What is your honest opinion of this game?
What is your honest opinion of this game?
Pretty good.
I love that you can play it like a horror game or a shooting game.
If you loved System Shock, you'll most definitely enjoy Prey.
fantastic. makes it clear that the lack of an inventory system seriously hurt bioshock 1 and 2.
It looks too scary so I haven't played it.
I got tired of the constant Mimic jump scares and the scanner is too clunky to use all the time. The combat is dog shit too and the story did nothing for me.
A game for people that like old games. Pretty good.
I couldn't handle the space walk bits so I quit.
It's gonna be the most underrated game of the year and that's gonna be a shame.
I jumped. holy fuck.
It will be a cult classic. Expect to see it on those best games according to Sup Forums images.
Its a game that just can't be popular in today's climate, all the mechanics that are from System Shock won't be appreciated by younger gamers that are too used to streamlined consolified experiences.
a good game that could have been so much better
It becomes less awesome when it happens in almost every single room you enter. Mimics should have been used sparingly throughout the game, yet instead they're the most common fucking enemy type.
I like it a lot, except for the respawning enemies. But everything else is great. It really does feel like a game that will be considered a classic later on.
It is one of the few games I can think of that actively suffered from having a license forced onto it.
>It becomes less awesome when it happens in almost every single room you enter
That's why I like them so much, you know that there's one in the room, but where. The feeling of paranoia whenever you see an item, but don't know if it real or not was great.
I enjoyed it. I absolutely hated the no gravity segments with the mine enemies though.
I just found it tedious running around hitting literally everything to find the inevitable Mimic. Knowing there's a 95% chance of one being in any given room removes any tension from them jumping out at you. The scanner doesn't make it any more fun either.
Very good.
Probably best FPS shooter I've played in a while, the DOOM reboot was pretty gud too.
Bethesda seem to be hitting it out of the park with these third-party shooters, it's too bad their own games haven't been up to the mark...
Good gameplay
Decent story up until the end, then they completely ruined it
its a good game set on a really shit space station
Got it for $30, had 0 expectations going in, ended up with basically System Shock 3, surprise game of the century for me really
I've only played 6 or so hours. So far I definitely thought BIoshock 1 and 2 were a lot scarier. I love the game though.
This is exactly my opinion. I also think the difficulty is a bit weird. Granted I search every nook and cranny, but I'm surprised to have so much ammo, materials, weapon upgrades etc. Also, it's pretty easy to kill most enemies unless they're attacking in a group so far. Playing on the hardest difficulty. The respawning enemies always catch me off guard though.
Is the original Prey worth playing
It has goofy artstyle and lots of well lit areas, there is absolutely nothing scary about it.
>manage to kill the Nightmare
>That was pretty cool but I'm glad he's gone for good
>it respawns
Boring as fuck. I would've played more than 2 hours if the combat wouldn't be that shit.
i'm coming out of the hardware place and going into space after getting the jetpack boosters. what do i do now? i found space a bit confusing
Do you seriously have a hard time finding the mimic when you first walk in a room? it's always a oddly placed duplicate and fucks up the positioning of the furniture in a way to make it obvious when you pay attention. Once you see it, just shoot it or PSI power it and you're done. They only become an annoyance when there's a lot of them
>They only become an annoyance when there's a lot of them
>that one room when you're heading down to the reactor core where there's like a dozen mimics on the shelves
>they don't actually activate until you enter the room so you can't use the typhon lures to bring them out
fuck that scripted bullshit
Wait you can use lures to coax out hiding mimics? Mimics were more of a nuisance than a threat, but I never found a use for the lures.
Can you repeat the question?
Great game that's held back by its lack of difficulty and lousy final act (which is essentially just a backtracking marathon)
Honestly the worst game of the year, and shares the shitturd with Mass Effect Andromeda.
Mad as fuck because the game destroyed my saves.
The good:
>Beginning of the game is very unsettling and hard due to a lack of resources and abilities. Maintains a ton of tension for a while.
>Combat provides an incentive to play to enemy weaknesses to preserve ammo
>The stations design is great, rewards exploration regularly
>The background story is decent
>The moral choices you can make are debatable choices for the most part
>Lots of skills to unlock and guns to upgrade giving a choice in how you play
The bad:
>Scanning with the psychoscope became annoying
>The game gets far too easy in the last third
>The after-the-credits ending leaves far too many questions and after endearing you to Talos, Morgan, and many characters proceeds to tell you jack crap about the truth of what actually happened to any of them
>Climbing and platforming is often iffy, like not clinging to a gloo blob like you should have
>Inventory issues can get annoying like filling up with food, organs not stacking til you sort, some items not stacking high enough
>Zero-G combat is highly tedious
>Levitating objects seemed too restrictive as I'd often drop the item at even the slightest rubbing on anything. Makes it unreliable for combat.
>The Talos crew members are character built through email which I liked but given that you do encounter some in the game might have been better to have more interaction
>Nightmare is cool in concept but never posed much a true threat
>There is a lesbian sub plot that teeters toward a 'lookie here! lesbians! so progressive!' showcase given that its not optional and not subtle. It didn't hurt the game for me but if you can't stand this stuff anymore its worth noting.
>If the game doesn't get any DLC that fleshes the ending out it would sour my opinion of the game over time.
It was decent untill the military operators started crawling all over the place.And the ending was just retarded. Being a mimic was expected and clear, but the game being a simulation that the Ai's grade you on is just silly. Makes everything feel pointless. What was the point of this experiment? Mankind is already mostly dead.