>no voice chat
Has Nintendo officially given up?
>no voice chat
Has Nintendo officially given up?
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving pedos another way to interact with your children
wtf i love nintendo now
You want voice chat?
Go play your toxic COD games then, pre-teen.
I don't give a shit about voice chat. Don't need to hear rando 8 year olds calling me a nigger.
I skype with friends when I play because it's...
>literally nothing is improved from when it was free
its not going to be in the game, its a separate dealie thats for the whole system yet still only "works" when in games because they still cant get it right
>Not using Discord
There is, just not for random battles.
Why do you want random nips yelling at you in japanese so much?
I'll use whatever my friends are using. That's how these things work. Maybe I'll suggest Discord next time.
>Get hooked on Nintendo as a kid
>Grow up
>Realise Nintendo is still only trying to appeal to children
>REEEEE in denial
In that same vein, why are people having autistic tantrums over the mobile voice chat app? Who the fuck uses in-game voice coms these days?
I don't really get the appeal of voice chat for this game. do you really want mouth breathers and ultra competitive retards telling you what to do?
It's a requirement for online games. There's a reason why voice chat with randos has been a thing in almost every online game since the 2000s. Sp1atoon would have been much more enjoyable with it.
Pictured: A game company appealing to adults
I wouldn't let my children play this shit to begin with.
>no voice chat
>no ethernet port on console
>nintendo wants splatoon to be a competetive game
Post your kids
It really wouldn't. It would be fine if people actually used it for the purposes of coordinating a team, but they just call each other niggers and rage when someone on their team is worse than them, or someone on the other team is better. Voice chat is pointless because gamers are too stupid to use it.
Thats trying to appeal to teenagers and mmo types obsessed with getting shinier shit
People like to compete in games that are fun.
Hence why Melee has outlived pretty much every major Capcom fighter.
>any console
>competitive online
>wanting to chat with the same users who used miiverse
I own a switch and even I don't want that. Shame about the rest of the online features being shit though, thats my biggest flaw with the console.
>"Trust me, now that we have to pay for playing online Nintendo will finally catch up to Sony and Microsoft"
yeah, Nintendo really messed up not putting that in a game
Oh okay, sorry. Maybe this is better:
>>no ethernet port on console
I have Ethernet hooked into my switch right now. It goes into the Usb port dumb shit
>super turbo
>even vsav is still getting time in the spotlight
leave my sight '16er
Are you implying you're 8 years old?
Drones are proving they only play Nintendo games because they aren't even aware that you can mute voice chat
>WEEEEEEE post your kids. I need to see them for "research" purposes
Voice chat is concentrated cancer
Which one of those had the second best time slot at Evo 2016 (second only to Capcom desperately pushing their failing SFV)?
Was it mvc2? No... that can't be... mvc2 didn't even make Evo last year.
Perhaps it was Super Turbo? No... that wasn't there either.
Oh that's right! It was Melee...
>not having to manually mute the rest of you fucks
Who knew Nintendo was so ahead of the curve?
do you think USB offers comparable performance to ethernet? why are nintenbros so tech illiterate? its just like people who think switch connects to a faster processor in the dock through FUCKING USB
Voice chat is always cancer
We are aware. We just don't want something that is so awful it needs to be muted.
And voice chat always needs to be muted. There's not one game of Mario kart worth hearing what people have to say.
Someone said yesterday that people who want voice chat have no friends and it's there only socializing. That sounds about right. You fat losers are so lonely that
>fucking blue shell Fuck you
Is better than the silence of having no friends
Ask yourself this question:
Do you REALLY want to communicate with Nintendo fans online?
>You fat losers are so lonely that
>>fucking blue shell Fuck you
>Is better than the silence of having no friends
That sounds like some serious projection
Every time someone points out a negative observation on this shit board
>haha that must be user talking about himself.
Why do want to speak to a bunch of kids ya freak
Because its usually true.
I played about 300 hours of Smash 4 online. Once every few matches, I'd beat someone who would then furiously change their name to things like!
Yeah I don't think I really need to hear what these guys have to say.
>implying game selection at Evo is what determines whether a game is alive or not
blazblue is on sunday this year
kof14 is at evo this year
pokken was at evo last year
skullgirls was at evo2011
please leave
from 3.0 onwards it is better.
Fucking this, holy shit. You'd have to be a literal, scientifically graded retard to want voice chat with randoms.
what exactly are they charging network money for again?
Limited-use NES roms that disappear after a month
The only people who care that desperately about voice chat are the ones that like to berate other people online.
Good fucking riddance
Gaming Voice Chat is cancer.
All those one-off and short lived games.
Makes it all the more impressive that Melee will be at it's 6th Evo this year.
>It's a requirement for online games
Why? so you can tell other kids their a black queer noob who has their dick stuck up their own ass?
Sames as Xbox and Playstation. Because they can. Because people will pay for it.
Oh no I wish I could hear a bunch of shithead idiots yelling in english and japanese while I play the paint shooty game
Voice chat was literally never used for teamwork or to improve the gameplay experience in any way, shape or form.
yeah, it's totally more convenient to type your thoughts in the middle of multiplayer session
voice chat is not needed for this game at all
perhaps you should try to take a painting game with squiddos less seriously?
Nintendo is smart.
They know most people don't want to hear:
- Shitty music blasting in the background
- A baby crying
- Children screaming
- A couple arguing
- etc...
When they want to play their game. Gaming is best done in silence, with the authored audio from the game pulling you in and establishing the mood. There is no value in allowing a 30 year old to scream "Nigger" into your ear 40 times because you paintrollered him.
It is pretty impressive that Nintendo continues to put McRibs into Mr.Wizard's pockets in exchange for stage time
you've played wrong games on wrong hardware then.
Can't have voice in an E rated game.
If you have time to be writing your thoughts in chat, you're most likely not helping your team.
Oh sure it is
voice chat is literal cancer outside of organized groups
you are an absolute tosser, stop playing vidya
Name 1 (one) [un] videogame where online voice chat with strangers is a requirement to win a match or complete a level.
sure, right, have you officially gone pointless?
This is the exact opposite of true. Most people who try to trash talk online are too afraid to let people hear their voices. Most 'toxic' behavior is in text chat. If you force people to use voice they will work together more.
I played the beta, it's so fucking easy literally 1 person can carry his entire team in this shitty game. VC should only work if games aren't retarded easy
>if you don't want to spam NIGGER SUCK MAH COCK XD LOL 12 YO BTFO on mic, you're playing the game wrong!!
Mcliterally kill yourself.
>If you force people to use voice they will work together more.
That only works like 3% of the time unless you have an organized group of friends. In which case Splatoon 2 DOES support voice chat for those matches.
Wrong. It's far easy to shit on someone when all you need to do is move your goddamn lips. There's hundreds of thousands of hours of fucking awful in-game voice chat to prove you wrong.
>voice chat is literal cancer outside of organized groups
This. Any good voice-chat is done on discord usually.
People who get invited to chill discord chats and people who rage over their inability to rage over pubchat typically aren't the same people.
How have I not seen this before? This is literally the best thing since sliced bread.
>voice chat
>YAMETE YAMETE! NANDATO! for 24 hours, 7 days
no thank you.
>Sup Forums once again defending the lack of social features due to their debilitating autism that prevents them from interacting with other human beings
If it's an issue with online safety just give an option to disable it for specific accounts, it's what Nintendo should be going for if they want to please everyone.
>interacting with other human beings
This is not what happens in voice chat.
>wanting to hear people while playing a game
>please pay for online that offers less features than our competitors!
So what exactly are they charging for then
Does it allow me to play Nintendo games online? Yes? Then sign me up.
I'm not going to go full autist and whine over 5 or 10 dollars a month.
over 7 pls
The ability to play online sweetie
>It's only some of your money
To make more money, duh.
Microsoft and Sony have proven that you can get away with it. They'd be dumb not to join in.
>Dad, I hate you. Stop trying to make me play your shitty call of duty!
>this thread again
I'm amazed at the amount of autism people have on this board.
if this was 10 years ago id care but nowadays the only people who voicechat with randoms are squealers
>play overwatch for hundreds of hours
>can count the number of toxic players I've encountered on my fingers
I'm glad that children generally stay away from the Red Orchestra/Rising Storm series.
dont worry nintendo will add voice chat in the year 2025 when the rest of the world has moved on to neural interface virtual reality
and theyll also sell some new amiibos for their wiiu hd remasters
shit u must got alot of fingers
>get to high rank in splatoon
>90% of the people is japanese
rollan some bread here
>Trying to tell a japanese player that your splat zone is being contested
>Trying to tell a spanish/french/italian player to cover you while you're on the tower
>Trying to tell an edgy kid/teenager to fall back because you're two players down in rainmaker only to get called a pussy, he die and throws an autistic shitfit
Like I said last night, this would only work in regional in America and Japan. Europe is fucked though with all the languages. So if there is a regional mode, you have a right to complain about voice chat.
You know that every game that has voice chat has an option for voice chat volume, so you can easily turn it off if you don't want that option. But hey, having free choice is bad right and everyone adheres to a single collective opinion that you spastics just happen to spout en masse the second someone has a complaint about the matter.
EA Star Wars Battlefront and LoL doesn't have voice chat. Are you going to fucking bitch about them or do what they say and go on Discord?
>still the same amount of online features as the Wii U with no improvements
>you now have to pay for it
What did Nintendo mean by this?
To understand why there's no voice chat, go read some Miiverse posts some time. Those are the people you would be sharing voice chat with.
>still being a little kid
For the last time, I don't want to hear your prepubescent fucking voice. Fuck off.