Fuck you Sup Forums

fuck you Sup Forums
>hear amazing things about this series
>Sup Forums loves it
>hear about new version
>figure ill get into the series
>buy pic related
>its fucking trash
>slow as FUCK, janky ass movement
>the quickest moving weapon is still slow as fuck
>characters do some stupid unbearably long animation after consuming any item
>camera movement is retarded
>monsters are way too difficult and just demolish you if you aren't naturally good at the game
>looks like shit

This is fucking stupid Sup Forums, and i regret spending money on this. This is the last time I'm ever listening to you stupid cunts

Other urls found in this thread:



>I don't like a game therefore the game is bad

Alright, the bait has been set.
>Guild girl

GQ140 Garuga
>>Guild girl
Neko means cat

Deserted Island is cool, although Misty Peaks is also top notch
I like 3U, although 4U looks real good too
Duo wield
>Guild Girl
I like the gen girl a lot. Seee yaaaaaaaaaaaa~

>Ice Mountain (is called like this?)

when would you ever hate a good game?
If you don't like a game, then the game is bad for you

Heaven's Mount
Switch Axe
Bherna girl in Gen/XX

>GQ140 Garuga

Stop, I feel like I'm getting instacharged all over again


D. Island
Sword and Shield

>Deserted Island
>Sword and Shield
>Port Tanzia

>get excited for XX on Switch
>remember that Nintendo went full retard and will have paid online on the Switch
>lose all interest immediately


I-is it really not coming to 3DS?

A-am I really going to have to spend another several hundred dollars just to play what I want to play?

Fuck this shit

I'm still gonna buy it though

Just like, don't stand directly in front of his beak and being a hunter's body away from him in distance and you'll never get instant charged

It's coming to 3DS and Switch
So you either buy the 3DS version and tolerate the screen resolution or you buy the Switch version and gape your ass for Nintendo's nickle and diming
Personally i'm sticking to 3DS

its already on the 3ds

if you dont want to be a dirty pirate fag you can wait for english localization which should be soon

You can dislike a game if you don't like the genre. Doesn't mean it's bad.

I don't like StarCraft for example. I don't like Diablo.

Don't. It's seriously not worth it. Go play 3U or 4U if you haven't yet.

thank the lord jesus

I'm EOP so jap version is out of question for me.

>GQ 140 Garage
What does this mean?

>Too cheap to pay $20 a year


We'll all enjoy HD MH while you don't faggot lol

it means you're a new fag

Freedom Unite was BAD. Try out Double Cross on the Switch, I promise you you will like it.

It has nothing to do with affordability.
It has to do with paid online subscription fees being literally unjustifiable and not wanting to support the biggest cancer of console gaming. And the thought of having to give in to this bullshit to play Monster Hunter is an atrocious one.
I'm sure you like many Nintendo fans were all for poking fun at other consoles for having it, but now you're buying into it just like them so congrats.


Holy fuck, can you 4ubabies leave this fucking board

XXfetuses once again proving they're the biggest shitposters


He's not the one buttmad about optional content.

Do you go to an ice cream parlor and throw a shitfit because not everyone likes vanilla?

Monster Hunter is an acquired taste. First one I ever played was Freedom Unite and I thought it was fucking trash. Gave it another shot with Tri on the Wii and I've been hooked ever since.

Generations has its issues, but it has nothing to do with the arts and styles, so I do not know why people on this board throw a fit over them.

I've been playing this series since MH1 and my least favourite type of fan is the "the game I started with is perfect and the rest of the series sucks" guy. He will typically be an FU fan or a 3u fan. Since gen I see a lot more 4u guys like this though.

The truth is that the whole series is pretty fucking great.

Why is it only 4ubaabies like Garuga?

Not my fault you suck, faggot

I agree. While styles are certainly a deviation and more anime compared to the former games or the rest of the game, it's still really neat for when you want to be stylish or just want to have fun trying to beat monsters in a unique or cool way.

Not everyone's a speedrunner who always runs optimized sets aiming for sub 5 clear times, so I don't get the hate against absolute readiness or evasion. You don't /have/ to use it, why are you complaining that the option is there?
If you're mad against casuals managing to make it to higher HRs then shouldn't you be good enough to carry the casuals anyway?

IKR? I mean you get a year of online for the price of one MONTH everywhere else, plus classics each month to play (as a fucking BONUS). I mean who else offers online gaming for fucking 1.67 USD a month? Fuck, even KMMOs are more expensive for their shit-tier packages.

Well, what can I tell you user? If I have to eat shit, might as well eat as little as possible of it - 25$ per year at Nintendo instead of 60$ Sony/MS want.

So I could either pick getting raped with lube or not. I still played more Nintendo stuff online either way.

To be fair, you also get a lot less with Nintendo's online, including abysmal rewards for subbing and even worse online quality to a noticeable degree.
But in the the case of Monster Hunter, there is an option 3: don't be a graphics whore and save 25 dollars a year while not supporting cancer.
I guess i'm in the minority where playing on the 3DS never bothered me much, so I'm not tempted to bite any bullet for higher fidelity. If I am going to buy XX at all Im fine with the 3DS version, though I might not because Generations was a letdown for me.

I'm not a graphics whore, but I have to agree 240p did just break my eyes after a while, since MH has more and smaller shit around than Kirby or whatever. I never really cared for free games, so I'd rather pay less than half of what the competition asks. Especially since I didn't have any problems with Nintendo's online so far, ARMS shoved they know their shit so far.

it's also optimal content. Look at TA records and see Guild at the bottom with Alchemy, for most weapons. And no one likes gimping themselves when any shitter with adept can cheese certain fights. Those same shitters won't bother to learn monster patterns, and will be paired up with me online, forcing me to actively kick most adept and brave players on sight. There's also the fact that some style/weapon are so strong, that you'll get kicked from rooms with serious hunters if you pick Guild Lance, or Guild LS. God forbid you use Alchemy.

But HAs, in particular Absolute X, really set a terrible precedent for future monster designs, and need more of a rework than styles. Readiness is absolute cancer and there's a reason why jap speedrunners threw fits over it.

It's mostly with the faster paced games. Mario Kart and Fast Racing Neo both have a lot of latency complaints surrounding them. This was fine when it was free, but now it's not, so...

I mean I feel the same way about Dark Souls and it took me 3 different times to pick up Monster Hunter since my mom didn't buy me games as a kid, so I get you OP.

I think a lot of people are discouraged because they want to perform optimally so they feel forced to play styles they don't particularly enjoy.
These are the same players who forced themselves to grind Double Rajang for god know how many hours for an 8%-10% DPS increase in the form of a Relic weapon.

I wouldn't mind for Styles/Arts to be toned down and bit more balance so things aren't such significant power gaps between individual weapon styles. People like to say MH is PvE/non-competitive so balance shouldn't matter; but capcom has been tweaking things PvE wise for a while. Most notably they nerfed IG and CB during the transition to Gen.

Once you slay your first big boy monster, you'll feel great. Anything 3 stars and up.

>Look at TA records
And I stopped caring

Stop being a Min/Max Autist and just learn to enjoy the fucking hunt.

Ancestral Steppe (mainly because the fight theme for that map gets me so pumped)
>>Guild girl
Love them all

How do I control shitters actually trading hits with monsters? I already eat for Insurance every g hunt, yet some bravebaby always finds a way to quadruple cart

I'll never forget kutku fucking my ass on monhun 1. I learned so much.

>implying my issues with Gen are only the styles and arts

The entire deviant system is terrible, they managed to nerf Gunlance while masking it as a buff, you don't need rare materials to make armor anymore (just need them to max the defense on each piece), Ukanlos weapons are pointless because Frostpeak weapons do the same thing they do but better, Bludgeoner is effectively worse than adding a sharpness skill to hit blue, Mad Affinity is shit and not even close to being as good as crit stacking, armors have few slots so you can't really add skills to existing fullsets like you could in 4U, they gave CB a somewhat-deserved damage nerf but fucked it's smooth playstyle it had in 4U, crit stacking is so much easier than attack skill stacking you can't be different if you tried, Ballfuck's weapons are shit but Alatreon's weapons are shit too because Fatalis and Lao's are in the game (who's fucking idea was it to have 4 elder dragons that have dragon-element weapons anyways), the solution to IG's underpowered state was to give it a fucking powerful all purpose Blast weapon again, etc.

The only thing I think XX did right was Brave SA. That really is the best playstyle MH has had in mainline for SA to this point.

exactly this.

>listening to Sup Forums
Sup Forums likes to praise the older games on the playstation for some reason, theyre complete shit.
they get good once theyre on nintendo consoles, good starter is 3u on the wii u
3u, 4u, and x are all great games

Either play with competent people or solo. Playing with randoms has been a liability in monhun from day one.

>playing online

Not all of us like to drag out hunts, especially Japs in Super rooms. Have fun getting kicked for choosing any other style of lance other than Striker.

With the exception of x being a great game, this guy is spot on.

Not really, FU was fantastic.

It changes but currently Zinogre
Abandoned Island
>Guild girl

>soloing hypers and supers with 24k HP
Thanks, but I don't like fighting bigger damage sponges than anything in 4U, by myself

not all of us have real life friends, fucking normie

Join a monhun discord, play with /vg/ play with Sup Forums. You have a lot of options.

FU was the best game.
Dual swords became gay af after that.

have you played XX

Yeah look at all the amazing "games" you're missing out on.

Paid online is garbage no matter who does it.

>Insta charge with no start up, tell, or animation
Will MonHun ever stop passing off this bullshit as "high difficulty". It's literally the equivalent of cheating AI in fighting games that reads your inputs, the resource cheating AI in RTS, or the rubberbanding AI in racing games.

I spent the entire hunt with only a minute to spare on the first Khezu quest in MHFU because I kept dying as Gunlance to his electricity. So I grabbed a basic bowgun and went in killing him with Normal Shot 1

I've played through FU " 3, and GEN. I just don't know what people mean when they say guild quest numbers in the hundreds and shit.

Don't stand in front of it when it looks at you, genius.

>Implying you have the patience to solo Lao

thats why you fucking dodge in anticipation of a charge

If you actually got used to how the game works then youll know that insta-charges are a thing so you get out of the way in anticipation

git gud you fucking stupid faggot cunt reatd

>lao shan lung is back
this is not ok.

Kut-Ku kept me going. Killing Rathalos got me hooked. I locked in for the rest of the series.

And on top of that he's mandatory


I don't like Styles and Arts.


So I choose to play the games I do like instead of telling you why you're shit for liking a game I dislike.

Is he still the same boring gear/DPS check sponge? Who the fuck thought to waste such a good design on such a worthless fight? There's literally 0 chance of you dying against him, it's literally just mindlessly smacking your head against a wall til it gives.

Rainforest/Old Jungle/MH1 Jungle
Guild Sweetheart


You pretty much have to use all weapon in the area to kill him, they nerfed his hitzones so now unless you are Adrenaline bowing him in the back it's more damage to just use ballistas/cannons/dragonator/demolisher on him until you run out of ammo before considering attacking him directly.



Jungle from Gen2


GS, SA, Hammer in that order

>>Guild girl

Yian Garuga
Frozen Seaway
4u (most balanced, most content, best gameplay)
Meme blade
>>Guild girl



or Nargacuga, Gore or Brachydios


Misty Peaks for the music, Everwood for the hunt


3U's my home, but mechanically 4U's the best and has my favorite endgame


SA, IG, Bow

>>Guild girl

Aisha of course

maybe, you didn't found the right weapon for you, and maybe you need better equipment


Hammer, SnS
>>Guild girl

Deserted Island
Charge Blade
Guild Sweetheart

So does XX fix X/Gen's shitty armor skill spread?

>he fell for the freedom unite meme spouted by PSPfags

I'm sorry

Not really, they're still a lot more anal with slots too. Deviant armors get one extra skill in G-Rank, most of them not even being that great. Then it goes full retard with the Mantis armor granting a Charm Up effect, +2 to any skills, and a shitload of slots, even the weapons have three of them and a little bit of natural purple to boot.

Lame, guess I'm skipping it then. Gen's armor skills were way too fucking restrictive and loaded onto 2 or 3 sets.

If you want to see for yourself, there's a list here.


Kind of funny how MH3U armor feels much less restrictive.

Why the fuck are 4U and Gen so poorly optimized compared to 3U AND STILL MANAGE TO LOOK WORSE?