If Hitler had won, the world would be a much better place today. We wouldn't have trannies, and libtards and SJWs running around, we wouldn't have international terrorism, Europe would be prosperous and shitskins would be kept out, we'd have much more advanced technological progress, jewish influence in the media wouldn't be a thing, women wouldn't be so hypergamous, etc... Saying "fuck white people" would result in swift death.

Let's face it, yeah, we got the worst timeline. The west is headed for decay, and had Hitler won, things wouldn't be so bad today.

Killing germans with dustbins will always be fun.


Shouldn't have started a fight you couldn't finish then cuntface

the cold war
the korean war
the soviet-afgan war