What's your opinion on beast/otherkin party members in video games? Which one is your favorite?
What's your opinion on beast/otherkin party members in video games? Which one is your favorite?
fuck off furfag
fuck off furfag
fuck off furfag
fuck off furfag
Is this ringo from touhou?
fuck off furfag
kill yourself furfag
fuck off furfag
Cute rabbit but fuck off furfag
Strike away beastgay.
She's in.
fag off furfuck
>Literally has a shirt saying Rabbit
Sorry senpai, that's right in the middle
furfags in body bags
Looks fucking awful, even the OP's pic looks better.
I prefer playing beast races since otherwise it's human, green human, short human etc. Kemonomimi can fuck off though.
I want a shirt saying HUMAN
I want to fuck Carrot
It's your fault that you ended looking like that.
Don't blame me user, it's your fault after all.
I wanted to continue on the perfect hivemind so this thread could be legendary but a retard had to break the chain, what I really wanted to say is I wanna fuck that titty rabbit OP
In the trash.
I like beast races.
Unfortunately they are often made that way that they have bad stats so when they join your party it is pretty much useless to have them around since other characters are better.
Personally I would love to have more games like Shining series, Breath of FIre III/IV and Feda: The Emblem of Justice where the world is filled with all kinds of beast races.
In my opinion they are much more interesting by the looks alone comppared to humans with different skin color or ear shape#34.
I want to see interactions, I want to see how different cultures that worship different deities encounter each other, their unique views on the world and so on.
Unfortunately Nowdays if the game has a major number of Anthropomorphic characters it is probably game that was made to sexually appeal deviants.
It is the same situation as when you want to discuss mythological creatures on /tg/ and thread inevitable derails into Monster Musume posting.
A Shame, really lads. :/
i really like beast races
not a furfag or anything
i just really think they are often more appealing and cool than the rest
>telling me to fuck off when I'm literally Sup Forums
Sup Forums is not a furry paradise.
Fuck off furfag
It is furry headquarters.
>OP not publically banned yet
Mods are furfags confirmed
fuck off furfag