>anime aesthetics
Anime aesthetics
Who are you quoting
>anime babes
>realistic visuals with no art style
observe this user
he posted no picture to express how he felt about his presented idea
what is he trying to imply?
he feels apathy from seeing such a thing?
thats deep
>tarot cards
>sequel changes the art style to generic anime
>muh "realism,"
This is what killed videogames, "muh realism," those fucking dumbass retarded children who thought cawwadooty or shitty fucking wewuzkangz.jpeg field were amazing games cause of muh realism. These are the same stupid fucking kids who thought gta is a great game cause its fucking realistic. You should hang yourself immediately if you think "realsitic" games are the best. Games arent realistic so theres your answer. Fuckin gen z scum.
>sonybro triggered he can't play legend of zelda: dark souls edition
>actually sucks todds cock
Well he is 6'1...right?
>anime tiddies
>he posted no picture to express how he felt about his presented idea
keep digging that hole, OP.
>despite that flow, the game is fucking awesome
meme arrows aren't quotes retard
Muh realism was a thing from the start kiddo
but that doesn't excuse anime games from looking like filth.
Fuck off. Games aren't complete until I can see realistic blood and guts. When I shoot a man in the head, I expect brain matter and eyes flying.
>prime 1 samus vs prime 2 samus
The constant push toward cinematic realism, and recognizably human characters over more abstract and widely interpretable forms helped to ruin gaming.
The Fallout series seems like the perfect match for you user! Surely you should buy Fallouts 3 and 4 with all the DLC if you haven't already!
best post in the thread.
worst post in the thread.
So you're saying gaming was ruined in tge 80s
Don't forget the classic Gears of War 4 only on the Xbox One!
I already did. But still isn't enough. I fap to dismembered raider corpses but sucks that whenever you blow them up, the resulting giblets aren't very accurate to actual human anatomy.
I just want dynamic body damage. Like if you kept hacking a man's unarmored stomach, his guts would fall out. There also needs to be a mod where enemies will piss and shit themselves if they die.
hey, look. redditor still in is checking in. good luck in summer school.
>He calls the comedy chevrons meme arrows.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
you could at least try to be less obvious.
I've never been into Japanese RPGs because I wanna roam and do what I want and traditionally they don't let you do that. This will be a gross generalization of it but I find in japanese art and science fiction and fantasy that it's super fantastical and in western stuff it tries to get more realistic as much as it can for what it is so like the Western myself will aprroach it kind of this is fantasy and has elves and swords and dragons and but it has has to feel real, you know it has to feel you know it has to feel like this could happen or did happen or even mass effect the way it appraches science fiction. When you see a japanese one its crazy on another level of well thats just that looks cool but that's nuts you know its really high fantasy reaaally crazy science fiction and you know the earth like eats itself and why there are nukes and i have trouble with my mother and father and they all just thinkin...yeah I dont know I don't get into that stuff as much I think because I.. can't wrap my hands around it
What has reddit got to do with having a guro fetish?
>tfw where you cum full cricle
>genesis.mp3 starts playing.
>in western stuff it tries to get more realistic as much as it can for what it is
And this is the exact problem.
>no bethesda king pic.
Different strokes, pal.
You may not like it but some do
Death to western trash.
Why? Japanese games suck at immersion.
I want games that can simulate aspects of real life that I have either no time to do or can't physically do.
Skyrim + immersion mods that add hunger, fatigue and thirst is the best. Nothing like being in the great outdoors but with dragons and shit.
at least try, man.
Gas the weebs
>ovens barely big enough bake digironios pizza
>muh 6 gorrillon
Man, cod WW2 is gonna be a blast
>He has to use mods to make it immersive