A or B?
A or B?
A, ez
Reminder that portals are not real so arguing over this is retarded
Depends if it makes a sound.
Conservation of energy.
1. 50%
2. A
4. It will take off just fine
All these are easy as fuck.
Portals require an infinite amount of energy to be created, we know this as there are various ways to create a perpetual motion machine with them which can only be possible if they already take an infinite amount of energy to make.
Since we know Energy = Infinity, let's do a couple of equations.
E = mc^2
As we know c = the speed of light or 299 792 458 m / s, and 299 792 458^2 is 8.9875518e+16, and that Energy is Infinity, the equation becomes
Infinity = m8.9875518e+16
The only way for the equation to match up with one another is if Mass is also Infinity.
Therefore, a portal has infinite mass.
F = ma
We already know m = Infinity so the equation becomes
F = Infinity x a
Any form of acceleration would require an infinite amount of force.
The portal cannot have 0 mass, as energy for massless objects can have the equation of
E = hf
Or Energy equals Planks Constant x Frequency, as Planks Constant is a finite number, frequency must be infinite.
The equation for energy can also be
E = hc / wavelength, as Planks Constant and Speed of Light are finite, wavelength must be 0.
But Light is equal to wavelength x frequency, but 0 x Infinity = 0, making light move at 0 speed if portals were massless.
Ergo, the answer is Ѭ, the piston is unable to move as it would take an infinite amount of force to move the portal situated upon it.
The problem doesn't begin until you actually draw a gold ball. Once you have one in hand and ask the question it's 50%
A. If it was the lower platform pressing, B.
Thanks for reminding me to filter "A or B?"
1.25% or 33%, not sure
2.No answer
3.Always switch
4.Don't know much about aerodynamics, but the fact that no air will move around the wings leads me to believe the plane can't take off (Archimedes)
Oh and if the exit portal was facing you while the entrance portal and cube were visible, the cube would be stationary yet moving at the speed the entrance portal moves from the same viewpoint simultaneously.
Keyword here.
B-fags say jif.
A-fags say gef.
As the cube passes through the portal the side of it that has already passed through will be traveling faster than the other static side.
It's whether you believe that energy will build up and slingshot it out, or just cancel out. It's only up for speculation at the moment.
ez argument for b:
Consider what happens if you place a net over the blue portal.
Then, moving through the portal, either
>no force is exerted on the cube, the net stops the cube from going through
>the cube has force exerted on it, which it uses to move the net
It can't be the first, because then even air resistance would stop it.
Thus, a stationary object going through a moving portal has force exerted on it by the portal, pulling it through
The force gives it momentum, so it launches out
Whether you're running towards the portal, or the portal is coming towards you, conservation of energy is the same.
People who say A are either retarded or trolls.
>4. It will take off just fine
How? There's no air current to provide force for lift off? It's literally the propellers moving like normal along with the wheels moving.
Not how it works.
No force is being exerted on the object. None at all. Objects moving through portals keep their kinetic properties. The object is still before the portal hits it, and thus it is still afterward as well.
So the net will block?
Where the fuck did a net come from? There is no net.
People who say A are retarded
It doesnt matter which "hits" which. The box is still passing the threshold of the portal at a certain speed, and therefore will have to exit the portal at the same speed, assuming air resistance is negligible.
The propeller pulls the plane through the air to give the wings current to lift off. The speed of the wheels or the ground under the plane has nothing to do with anything.
There's no correct answer
Switch doors
Plane won't take off
Objectively correct and yet people still keep posting the wrong answers.
The plane needs to be moving fast enough relative to the air around it to generate lift. Because the plane isn't moving much relative to the air around it it won't get the lift it needs to take off.
no momentum = no speed
>Portal is linked to the moon
>Kinetic energy is preserved
That's more interesting to think about
The plane will move forward nearly exactly as fast as it would move on stationary ground. The treadmill moving backward simply means that the wheels will have to spin twice as fast.
If you have a toy car or some other thing you can hold in one hand that has a wheel you can see this yourself by pulling the car forward with one hand on the body (this hand acts as the force from the engine) while you put your other arm under the wheels and move it in the opposite direction (acting as the treadmill). The hand on top won't find it much harder to move forward, if it all (depends how much friction is in the wheels).
The game does it wrong. In order to tell the speed of the object exiting the other portal, it compares the relative speed between object and portal.
It works as long as no portal is moving
What you need to understand is that planes don't get lift from runways moving, they get lift from turbines spinning. It's just that as the turbines start to spin the plane will move forward but not have sufficient strength to generate lift. The runway acts as a stall while the turbines generate enough energy to initiate lift. In this case the treadmill would counteract the plane moving forward, once sufficient lift began the wheels would no longer contact the treadmill and the plane would fly away.
E z
Actually, momentum is being conserved.
There is a speed from the box's point of view relative to the portal's threshold.
Where would that velocity go if the exit portal is remaining still?
>Keyword here.
It would still be 2/3.
No, because box 3 is eliminated as a possibility as soon as you have a gold ball in your hand.
The question can be rephrased as "If you've drawn a gold ball from one of these boxes, what are the chances that you've drawn from Box 1?"
What? Lift is generated because the air pressure below the wing is greater than the air pressure above the wing. If the air isn't moving relative to the wings the plane simply won't take off.
Except the answer would still be 2/3. Ignore Box 3, because you have double the chance to get a gold ball from Box 1 than Box 2.
Why do you think that air would move over the wing any differently because of the treadmill?
If it worked like this, then why don't they hold planes stationary with clamps or w/e to minimize the length of take-off runways? They can make dedicated landing and take-off runways, with the take-off runways being only a fraction of the size.
From this fact alone I can already deduce that you're full of shit.
Think of it this way. All you know is that you've chosen a gold ball. There are three gold balls you could have chosen. Two of them are in box that has another gold ball. One of them is in a box that doesn't. Two out of three of your equally likely choices result in there being another gold ball in the box. 2/3
You can't place a portal on a moving surface in the game
Oh, shit, you guys are right. I'd skipped forward to the part where you're already holding a ball, without thinking about how you'd get there.
No movement means there's not necessarily air flowing over the wings, for instance if it's completely wind still.
The treadmill does not hold the plane in place.
Because normally the plane moves forwards through air, so the plane has a velocity relative to its surroundings and the atmosphere. On the treadmill the plane is stationary relative to the air around it. If you go for a run on a track you can feel the air blow over you. If you go for a run on a treadmill you won't experience that.
It's a trick question. The question implies that the treadmill will match the wheels. The trick is that this is not enforced. The wheels are allowed to roll forward so the plane can obtain a high enough air speed over the wings.
A of course. Slam a hoola hoop on a rock and see if the rock jumps into the air.