I recently heard about this game again & when looking into it I found it to have an interesting premise

I recently heard about this game again & when looking into it I found it to have an interesting premise.
>Custom character isn't the Main Character per se
>Basically get to see things from their perspective as a party member dragged into everything with Main Character

I want to try it out since I'm hearing it's at least decent but wanted to get a few second opinions if it's worth looking into.

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Your custom character is barely a character at all. He'll basically spend half the cutscenes silently standing off to the side while named characters do plot things.
He'll spend the other half of them not being in the cutscene at all.
The only other remotely interesting aspect of the game was the multiplayer aspect, but that's not really worth going into since the games' servers aren't running anymore.

Damn, was kinda interesting in the Party Member/Side Character the perspective of the game. I guess it's hard to explain but I mean how the character isn't the chosen one at all but is dragged along anyway. I guess it's hard to explain, & I knew a friend of mine has the first game in possession so, but if you say so. I also heard the DLC wasn't brought over? Maybe they could come back this concept & try to do it better?

>Basically get to see things from their perspective as a party member
In WKC1 this wasn't the case at all (haven't played 2), you see things from the MC's perspective and your character is just there

>tfw if you want to edit your character post creation, your only choice is to pay 5 bucks, each editing
>If you use the ticket but you have a blackout before you can save the edit is undone but the ticket is consumed

And, worst of all
>game has no helmets

What the hell is wrong with these people?

>That scene where Caesar talk with your char and point out why YOU are tagging along the whole thin in a joke.

I actually rather like WKC as a generic, feelgood JRPG. If you want a solid B-tier JRPG that's not a Tales it's a good option.

I think WKC1 was OK (especially if you liked FFXI). 2 was all the same areas and stuff, kind of boring. I think WKC1 was more fun too because the mech was uncommon, and the mech gameplay isn't really any fun.

The online stuff was interesting but that will all be dead at this point.

Is it true they never released the DLC that focused on your character or did they add that 2 like they did the original game?

I heard these games was very easy, is that true?

>The online stuff was interesting but that will all be dead at this point.

Literally the only thing about the online mode I remember is mother fucking Big Red

when you get your own white night in 2

The main story was, it only became hard if you did the optional stuff and the multiplayer.
You'd end the game and think you're hot shit only to get your shit pushed in something fierce while doing some rank 2/3 quest or something higher.

The single player (offline) portion is fairly easy. The online had extreme grinding but it's gone. There's a playthrough on lparchive that documents pretty well what story/unique content there was online.

>that end CS where your character's about to transform when the screen fade to black.

Unfortunately, WKCIII will never get made. your character will actually be important to the plot, like how PSU was.

I liked building my base up and trying to get other people to come because I had all the awesome stuff.

Remember how people were hyped more with White Knight Chronicles than FFXIII?


FFXII + Rogue Legacy = WKC

Is it bullshot trailer? I don't remember those animations.

It's a little bit exaggerated but no, that's pretty much how it plays in the released product.

It felt like they put the character creator in as a fuck you to the Wrpgs that were gaining prominence at the time

some cut out, like the grabbing, but pretty much the combat is the same as WKCII

It's all Oblivion. Oblivion made a big splash in Japan. You can see it in the visual design of WKC and contemporary JRPGs (Infinite Undiscovery, for example). Suddenly all the anime teenagers are wearing corsets and doublets.

eh, not really. It was supposed to be the same as Phantasy Star Universe. your character only becomes plot important in Episode 3 and 4, unfortunately WKC III never got made.

I was pretty hyped for it because I loved the idea of transforming into a gigantic knight. It really is a shame that the series bombed that they couldn't do the trilogy of games like they planned.

Fun fact, this entire trailer is a mock-up. Nothing presented here is actual gameplay; all of it is FMV footage made specifically for TGS because development on it was just THAT screwy that they just had to show something to them.

I remember seeing an ad for the first one in american Jump but I didn't have a PS3. Heard the game was bad. Is that true?

I mean, they only arguably finished two games. At least 50% of WKC2 is "replay these areas from WKC1 because reasons".

Vertical slice trailers are the norm, not the exception.

It's a decent JRPG. It won't convert you if you don't like JRPGs. It had some interesting online multiplayer ideas but the servers are gone.

It is a gimped MMO with the online functions gutted, complete with the massive grind for ANYTHING, and written by blithering morons that couldn't drool themselves out of a paper bag. It's pretty terrible whose only saving grace is the soundtrack and the mech design.

It wasn't bad, but it didn't live up to the hype that Level-5 had built it.


Level-5 was pushing it as a big scale fantasy RPG and it just didn't live up to that.

It was made because of the online multiplayer system, they could not have five characters who are identical to each other in a online dungeon, so your "avatar" character was created, the mc is the star of the offline story, while your avatar was the star of the multiplayer.

They even give you a bone in wkc2 where your "avatar" gets his own knight who is stronger than the mc knight, not that anyone ever gives you any credit for that.

Your character is just a pvp/multiplayer avatar, but it would feel weird for him to pop out of nowhere, so the devs made him into a silent party member.

>That fucking annoying guy that edited his character stats via save game editing and ruining the quest for everyone

>tfw got my PS3 long after it was ded
>tfw nip servers still alive but your nip is terrible

Oh really? What do I need to connect to the Japanese server? I speak it well enough for multi.

Sony aren't ever going to commission their own JRPGs again, are they?


The Japanese game. You should look up if the server is still up though, I haven't checked in a while.

man Sup Forums sucked this games dick so much on release. I was going to be a ps3 system seller. and then it was bad and everybody moved on to demons souls.

It's Microsoft that saddens me. The early days of 360 when Microsoft was still making attempts to sell in Japan yielded a lot of great shit.