How the fuck do i git gud as Mccree? His long range damage is laughable, but if i get close to someone i instantly die...

How the fuck do i git gud as Mccree? His long range damage is laughable, but if i get close to someone i instantly die. I can't seem to get anything done.

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only ever shoot 'em in the head.

Switch to Soldier.

flashbabang and right click you dumbass

You have to shoot the enemy players with your gun until they mortally succumb to their wounds

Quit playing bad games

Learn to flick, really hope you're playing on PC

Also aim for the cranium. Shots to the brain will quickly take out any hostile players.

Multiplayer games have very few players on PC.

Also you should try to get the high ground and shoot from vantage points as much as possible. However, keep in mind that you shouldn't spend too much time flanking around if you don't need to be, remember that Overwatch is an objective based game.
Also I feel that a lot of McCrees tend to be too much of pussies in skirmishes; just flashbang, fan, roll, and fan again.

what the fuck

Are you regretting falling for the PC meme now?


that not true at all. Que are never over 1 minute. averaging 20-40seconds.


Less players but it's easier to play. If you're using a controller use Soldier 76 over Mcree, the way sim assist works and the limitstions of a stick means it's easier to keep your cross hair on or around your target as opossed to how Mcree is played and how flick aiming works with a mouse where you want to quickly snap onto people

Console wait times are only 5 seconds max, enjoy your wait times on your dead ass game PCfat.

Are you stupid? Because you sound really stupid right now.

>tucks thumb into fist


>denying reality
Consoles objectively have more players in multiplayer games.

Take Battlefield 1 for example:

Now compare CS:GO PC and console.

CSGO on consoles doesn't get updated, of course it isn't going to have a player base. Nice false equivalency though.

>Comparing two shooters
>False equivalency

Ah, okay. You can cherry pick but I can't. I see. Great argument here. Certainly not shitposting.


You have never actually been near a PC in real life, have you Sonybro?