When will mascott platformers have their renaissance?
When will mascott platformers have their renaissance?
Man I really liked the triology and the spinoff, that was set in an alternative timeline.
>that was set in an alternative timeline.
it was fanmade, so they let loose a bit.
These things come in cycles, so maybe 30 years from now. Fuzzy protagonists just don't seem to be the "in" thing at the moment, so they aren't likely to take off regardless of how good the game is.
I think if crash does well it'll spark some interest desu. These companies all like to piggyback off each others ideas
I don´t know what it was, I only know that the real story ended with 3.
How was infamous 2? Did they got the charme of the sly cooper games? I also didn´t played the other iterations, but I really liked this enemy is "gang-theme" in 1.
This year has a lot of platformers (Yooka-Laylee, Sonic Mania & Sonic Forces, Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy, Super Mario Odyssey, etc). If they all do well, then maybe it'll keep the momentum up.
trie, i remember times when RTS were all the craz, then FP shooters, what's recent trend?
Why doesn't Sly wear pants?
MOBAs, you dumb nigger.
STILL? oh man, it's been like, 5 years now.
Ape Escape 4 when?
Furries aren't enough, i want my 3 shotas and loli to return
Overwatch is causing people to flock to that fps/moba hybrid now, just wait, there's gonna be tons of clones of that shit
future gaming sounds boring
but he does
No, he doesn't. He wears boots, tho.
When Yooka Laylee comes out and shakes the genre up OH WAIT
it's a secret
The "Sly wears pants" meme is almost as bad as the "Lucario wears pants" meme. Almost.
He should have thick thighs, wider hips and a big butt haha
in the movie trailer he does wear the pants
He's fine the way he is right now
more like SLUT cooper
So is his movie dead or what?
Oh boy here we go
postponed i guess, looking for new director iirc after that R&C flop.
What's worse?
>Furry in disguise threads
>MLP in disguise threads
>fags who bump these threads
>fags who bump these threads
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