21:9 for gaming

Name a bigger meme.

Other urls found in this thread:


backlit keyboards



Never understood why people just don't buy a 40 inch 4k tv as a monitor, instead of this ultra-wide shit. It costs less, and you actually have way more picture.

It's probably because people get easily manipulated by marketing strategies, or they watch reviews of people on Youtube, saying that it's AMAZING for gaming... just so you would click on their affiliate link and get a commission.

only Sup Forums can find something wrong with having more screen real estate. faggot.

>he puts 120hz and 120fps in separate categories


>not playing video juegos on your typewritter
it's like you faggots enjoy gargling corporate cock

Anything above 60hz is a meme. 120hz memers actually claim that 60 fps is too choppy for their subhuman eyes.

I measured the screen sizes for these and you actually really need the 34s to get more vertical than 24 16:9s
you could buy new vega shit with that kind of money or upgrade your existing shit

21:9 1080+, and 4k is still good goy shit to me
and you could always try to force any of your monitors over its stock refresh like what korean assfags do anyway if you care

my nigga

>poorfags the thread

>Can't tell the difference between 60fps and 120fps.
>Calling others subhuman.

get off the board

I like to be able to see my keys in the dark.

I can touch type, but I still prefer to be able to see.

Because TVs have horrible response times, interlacing and refresh rates.

16:10 for gaming because it actually reduces your horizontal FOV.

backlit keyboards are a godsend on a laptop, they just don't help you with gaming at all

RGB lightning on fucking everything

That's a very curious way of looking at it.
If you buy the 16:10 equivalent of a 16:9 display, you get more vertical FoV, not less horizontal.

I'd love me a 2560×1600 monitor but they're crazy expensive compared to 1440p.

I tried both a 4k TV and some gaming monitors.

And guess what?

There was no difference. No lagging, no nothing.... even in CS:GO and Unreal 2017.

You guys are so dumb for falling for these marketing gimmicks. Everything was fine, until gaming monitors decided to create a problem that doesn't exist, so dumb fucks like you would spend more money on "gaming" monitors.

"Muh 144hz"

"Muh lower response time"

"Muh special color setting that will give me 150% more accuracy in esports games"

"Hurr durr I'm just a dumb sheep falling for marketing tactics hurr"

Please, just test both before giving bad advice to people.

get out here poorfag, let us enjoy premium tier shits

More than one monitor is the biggest meme.

>there was no difference between a TV and a monitor


This guys right tho. My curved 65" 4k tv in "game mode" has the same response time as any "gaming monitor".

Don't fall victim to marketing. There's nothing wrong with preferring to play on a monitor at your desk, just don't delude yourself into thinking you MUST because of MUH RESPONSE TIME

>My curved 65" 4k tv
It's not yours, it's your parents.

>Poorfag gaymer kiddy projecting
Don't worry, one day you won't be forced to use a shitty PC monitor for all your gaming.

I think the bigger issue is that he bought a curved samsung one, i've got one too but straight and i don't play pc games on it unless i want chill because when i'm sitting in the sofa the tv is pretty much the same display area as my pc monitor

4K and VR

>There was no difference. No lagging, no nothing.... even in CS:GO and Unreal 2017.

b8 desu

"Premium" lol

Do you even know what the term "perceived value" means? Go read some marketing books, and see how stupid you are.

Keep lying to anonymous randoms that don't know you, friend.
We think you're a badass.

I don't see why it's a meme. Looks dank as fuck and also a better aspect ratio for movies.
This though desu,I had a 1680x1050 monitor and recently upgrade to a standard 1080p, and it feels too wide for me. Much prefer the added vertical space. Problem is that a criminal amount of games don't even have 16:10 support and just slap two black bars to make it into 16:9.

>Don't fall victim to marketing
>Claims to have a curved 65 inch 4k TV
You're either lying or the biggest retard I've encountered on Sup Forums.

this guy gets it. nothing wrong with it if it serves a purpose

this is how i fuk ip al mety[pin whjen I sjitpost, hat and i have an merican kelyboard on and im europen

>they actually need to look at their keyboard when gaming

>In tears
One day, lad. One day.

>Sup Forums constantly berates video games with low FOV
>magic monitor that automatically increases your FOV is released
>lol it's a bad because of this ps4 movie that just crops the top and bottom XDDDD

21:9 is the definitive way to play video games until 19:10 becomes common place. prove me wrong. protip: YOU FUCKING CANNOT

shot out to my nigga 16:10 tho, we miss you

It is, I tried 60 after a few months of 144 and it's choppy in comparison.

ultrawide displays more information and a good chair is comfier than a sofa for gaymung


What's wrong with 4k 65in ?

You get a big screen and a good pixel density. The price is standard.

You, on the other side, are buying regular moonitors, that are 10x more expensive, because they are for "gaming" and have some settings that you probably never even heard before (because they don't matter).

Bee bee, littke sheep, keep buying "gaming" gear for 10x the price of you what you should be paying for the same thing.

Remember when 3D was all over the place?

curved sucks unless it's specifically an ultrawide, there's a reason they are barely stocked, cuz no one wants one

shit you probably got yours at 50% off, don't even bother lying they were all like that when I was shopping for a 4k TV

I've never bought a monitor for more than two hundred and fifty dollars.

Australian dollars, so about US$0.50

since this thread is here

should I get that ASUS 3440x1440 with 100hz refresh rate or go for an LG 3840x1600 with 75hz?

read: 3840x1600, not 3840x2160

I feel like the 100hz would be neat for games that can't be run in ultrawide at standard 1440p, but the ASUS feels painfully small vertically

also the LG is freesync and I'm an nvidia goy, but idk if this g/freesync shit is any useful I never tried it

if you're lucky, you can force the 75 to run above stock
how much burgers do those cost?

1200 for the asus and 1700 for the LG but I'm yuropoor so probably more

>recomending a TV for a PC

And that's why you're tech illiterate.

Ultrawide is as close as it gets to the native aspect ratio of movies, which translates into no black bars, plus you actually get to see more in the games you play. The image isn't just stretched, you know, you see more shit. And despite being way more immersive due to this, it's not as demanding as 16:9 4k, plus you actually have a lot of screen real state that you're probably gonna ditch your second monitor altogether like I did.

There's zero reason to not get an ultrawide for entertainment. Only a tech illiterate luddite like yourself would say otherwise.

I remember Sup Forums loving that 3 monitor setup thing, why the hate for ultrawide?

also lol @ the guy calling people out for wasting money and buying a curved 16:9

>most movies are filmed in 21:9
>majority of modern TVs are 16:9
>takes a monitor to come out and save the world with a proper movie format while also being the absolute best option for vidya

what did the couch lards mean by this?

The market is really retarded. 21:9 feels so fucking natural once you upgrade to it. 16:9 makes no fucking sense at all.

retards 4000p is where it's at (not 4k)

>but the ASUS feels painfully small vertically

How in the fuck? A 34" ultrawide is as tall as a 27" 16:9 monitor. How the hell is that short?

you're picture will be bigger but with 21:9 your fov is larger.

>confusing response time with input delay

not if the max you can get in game is 95

Well most TV is broadcast in 16:9 including 21:9 content, so it doesn't really make sense for TV's to be 21:9



>1000+ for a monitor

yeah going from a 24 I want a bigger upgrade
I'm not particularly smart

you're not capable of understanding aspect ratios, are you?

Is situation with 16:10 really that bad?

they're barely sold anymore but most of the time games support it and even if they don't (ubishit trash for example adds black bars), you can most of the time fix it

support is overall probably better than 21:9 (which is great by the by), remember 16:10 used to be the standard at one point

>I'd love me a 2560×1600 monitor but they're crazy expensive compared to 1440p.

it's not just the $$$, which is that big because no supply, they're featureless compared to the more modern panels. maybe all the companies selling multi thousand dollar gaming kit will bring 16:10 back sometime

Why did they abandon 16:10? I think it's better for gaming at least.

It is quite noticeable if you're playing competitive mp type games.

high dpi mice

g-sync and freesync are shit that fixes your monitor to whatever your gpu puts out (or is fixed to put out)
if your gpu is too weak or too powerful to run something at the fixed rate, shit in motion will look fucked and cut up

amd is less jewish than nvidia because nvidia requires you to have this expensive chip on the monitor for you to get g-sync whereas freesync is open and it cost nothing so manufacturers don't need to pass on the cost to you

>Cousin gets $800 curved 21:9 monitor
>Complains about black bars

Why would you fucking buy one when you know not many games support it and then bitch about it?

That FemShep poster you have in the background

Can you post a full version?

I meant just female leads in general



Absolutely nothing wrong with that.

What's more important :

Refresh rate or



Refresh rate, imbalanced refresh rate causes screen tearing.

A good balance of the two.
4k 30hz is shit, but I also wouldn't want 720p 200Hz

1440p/1080p 120/144hz is the sweet spot, attainable reslutions at high framerates for even mid range cards if you drop settings down

Depends on the case, but in the end it comes down to personal preference.
I like superhigh resolutions myself, and would choose a 60Hz screen over a 120Hz one with a noticeably lower resolution. Now obviously if I could get both in a single monitor I'd go with that.

>ITT Those who haven't used 120+hz monitors

For real, even general mouse movement is so much smoother, I would never go back to a 60hz monitor. It feels like trash.

Getting an ultrawide for the increased resolution in a few weeks when this baby comes out:

>using a screen
I print out each frame on a piece of paper then throw it away, get on my level fags

Depends on the game speed. The faster the game and the higher the importance of quick reactions, like in UT/QL, the more important the refresh rate.


they are too lazy to support anything they don't have to for consoles. proper PC native games should still have options for 16:10

60hz is fine for everything apart from fps desu, ive a 180p 144hz tn pannel for shooters and a 3440x1440 60 hz IPS pannel for everything else


Is there a version of this monitor that isn't ultrawide? Because I would easily trade that aspect ratio for a higher refresh rate and the rest of its specs seems decent enough

>21:9 for gaming

You're wrong

Why compromise? I have a XB271HU bmiprz right now and its great. You can't really put forth the argument that a higher refresh rate isn't better.

play quake or unreal at 120 fps and later at 60 fps and then come back

take your time to be good at those games too

no u

Let me clear this up once and for all.


don't be mad or upset, just save up and experience it, EXPERIENCE IT.
I swear i'm not a shill but poorfags have to understand what they are missing out!!

I thought it was a meme too but it's not..

p-please believe me senpai

You're not even trying to hide your buyer's remorse anymore.


In tears laughing at your dumb ass