Tell me a secret Sup Forums.
Tell me a secret Sup Forums
Walls that can be destroyed with Goron's Special Crop make a different sound when you hit them with your sword.
I've had a crush on Link since I was 6.
Breath of the Wild did not help shake off said crush.
I have a foot fetish and OP's pic is getting me rock hard.
I want to lick your feet
Have some feet you degenerate scum
I enjoy video games
if you wait 2 weeks after saving during The End fight in MGS 3, he dies of old age
I've spent the last 15 years pining to know what a physical relationship feels like and to lay my head on a girls lap while she strokes my hair
Over the course of the last few years the feeling has slowly diminished until recently I don't feel it at all unless I think about it.
This scares me deeply.
Wtf is this fucking faggot whining about
I don't even play LoL but Syndra is my favorite champion by far
I conned and killed a hobo some years back.
>Tell me a secret Sup Forums.
I got a better idea, how about you tell yoshi bedtime story.
I have purchased lots of sexy lingerie that I wear while inserting butt plugs
But the worst secret is this 7
There are people that don't know about ricegnat?
There was once a yoshi who had sick sexual pleasures from laying eggs. End of story. Go to bed you dinofuck.
Who keeps making these league of legends marketing threads? Is it the same riot employees that did pic related?
Sup Forums hates your game. take it to reddit.
I'm at a point in my life where videogames are the only thing that give me glimpses of happiness but I avoid playing them because I'm afraid of losing the joy I find in them. I can't tell people about this because it's stupid or something
f o x
Sup Forums might hate the game, but it loves the fanart for the girls.
I unironically enjoy Battleborn
>desire for physical contact
Disgusting. Be glad the feeling is going away user.
>t. Blizzard marketer butthurt that HotS threads didn't do well
I am slowly beginning to like vidya less
The human mind can get used to any situation no matter how bad it is. It's a blessing and a curse.
no, it's the same guy posting the art. you can tell by the posting style.
At some point I crossed a threshold where now I can't really enjoy new games the way I used to, and the vast majority of my favorite games are ten years old or more.
What do you like the most about it? What do you like the least about it?
I want to marry Kled!
>not only enjoying games that are 20 years old or more
what a babby
I'm overweight, I would call myself ugly and have no drive to improve myself physically. Is there hope for me?
Digdogger hates certain kind sound.
Accepting that you don't need a relationship to be happy is the first step for ugly, non-rich Anons.
are you the same kled fag from the last 5 lol threads?
:3c yes
Did you get kicked out of /lolg/ or something? And where's your popstahri gif? The hell is this cheap knock off?
I have loved silently for too long and now I'll never know if she felt anything: I am unable to love another, partly because I haven't moved on, and partly because I am afraid when I do we'll meet again and find out she loved me, I'll have to break the heart of someone I once loved, and I don't have the courage to do that selfishly.
Also, Post more Ahri, faggot.
> I would call myself ugly and have no drive to improve myself physically.
There is one critical flaw in your mindset: You are unsatisfied with your body and are unwilling to change it.
There are two courses of action you can take, both are valid but difficult choices:
A: If you lack the drive to change, you should accept who you are.
B: If you are unwilling to accept who you are, you need to drive yourself to be better.
Do either one of these, and your quest for happiness will progress drastically.
I play CoD
Only Zombies though
What, the character? Ahri, from League of Legends.
Sometimes I think I want to play League again, but then I remember I just want to fug the sluts.