Is fallout lore dumb??

is fallout lore dumb??

why would the overseas follow the rules the whole company is dead there is no money, the whole world is dead why the fuck would they follow the companies agenda

also what was valttechs end goals why start the wars for no fucking reason it's all fucking dumb

even warhammer 40k has a better story/lore


Are you retarded? Are you stupid? Do you want an actual answer or are you looking for some big meme response?

>even warhammer 40k has a better story/lore

>is fallout lore dumb??

>Make franchise that is merely a parody
>Sole purpose of series is so the left can lampoon what they hate, e.g. corporations, or can't understand, e.g. science
>Franchise is not meant to be logical
>Autists on the internet still debate this shlock seeking to poke holes in it

The only reason to play the series is for the ambiance of feeling like the last man on earth. It doesn't really have more to it. The stories are bad. A few of the ministories on the terminals can be good but they are just flavor text and were put in by accident. The writing is meant to be terrible. It is even a metaparody of science fiction that takes itself seriously thus awful stories.

>Sole purpose of series is so the left can lampoon what they hate
What the fuck are you smoking man?

>also what was valttechs end goals why start the wars for no fucking reason it's all fucking dumb

Yeah man, what could a company who specializes in making massive nuclear war bunkers possibly have to gain from starting a nuclear war?

Since when did Vault-Tec start the war? I thought it was supposed to be a mystery.

Oh you are one of those who thinks leftists didn't start ruining gaming until last week because someone yelled SJW.

>I thought it was supposed to be a mystery.
Fallout 3 solved that for us. It was aliens. Pre-Bethesda it was fog-of-war both-sides-wanted-it a-bomb-went and then nukes. It was purposely vague.

It was aliens now. Bethesda doesn't understand the lore. It's all about shooting and looting. Why would you want an rpg?
Fallout is dead.

Fallout was never alive. Before bethesda it was a shitty little series that consisted of only 2 hackneyed games back in the 90's when most didn't have a computer one of which was a cookie cutter of the other. Only through the modern internet hype machine did it become more.

>the overseas
The what?
This post is barely readable. Why do you have the right to call anyone dumb?

>t. 17 year old

You really think there is more to this franchise than hype.

The game was based off GURPS and would have had legitimate tie in tabletop if it wasn't for both sides of the equation being fuckwits. There's been multiple conversions of the game into RPG rules, and talk of licensed works. Fallout 3 was almost greenlit before it died and was eventually resurrected by Bethesda. There was a couple of spinoff games before Bethesda got the rights.

Tabletop is as dead as disco. Its last year of popularity was 1989 maybe. Long before this franchise.

Do you know anyone who played these spinoffs? The only one that gets talked about seldomly is Tactics.

If they had actually gone through with their Fallout 3: Doom build this series would have had a nail in its coffin long ago.

>Do you know anyone who played these spinoffs?
Multiple people, I even know a poor fucker who owned Brotherhood of Steel for the Xbox.

>Sole purpose of series is so the left can lampoon what they hate

If its a lampoon its poorly done because the "better dead than red" shit and the futuristic crusaders are the best part of fallout

Those crappy games were overshadowed by giants such as FF7, Zelda OoT, Half Life, MGS and Re2.

People only started caring when Fallout 3 was released. Then they became a meme in Sup Forums.

Fallout 1 : Not a lot of content, but most of it is decent one
Fallout 2 : Ton of shitty unfunny content, plus some good-mediocre content

I never liked the original Fallout games.
I don't like a lot of the games that Sup Forums sings praises for like Pathologic or Deus Ex.

Don't worry, it's not your fault you're only 13

True, I'll never buy anything based on Sup Forums praise.
Last game I bought was Dragon's Dogma and couldn't play more that 8 hrs, I was forcing myself to do so and that's not fun. The game is so bland, generic and uninspired.