Gimme point and click games pls

so I've been playing i have no mouth and i must scream and so far its been one of my favorite purchases this year, but I'm wondering if there are more games like this. ones with existential horror, ones which challenge the ideas of basic morality and such. its such an untapped genre for point and click games sadly.


10/10 game my dude, I have nothing that's point and click to recommend sadly

I would recommend LISA if you have the chance though

Try Primordia

shit wasnt expecting such quick responses. thanks mates, ill give these all a shot as soon as i can :)

>one of my favorite purchases this year
Why did you purchase something which is literally free?

Harlan Ellison deserves a happy retirement

i bought it from steam on a whim and didnt go searching for better prices because i was feeling a bit flippant with my money at the time.

You didn't know that literally every PC game is free?

Sup Forums unironically asking for walking simulator recs now

>b-b-b-but its fine cus its old

stop bringing down the overall quality of the website, ironic shitposting is still shitposting

thank you

oh right, he should've said nostalgia walking simulators

I dont usually pirate stuff, i dont see a need to outside of when a game is banned in my country/devs are prics

Have you played this one OP?

Chains of Satinav and Memoria

Play in that order.

>puzzles with multiple endings are the same thing as walk from a to b

Beneath a Steel Sky

The Last Door

No i have not, im pretty new to point and clicks as a whole so i havent played too many.

Check it out.
Also Black Mirror, very good murder mystery.

Sam & Max: Hit the road
Day of the tentacle
Simon the sorcerer 1 & 2

Samefagging but...


Crap, that game is obligatory

sherlock holmes games
valiant hearts

i've played, but how do I fix the resolution problem ?