Is there ever a time when a defense hero is the best choice, or are they all outclassed by offensive DPS?

Is there ever a time when a defense hero is the best choice, or are they all outclassed by offensive DPS?

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Widow is top tier.

The attackers like phara and reaper work as defense as well

No she isn't. Not at any level of play.

t. Bad player

Hanzo and Widow should be removed from the game because for 99% of the playerbase they are a dead pick, waste of a slot.

I like junkrat

Torb and Symmetra are broken desu
Dps with 350 hp, real fucking nice.

Even the best players in the world are rarely picking her right now man.


Mei shits on all the offense characters besides Pharah

hes the funnest of the bunch and he triggers all the metafags autism. its like a 2-for-one deal at walmart

Literally whenever you want. Stop taking this game seriously.

Stick to single player games if you're not willing to do whatever it takes to win at all times.
Don't waste my fucking time.

Junkrat is the only one that is good out of that list

I've taken it causually for a while. I want to do one tryhard season and then probably shelf it.

Symmetra is thebest defense hero.

>Attacking or defending
>Team already has Reinhardt.
>Go Bastion
>Follow Reinhardt around
>Deploy whenever possible
>Shred other team at best
>Temporarily hold other team back making it easy for my team to push at worst

I don't like playing as either of the other defenders, but Bastion is fucking boss.

Mei is the only one that is good i nearly all situations. She sees about as much use as the main offense characters.

Bastion and Torb are situational as fuck. If the map and team work with them, they can be top tier, but it requires total cooperation so good luck.

Junkrat only works when there is nothing to counter him. In my experience, he can absolutely shit on everyone if played right. Problem is, the moment a Pharah or Zarya shows up, he is totally unplayable. He is the most hard countered class in the game.

Hanzo and Widow are sniper shitters and only exist because you "all shooters need snipers meme". They are fucking useless.

Like any character, its situational

offense DPS is more about survivability in addition to damage, whereas defensive DPS is either about shitting out a ton of damage or high damage to precise targets at the cost of survivability.

That's not exactly the simple answer you were looking for, though.

>Hanzo and Widow are sniper shitters and only exist because you "all shooters need snipers meme". They are fucking useless.

I have to painfully disagree with you. As much as I fucking hate getting killed by snipers. I have to admit. I love playing as bastion, and without those snipers, I could just sit at any high point in a game and stay deployed all day.

Torb is best because if you're even somewhat competent, you can abuse the instant lock-on damage by hiding it far away and letting it take pot shots for you, usually around the corner so your team can shoot them while they're off trying to deal with the constant dps.

Also his gun is the shit and will fuck everyone up, all the time. Using that to wipe half a team and then hitting Q to kill the rest is the best.

To be fair, Sym is the best defense, but there's a glitch that labels her as support.

>tfw you can never play Torb on koth maps without your team going full retard and shitpicking in response.

He's fucking good but no one gives him a chance

Play a real competitive game, pussy.

Make that 100% of the playerbase, they have 0% pickrate in actual tournaments.

Well widow has some rare picks, hanzo is never picked though

They are both severely underpowered especially in a dive metagame

>being this serious at a casual strategy game
Why tho? There are better things to spent your time and effort on.

The only time I get down on a torb player is when they lose their turret the first time and then just keep dying trying to set up a new one.

They waste SO much time and leave us effectively down a player while they keep failing to read the situation properly.

Nope all of them are dumpster tier, literally the whole category

I dont know how blizzard is this bad at balancing

But as long as tracer, winston and genji are meta, the whole defense category will be garbage since they shut them down too hard

Torb can make Tracer and Genji feel bad sometimes.

Yeah but he is still shit vs coordinated dive comps

If the tracer and genji is going in alone and getting fucked by the turret, they are just bad.

torb can make a good genji feel bad like, once. Then unless he swaps turret positions it's gonna get taken out.

That they can reliably shut down another shit tier character doesnt make them good.

A soldier can easily shut down a bastion just as well btw, impossible to miss helix rockets on a stationary target.

Go play comp autismo

I love goingntorbnand wrecking people with his gun while people are focused on the turret
Too easy

>play teamgame
>dont want to play in a team

You pick Mei when you're losing and you just want to frustrate the other team due to pettiness, and that's it

Bastion is still pretty bad, even after the rework. Hes better than before but still easy to deal with and just outclassed by other dps

Hanzo and Widow can actually be really good if you can hit shots, but both of their ults are on the low end. Barriers being everywhere doesn't help. In general most DPS are way more reliable

Junkrat is a fucking joke. Pharah basically completely outclasses him in everyway, and while his abilities are actually pretty decent, his ult is easily the worst in the game. Its loud as shit, easy to take out, and leaves you completely defenseless while you use it.

Mei is also really bad. Her kit is more annoying than actually effective at this point. No one at any rank higher than platinum is going to go into a choke so you can wall them off. Cyrofreeze is basically nothing but a stall ability, because any competent team will either just run away from you if your in a 1v1, or instantly kill you in a teamfight when you come out.

Torb can actually be really decent on certain defensive holds, but basically needs to switch as soon as the hold breaks. Is basically useless in pro play though

Heres your meme chart fags

>waah play the game how I say so!
Yea, you're really a team player

Wrong chart

el o el

The defense heroes are pretty useless. They don't have the staying power of tanks so they can't get on point to deny a push. They don't have the reliable damage output of a DPS so they can't play cleanup. Their ults are mostly for utility since they're all easily dodged or destroyed. Not really any good reason to pick any of them, except maybe Widow if the enemy team is running Pharmercy. Which they probably are.

More like how its supposed to be played

Thats like joining a soccer team and you keep kicking the ball out of bounds because "its fun lmao"

Defense is in a horrible spot right now, as Solider and Pharah can easily out class them in defense scenarios.

Was about to shitpost all over you for playing Overwatch on the console.

It's almost like their role is designed around holding points or preventing the other team from holding the point. How mysterious.

Been a long time since I lost with Bastion on Hanamura, on defense. Grandmaster btw

Map and other team's comp helps the pick. If they're shield-heavy, I do Junk to break their momentum fairly simply.

hanzo is good for attacking Gibraltar for a little bit to stop hog rapeing your entire team from high ground. i also want to say he's legit good on kings row.

widow is good in general for 2 cp but countered pretty quickly. strong char but the way the game is played currently sucks for her for the most part imo.

the other defense chars are kind of w/e and irrelevant. torbjorn can function, bastion can function, junkrat can function on very few maps and mei is good esp on last point two cp but nothing making her a best pick.

Except they literally can't do either one. Even more mysterious.


But they are bad at their role and most offensive heroes do their role better than the defense heroes.

Soldier is in any case a better pick than all of the defense heroes

any defense pick outclasses reaper, regardless of game mode, team comp, or player skill

Soldier is a better pick than any other dps at this point.
>good consistent long range damage
>breaks barriers fast, shreds tanks from range
>rockets are fantastic burst
>can heal himself and teammates
>sprint is just good
>ultimate has literally 0 downsides and lets you almost always get atleast 1 kill provided their barrier is down

What kind of nerf does he need blizzard?
>20 damage per bullet to 19 per bullet

Thanks blizzard

nice trips but

True but reaper is probably the worst overall character right now

And the only offense hero that is not a high tier pick

Lucio is not situational.

>Reinhardt being good in dive comps

he used to be the best at shitting on mediocre hogs that think they're all that because they can get well kills on ilios, but now its all about orisa showing retarded hogs how environment kills are really done

mercy one tricks fucking hell man

I played during the free weekend and Torb was my favourite character to play as. Dude's versatile, easy to use, and his handgun can be more effective than his turret against squishier enemies.

I play Bastion a lot and a buddy who mains Rein. I miss the days of getting an Ana boost while he blocks shit and just totally tearing people apart with headshots. He still tears shit apart, but not having critical hits sucks.

Also his Recon mode is incredible, you're basically a larger, less mobile S76. Instead of rockets you can turn into a gun. You can heal through a shitload of damage while it's happening to you now too.

reinhardt IS good in dive comps

i want to be windowmaker

i think recon mode gun has less spread than soldiers too

The irony is that Hog counters reaper better than reaper counters hog

Hell most of the other tanks either go even or beat reaper or can straight up ignore him.
So much for being the designated tank buster

>has a fuckhuge range dash that can instakill
>not good in dive comps

>team dives
>you stand there and block nothing because your entire team is flankers and a Winston

i was about to say that hog only consistently counter reaper at mid diamond or above, but then i remembered that the only consistent thing about sub diamond is SIMPLE GEOMETRY

Ideas for making him not shit? He literally has less use than any other hero in PC grandmaster

I think replacing his soul orbs with 20% passive life steal is a fair
>gives him alot more sustain in 1v1
>makes his ult even more heavily punish grouped enemies, but still leaves you really vulnerable if you fuck up

This is b8

Why isn't Symmetra on Defense?


>people getting hit by charge without outside assistance above gold

oh my lord this goober thinks winston is better for diving than rein

>you charge
>team dives onto your position
>you're now a dive team with actual point presence beyond winstons whopping 600hp barrier

No idea. I get that she doesn't have to heal to be a support, but the fact is her kit is DESIGNED around defending. If they want her to be a support give her more offensive options.

Please Blizzard give us an offensive builder I miss offensive engie so bad


How is overwatch even related to guilty gear

>people being scared of winston outside of bronze

>still on the point faster than a fucking tracer with a 2k HP shield for your team

she's basically only support due to her ults.

carwash ruins retards but her real strength is her tele or infinite shields forever, unlike torb who basically only gives out armor when your team is already winning

Tell me what a Genji can do against the hot monkey dick

that does sound fun

Yeah I do.
Winstons shield is actually going to block shit for your team. Reins not going to be assisting at all when your team is zipping and teleporting around everywhere.

Maybe for a downie

murder you without even trying
>genjis being scared of winston outside of ai practice range

CTF really shows you the utility of defense classes. Unfortunately there will never be competitive CTF

swap to tracer and peg his peanut butter booty

How does a person even get to Wood Rank? You'd have to intentionally throw.

its even more fun because it makes autists like you upset

>a shield that moves and can be grought up any time cant defend a mobile team like a tiny static bubble with a ridiculous cooldown can!


Ironically this is coming from the guy who probably has zero friends and was always picked last in sports because he doesnt understand social contracts

>Junkrat only works when there is nothing to counter him. In my experience, he can absolutely shit on everyone if played right. Problem is, the moment a Pharah or Zarya shows up, he is totally unplayable. He is the most hard countered class in the game.

I play Junkrat the most, and even with buffs he is still useless if there is a Pharah. He needs shorter cool downs on mine and trap, and trap needs be able to be thrown like the mine. also shouldn't be able to eat them. 1 extra grenade in the clip would also help. He could also use a alt fire like Mei to take care of airborne enemies. Like, the alt-fire deals good damage to airborn enemies but crap to grounded enemies.

i had some pretty appalling placement matches and got put in silver, i wouldn't be surprised if people get put in bronze then get stuck there. I've heard it's pretty fucking bad.

its even funnier because i have actual friends and we love to lobby and not give a fuck just because people like ((you)) cry when we dont

They would never ever implement a mechanic that specifically counters a single character like extra damage vs airborne targets (pharah)

Someone explain what's special about this game. Been playing it for 2 days, hit level 12 so far, it's a nice game but how in god's name is it this popular and succesful at a price point of 40 yurodollars?
>inb4 blizzard
>inb4 waifus
Any other reason?

Junkrat is the most fun hero in the game and that's what matters

I feel like at that level, there are a ton of people trying to race to the bottom on purpose for shits and giggles. If they aren't those type of people, they are possibly people with some kind of illnesses. People who make these race to the bottom videos aren't too funny when you think about who is actually at the bottom.