I've earned nearly 24 loot boxes and I've literally only gotten whites and blues. Did Blizzard rigt the system?

I've earned nearly 24 loot boxes and I've literally only gotten whites and blues. Did Blizzard rigt the system?

Better start spending goy unless you want to miss out on those limited skins.

>supporting gambling

hope you feel bad

Gremlin D.va thread?


Try buying some?

I'm in the same boat, got one legendary but it was the Dva one which I'll never use over Cop Dva.
Did they make it harder to get rare drops?

>playing overwatch

do you play with your wife's son? doesn't he feel bad about his dark skin when people say nigger?

If they dont help you in game then who gives a fuck

y u mad

>falling for the gacha jew

stop playing trash games

Yes, by putting more junk in the event

same for me. my best friend got like 4 legendary skins tho

I want the dances but I don't want to play or spend the money


real question, whats the better FPS to play now anyways?

They will probably be permanent additions to regular lootboxes, but with Legendary rareness, after the event ends

Judging from the complaining on the subreddit and the official overwatch forums

Timesplitters 2
All day every day.

>make all the skins for the event legendaries
>nobody gets skins because legendary drop rates are shit

>offensive heroes do shit damage and have shit survivability
>tanks are hyper mobile murder machines that no one can kill
just like WoW PvP

How to spot the diamond shitter; the post

>they said they were going to add more shit to the regular loot table
>just reinhardt skins so far and that was like 9 months ago

now it's just dupes dupes dupes

>got Cruiser D.va and Beekeeper Mei
Works on my end :^)


I barely play any Overwatch anymore and I opened like 4 loot boxes and got Lucio skin AMA

They added Orisa and Sombra's laugh and sit emotes
And Victory Pose and Emote based on Reaper's shrug

If that counts for anything

my sides

All the skins from this event are so good, it's a shame that I probably wont get them all by the end, and we will get seasonal skins that look tacky after a month

>Beekeeper Mei
>this could be cool
>still shoots ice
>doesn't shoot honey
>doesn't make honecomb walls
>doesn't iceblock into a beehive

yeah nah fuck this

>Open my umpteenth lootbox since the event started
>see that golden disc
>Islander Roadhog

>it's a dupe too

>Opened like 10 boxes already
>fucking nothing
>dupes everywhere

Yeah that's a bit disappointing

Why the fuck do people care about skins and cosmetic shit? I enjoy playing overwatch from time to time, but I literally could not care less about any of the micro transactions or gambling shit. I'd prefer if Blizz could give some Heartstone cards for the 200+ loot boxes that I have.

>doesn't care for the gambling shit
>plays hearthstone
You done goofed user.

It's not gambling if you are guaranteed to win something

Who fucking cares it's just cosmetics

Yes, though only through sheer numbers. Special boxs are weighted to give their respective special drops over normal drops. But that means jack shit when there are 80 useless sprays and shit.

The problem is its the only new content besides worthless arcade shit that was supposed to be a fix for previous useless arcade shit but ended up being even more useless and broken.

We haven't gotten real content it fucking ever so the people that want to stay deluded and blindly devoted cling to these cosmetics.

blizzard can suck a cock, we should be guaranteed atleast one skin

Yes YEEEEEES good goyim, Uncle Bobby needs another Yacht.

It's the only reward for playing, that gives it greater significance.

I finally uninstalled this game after my 6th box during this event with only blues and whites. I feel liberated.

>not opening your wallet like a good goy

It's not gambling if it's 100% free.

>opened 7 boxes (free)
>already gotten 3 event legendaries and one regular one
sorry bro it's just rng

I don't giveba crap about Overwatch, but holy shit do I love some Goblin Dva