What games actually get the retro aesthetic right?

What games actually get the retro aesthetic right?

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Left is trying to be artsy, not retro though.

Random thought, but does it annoy anyone else when indie devs try to do 2600/NES/Gameboy visuals as their art style, and not even do it well?

If you are going to go sprite based, at least do Genesis/SNES/Neo Geo levels where shit actually looked decent.


Shovel Knight?



The atari 2600 was basically designed to play Pong, and that's it.

You have to understand how fucking limiting that piece of garbage was. You can barely even call it a console. That picture you posted takes up more memory than a 2600 game could.

Super Pitfall is literally the magnum opus of 2600 games. It is the fucking pinnacle, the peak of what you could achieve on that console. And even the shittiest NES game is more technologically advanced.

I thought Shovel Knight's aesthetic was "good retro". It used the pixel style but it was detailed and didnt have obnoxious effects and had pretty subdued colors so it didnt irritate.

that guy's 38kb image is actually 10 Atari 2600 games

i remember downloading an atari 2600 emulator years ago. so fucking disappointing. it was my first emulation experience. trash.

yes, and?

Dad had an Atari with a ton of games. Ms. PacMan was the pinnacle not fucking Pitfall. What was even the objective of Pitfall? I never understood it. Run right and don't hit logs or else your console starts making grinding noises and your score shoots down.

the fuck is a retro?

gay furry pedo games got you senpai

what game?

>Not river raid
Pleb ass bitch


Definitely not Undertale it sucks


demoscene stuff can be impressive, but they should pretty much never be taken as indicative of what could be accomplished for a game

Alwa's Awakening was alright as far as indie-nes wannabes go, gets a bit tedious if you try to 100% but alright