>No VR
>missing out on a lot of exclusive DLC.
>updates come leisurely instead of inmediately like in Japan.
Man, Team Ninja really fucked over non-japanese customers, didn't they?

[spoile]on a side note, Helena is a GODDESS[/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:

>No vr
The worst part is, I don't think the ess jay dubyoos have anything to do with that...

Who cares, it doesn't have Tina and Lisa, you deserve to be duped.

I've always suspected TN just used that as an excuse because they were just lazy and didn't want to spend the extra money. X3 is cheap as fuck and it shows.

Silly OP, that's not how you spell Nazitomi user

>No Tina
>No Lisa
>No Mila
>no slot machines
>generic music since they couldn't get the rights to anything instead of the perfect soundtracks from the old games

Honoka and Marie were both big fat mistakes, and so was DOAX3.

Asia is very conservative. DOAX3 was rated 18+ on their PSN. Putting the player virtually in the same room as a girl was too much.

Call me retarded, but I always thought Honoka and Marie were added for the wrong reasons.

Marie is pseudo-loli added to the roster for the most transparent of reasons, given a contrasting fighting style because 'lel small girl fighting like a grown man'. Her age is just enough to make closet pedos feel alright with themselves, but she's still considered underage in her home country, so everyone's happy. Her costumes even hint at it. She's a loli wearing lolita. She's got zero personality and barely any ties to DOA's already weak plot.

Honoka is even worse. She's underaged with oversized cow tits, the same lack of a personality Marie had and then on top of all of that her fighting style is just everyone elses. I know the Edgemaster type character is a staple in fighters, but it's just like Team Ninja to stick it on their obligatory ultra-fanservice character.

Too bad she's got half nip blood.


Marie could not have more of a girly fighting style.

Otherwise I agree. The characters after Itagaki left are all shit and Marie and Honoka are the worst of it.

They're business decision characters, that's all.

Pretty much the reasons I don't like them. I loved how the series kept adding new but actual fighting styles with each game, 3 especially.

They're not that fun to play as, character designs are quetionable, and yet they became the go-to girls for advertisement.

I'd enter Hitomi's gas chamber, if you catch my drift.

I'll maybe agree but i'll have to see the sales of that warriors showelware they'll be in.

I want to commit a crime.


Dont you know that the jews fear the samurai?

I thought it was funny how they hyped up Mila so much for 5, but threw her tomboyish ass to the side the second. Marie and Honoka showed up.

I recall a lot of bragging about "characters having more unique faces' and slightly more realistic and varied bust sizes. but as SOON as the sales decline here come Loli-chan and Honkers with their moe uguu and fetishes.

>imported asia version at launch because it has english menus
>japan version is the only version that gets VR

It clearly looks like they reused the area from Xtreme 2 and they couldnt even be bothered to add jetskis.

Sure, weeb.

Everything you said also applies to Nyotengu. She's worse than Marie or Honkers though, since she doesn't even have a name.

Anyone have pictures of Helena with the new cowgirl outfit?

>looks like

There are literally no new areas in the entire game, X3 is a reimaging of X2, not even an enhanced port considering how much content was cut.

Nyotengu = "We want the monster musume audience."

Are there any futa mods yet

>updates come leisurely instead of inmediately like in Japan.
There's no more updates, silly user, it's dead.

>missing out on a lot of exclusive DLC.
>a lot
The _only_ missing DLCs I can think of is VR, and 2 suits from Anniversary Event.

They probably gutted X1 due to how much shit was cut

I was planning on importing the Asian-English version if it got PSVR support, since there's no lewd games on the plarform (Summer Lesson isn't fappable). I don't know if DoA is an outlier, so I imported the new Senran Kagura, just in case. SK's models pale in comparison to Honoka's honkers, but hopefully I can at least get a hardon from SK VR.

At least we have HS with all girls

I don't even care about any of that. I just want VR...

I just wanna fuck Lisa and Tina

the hell is this?

What's stopping you?

Bee-Jizz Choicemake

Commie chinese pinkos. Totalitarian leftist ideologies are responsible either way. Can't blame TN on that one, even if we can for being lazy on everything else.


>She's underaged with oversized cow tits

Ayane was 16 up until DOA5, and for the longest time had the second largest tits after Tina. Not much difference in height between her and Honoka either (5'2" to 4'11")

Ayane at least has a story, blatantly superior design aside.



>Dead or Alive 6 never
>Even if it does come out, Marie and Honkers will be the flagship characters

Pretty much. They're both pandering to different groups. With Marie they can point to her now and say "Hey, not all the women in our game are big breasted bimbos!". It serves dual purpose of appealing to lolifags as well.

Then Honoka is a complete 180 and is literally the biggest breasted, airheaded bimbo they have ever created. Pretty sure the only thing we knew about her pre-release back when they teased her was that she was going to have the biggest tits of any DOA girl to date despite only being large because of the shrunk DOA5 standard. That was basically her selling point.

They turned Tengu into a girl for similar reasons. All about getting those neetbux.

Marie was added because sweden was retarded and called the series child porn because a few of the characters were under 18.

That's why she looks young, is from sweden, and is 18.

Swedes ruined DOA

Best thing to come out of DOA5 desu.

That's a cute theory but she's really only in there because it was a smart idea to include a gothic lolita.

Is there a guide to get Honey Select and these cards?

Hitomi is a good girl, she would never harm anybody.

Nyo, Marie and Honkers are all dlc characters though. They haven't updated the story mode of DOA5 for them, so they don't have much connection yet beyond a brief description (she's Helena's servant/pet, she's a mimic with some connection to Raidou, she's a tengu with some connection to Bankotsubo).

When and if TN ever stop with the dlc jewery and make DOA6, they'll probably be more involved with the overarching storyline. It took Lisa 4 games to actually become relevant at all.

I only wish someone actually modelled the clothes, I feel like it's some cosplayer rather than the DOA girls

Yes this is incontrivertible proof that Marie is a jab at Sweden

Which clothes? Their default outfits? Pretty sure there's some DOA clothing mods but I guess its mostly just swimsuits and stuff. I know I have ones for the venus and fortune along with Kasumi's pink bikini and Tina's cape nightie thing.

Roy(the guy who ported all the DOA girls) is now working on clothing ports and patreon requested characters now that hes done with the DOA cast. You can get a decent chunk of the swimsuits from other modders as well.

In the thread over at /h/

More than ahandful of outfits were ported though.

>Drinking this much Sup Forums kool-aid

Anyone who honestly thinks they'll replace Kasumi, Hayate, Hayabusa and Helena as the story leads clearly hasn't been paying attention.

It's a sign of how sameface girls are if they are all able to be modeled in HS this easily.

Goddammit Team Ninja we just want at least Tekken variety. Is it much to ask for?

no? it just means he figured out how to port the mesh

They all use custom meshes and textures and you need a bodymorph mod for them to not look fucked up. Please learn about what youre talking about before posting.

Aren't they modded in?

The head meshes were all individually ported with lots of work invovled, they aren't sameface at all.

She could also be considered a backhanded reply to all the people over the years who constantly griped about all the DOAs being stacked.

There is plenty of evidence that Sweden's actions influenced her creation, however, including her birthday being Sweden's National Day

Ayane's breasts should be at least twice their current size.

More Tina please


Honkers is a nasty bitch

Nyotengu is a nasty, nasty bitch.


From her 5 or X3 model? I'd say X3 is almost twice as large as her 5 model and it looks like a good spot to me.

Marie can lick my nasty ass, with her nasty tongue.

X3 model.

I would've bought a PSVR if the Asian version of DOAX3 had VR. In a way, I'm thankful that Team Ninja is saving me $500.

I want to fart on her face.

How would she even remain upright?

Now, Tina and Kasumi definitely need enlargements.

All her ninja training will help her with it.

Agreed. Even in X3 Kasumi is too small. What they did to Tina in 5 was a tragedy. Thank fuck for that beach paradise mod that repairs the damage.

Indeed. The silicone-filled 90s style female wrestler was Tina's thing.



Honoka isn't an Edgemaster, she's a Necrid

DOA5 was the best and it was an absolute jackpot for Lisa and Tinas design.


The free anime swimsuits go away in two days.




Cash up-front, mister.

Can we go bigger?



>What have I told you about negotiating your own contracts?


Where might I find the uncensored version of this?

Just get Beach Paradise OP.


Do you fags actually enjoy this shitty "game"?
I played the free to play version for a bit because I'm a faggot I guess but it's so insanely boring it's just the same 5 minigames over and over so you can grind to see a bit of side boob with 1000$ worth of DLC.

You could spend 0$ instead by going on nhentai or something and have a much better time fapping to Ayane that way.

more like this

>You will never yank the dangling jewels to look at her nipples before she covers herself

You do realize that 99% of the dlc for X3 was free right? You're confusing it with DOA5.