What if we took a serious stealth game series

>what if we took a serious stealth game series
>then, what if we took some random, unlikable main character...
>and then, what if we made an epic and badass game about him cutting bipedal mass destruction tanks to pieces
>metal gear rising

a complete insult to the Metal Gear franchise.

>metal gear
here's your reply


Let me guess, you played MOST of 3 and none of the others.

>metal gear

initially that's what I thought, didn't expect much because of a total lack of stealth and the absence of Kojima. But upon playing it, exhausting all the codec convos, and getting into the story, I've come to the conclusion that it fills the missing gaps about Raiden nicely, the genuine sword play is one of kind in video game history, and overall does fit into the Metal Gear universe in another time, place, and from a different perspective. TPP feels a lot more of an insult to the franchise, despite of it being a great game, TPP is a shitty Metal Gear.

no, mgsv is an insult to the metal gear franchise

at least rising is a complete game

>didn't took itself so seriously
>batshit insane sometimes
>still managed to have serious moments
>made you grow to like the characters
>fun game too
Rising was a pretty damn good game, too bad there will never be a sequel

>what is a spinoff

Yeah, rising never tried to be like the other metal gear games, but TPP did and sucked at it. GotP gets a lot of shit on Sup Forums but I feel as though it was better

I still feel that TPP was a good game, I had a lot of fun but It had far more potential, I played it No kills full stealth so that might have added to my fun

i agree OP MGR is great

And yet, it's one of the most satisfying and fun hack-n-slash games in years.

Sure, you can blow through it in like an hour, but god damn were the boss fights fun.

It did what it wanted to do well.

>insult to the Metal Gear

Let's not pretend if had any dignity after MGS4 m8

Fucking this.

>MGS4 had dignity.

Stop trying to create forced memes.

>>what if we took a serious stealth game series

MGR is the only good game platinum made

t. didn't play it

>expecting anything less from a hack like Kojima

>hey remember that cool ass cyborg who fucking stopped a nuclear ship with no fucking arms?
>why don't we make a game based off him
>okay, I'll do it. It'll have a cool mechanic that allows you to cut whatever you want in any direction
>hey I don't have enough time or resources for this
>hand it over to another developer and oversee it then

Kojima says he loved working with platinum. If you are upset that a character you didn't like I the dirt place got a game, why did you play it?




>What if we make a 3 hours long shit game ?
MGR is simply an insult to video game.

>Sup Forums loves the shit out of MGR
>buy game
>soundtrack is nothing but buttrock

i thought i could trust you Sup Forums..

Honestly, if you told me 10 yrs ago thay Raiden would become more badass than Dante, Id say you were a lunatic. Damn.

The soundtrack is fun and fits whats going on in the screen stop being a elitist douche.

The game is still good though, and suits Raiden's legacy. Even made him a more likeable character.
The only problem I have with this game is that the camera can be weird as fuck, the bullets can get in your way from getting an S rank and no wall running.

Name one MGS game where i can go full stealth with no forced fights

It's good because of the context. If you listen to the music out of the game then yeah, it won't be that great.

>unlikable main character
It's debatable he's liked more than Solid Snake. Literally the most bad ass character in MGS4 besides Vamp.

>DmC shits all over an established character in a series and puts him in a garbage character action game
>MGR shits all over an established character in a series and puts him in a garbage character action game
But because MGR was made by Platinum, Sup Forums sucks it off.

Any real metal gear fan would have spent hours going through all the codec calls. They were great. Fleshed out the story, and gave entertainment. The gameplay was just right, and the boss fights were some of the most fun I've had.

The main reason I see for people not liking this game is that they didn't like Raiden in the first place.

People really give Raiden shit in both game, and in real life. I think rats why Kojima likes his character so much. He has more character than snake honestly.

Snake was MADE to be the legendary soldier Big Boss was. Raiden was a child soldier forced by another clone to become the next line in legendary soldiers, a new generation. Constant neglect and trauma as a child. Constant deceit as an adult. Forced again to be a cyborg. Being told his child died and his love is married to your boss.

Raiden has a tragic past, meanwhile Snake is just designed to be cool operator dude who knows everything about everything because he's a clone of a legendary soldier.

I'm rooting for the character that actually needs it damn it.

I get that you might not like him in 2 because he's not as experienced as te legendary solid snake, but in 4 he is fleshed out and more experienced.

The camera was a fucking bitch sometimes. The block was also flawed, in the hardest difficulty you couldn't break out of spamming enemies and then another could come in from behind and one shot you. Still though, really enjoyed the characters, especially Sam. Glad we got a DLC of him

mgs3 excluding boss fights

TPP would've been spectacular if it wasn't a metal gear game. No one would ever suspect that it copied anything from metal gear.

You're supposed to parry nigga.

Raiden was just living through Guy Savage's game

You're supposed to but the timing can be a bit difficulty

>excluding boss fights

Nope. You can't just cut out the boss fights if it exists in the game.

MGS isn't a real stealth game and just uses elements. It's called a tactical espionage action for a reason.

And yet, its still the best Metal gear game by a wide mile :)

>metal gear

That shit is "cheesy action movies cliches " since day one, buddy.

>get rekt by monsoon over and over again
>finally manage to beat him
>got to the part where I have to fight Mistral once again
>"OK, now let's just move o-"
>stains of time starts playing

MGR was the best thing that they've done with Raiden. Sure you may not like him in the first half-hour or so but when his 'Jack the Ripper' storyline plays out he's amazing.

Yeah the block AND the dodge is flawed. For a cyborg ninja you'd kinda expect him to be more agile also in terms of dodging attacks, not just parrying. Something like Ninja Gaiden's dodging. (The dodge mechanic wasn't even properly told to you, and you can kinda abuse it in boss fights)

>MGR was the best thing that they've done with Raiden.
No, MGS2 was. Raiden's characterization had a fucking point, but faggots like you probably turned the game off after the first 30 minutes of playing as him because he's "not muh Snake."

I think you need to git gud.

>reading comprehension

>having trouble with monsoon

To add on to this, blocking and parrying makes more sense with Sam than it does with Raiden.

>having complete I frames AND attacking is flawed

Dude it was almost better than the parry. The thing that made the party better was that if you got it, it was a counter, stunned the enemy, AND you got the I frames.

Mgr is for people who like Raiden and platinum. Simple as that.

I hate Raiden and MGS2 is my least favorite game in the series but Rising is fucking awesome. It's just beautiful in its design and so over the top it defies description. As long as you take it as a non-canon side quest it shouldn't really bother you in terms of continuity.
It's also probably Platinum's best game.

Besides Bayonetta 1 and 2, this is true. NieR Automata is crying edgy tears below all 3 of them.

I'd put it well over bayonetta 1, everything from the boss fights to the pacing is superior in every way.

I tried playing MGS1 and MGS2 as an adult after playing MGS3 as a kid and I have to say that the gameplay is so fucking slow, clunky and boring and barely requires any thought.

MGRR is my favorite MG game by far.

Perhaps MGS5 fixes some of the clunkiness issues I had though.

>doing that part on Revengeance no damage
>have to do both fights in a row without damage

It's not hard when you unlock everything. Does using grey Fox's sword bar achievements