I had more fun with this than I did with the souls series

I had more fun with this than I did with the souls series



I haven't played a fps in years so I'm garbage at it and am still having a blast.

Well now that I think about it, it. Probably has to do with one not being treated like its the greatest thing ever because it's from japan

>this is the first game to genuinely interest me in years
Is it worth building a new PC for?


It is entertaining even if it has more memory leaks than firefox

I still haven't won a solo game but I usually win when I have a squad. They really need to fix the performance issues. A 1070 should not be laggy as fuck in some spots.

I pretty regularly get to the final circle, but I think that's the weakest part of the game (hiding in the grass looking for someone doing the same 50 feet away). The most fun is setting up ambushes or encountering random groups while running around looting

>shitposting thread is about 404
>you fags bump it
This is why Sup Forums is so shit

my friends have more fun with fifa than they have with souls

I guess different people have different tastes and its not like these games have anything in common.

>stop liking what I don't like

GITGUD, etc, hide thread


this thread was obviously made so people could reply

Every thread is obviously made for people to reply. That's the point of an image board.

maybe i didnt use the right words
The post was made with controversy to trigger soulsfags

And then people come who aren't triggered but instead have genuine discussion and you sperg out about it.

Why don't you just hide the thread and move on.

No amount of PC will make it look good or run smoothly

Also this game is literally
>gather for 20 minutes
>get in a 10 second gun fight
>50/50 chance of living/dying
>most of the time you get sniped from some unknown location

That's ok

Woah.... Another fotm survival game that will be forgotten about soon when everyone moves to the next fotm survival game

These sort of games factually outlive most AAA games, and last MUCH longer than most stuff shilled on v like nioh. You can see for yourself on steamdb.

Flavor of the month for March, April, May and soon June. It's lasting a lot longer than most other games do.

Firefights can last several minutes if you play in a three or four man squad.

These games are all the same. If you used a screenshot as the op image instead of the title, nobody would know which survival bs it was for.

The same can be said about most online shooters, MOBAs and fighting games.

Shill thread, you can tell by the poster count

So what do you guys think of the new VSS? I really like it. I've only found it twice and the first time I got about 4 kills with it. I think it's pretty good balance wise. Super rare and not as good as a supressed AR, but the very common ammo makes up for it.

Bullet velocity needs to be bumped up a bit, it's retardedly slow right now.

Have you never played an Arma game before?

No single game is ever worth upgrading your PC for.

Its when there's multitudes not running up to your expectations when it is time, provided they're not made by shitty developers who don't care about the PC platform.(i.e. everything Ubisoft)

>he thinks people on Sup Forums have friends to play with

>Firefights can last several minutes
i love the game but this is not true at all

>literally get killed by RNG: the game

'Worth' is, in this case at least, subjective. To each their own.

You just need to gitgud, friend :^)


>IP count doesnt go up

Woah, just every other games

Leave the thread dipshit

>prefer the M416 and AK
>always find an M16 or UMP and stuck with it for the rest of the match

>Sup Forums only hates it because it's popular with streamers.

I've had firefights last at least a couple of minutes. Maybe not constant shooting, but repositioning, reviving fallen teammates, giving cover fire etc all take time. I've had fights last through a couple of circles.

SCAR-L master race

What's wrong with the UMP though? I prefer it over all the ARs in close quarters. Can't beat a Vector with extended mag though.

yeah probably not in solo play, but in squad this can be common place

Scar is objectively the worst gun in the game. AKM is op now.

how is the AKM op now? Personally I rather have literally no recoil with the SCAR and hit moving targets easier

>No single game is ever worth upgrading your PC for.
Crysis used to be but that was because it was the most popular way for most people to brag about their computers and say how well it runs crysis.

Even then it wasn't really worth it but those were the early years of graphics whoring.

anyone used the VSS yet? how is it?

>Get absolutely shitty loot, running around the entire game with a mini uzi, low level armour and a few painkillers
>Top 5 finish every time

>Get amazing loot, suppressed snipers and top armour
>Die before the second circle closes


A bit shit, though it is funny with an extended mag and full auto.

The game is fucking fun as fuck especially as a squad most fun I ever had in any fps game, and when you play alone and make it to the top 10 holy fuck is it intense my niggas

Then you get shot in the back by someone who was camping outside of your view and you realize once you hit the low skill cap, RNG and things out of your control ultimately determine whether you win or not.

>playing in first person

>play 3rd person
>use free view

git gud scrub

Huge bullet drop past 150 or so meters, very slow bullet velocity, small mag. Uses sniper rifle accessories for stuff like extended mag. Other than that, it's a supressed rifle with an integral 4x scope that takes the most common ammo type in the game, so it's pretty great. I always take one if I see one unless I have a suppressed AR with scope and a great secondary gun.

how much do the pay you?

>50/50 chance of living/dying
get fucking good, jesus

whats RNG, where the other players are? maybe from your perspective. you're meant to keep an eye out from other players bud :)

the final circle is only fun when it ends in a big town like mylta or at least any buildings at all. So tired of the game depending on you finding an AR or sniper and then needing to find a 4x or 8x scope ontop of that just so you can prone in the field and hope you find the other prone guys and pick them off before they snipe you

protip: hold ALT and look around

This game has been getting shilled for weeks now, of course they are going to necrobump it.

You can't 'git gud' at RNG. You may as well be saying 'git gud' to people playing slot machines.

I won a game where the RNG decided that my side of the circle was the safe zone, all I had to do was wait for the other player to get pushed out from behind the tree, then I got the jump + lag comp advantage and won. There was no chance for the other player to win.

Airplane direction, loot, safe zone positions and then you have a mash of player choices that produces all sorts of different outcomes where many are blind because you don't have information as a player. You can't account for all players, especially if they remain silent, unless you use cheats like ESP.

Of course.

>you didnt find a scope
>shot from unknown location

rinse, repeat.

The design of these "BATTLE ROYALE" games are such shit.

The only actual player interaction is in the early when you're weapon hunting after a parachute drop. After which it's just camping simulator.

Even if you win with the aforementioned strategy, it doesn't even feel rewarding.

AR's are easy to find everywhere. Just keep looting until you get one or play smart and kill someone who has good loot. ARs with scopes are important late in the game, but I think SMGs have a good place at the final circles. The area is so small that the recoil of an AR might be your biggest problem. Dumping an UMP mag in someone is often more effective IMO.

>every game I don't like it a shill thread

It's a shill thread when people spam it with the same pics always trying to force discussion to happen even though there's not.
Even the general in /vg/ is dead.

I like the UMP, it's just holy shit, give me another weapon sometimes.

The social aspects of the game are pretty cool too.

>Got seperated from my duos partner on landing
>He was in Pochinki, I was in the large shack South of Pochinki
>Two guys also landed by me, ultimately herd me in to a closet attached to the building
>"Hey, do you have a friend?"
>"Do you mean figuratively or in terms of cooperation?"
>"Alright we're just going to frag you out"
>"Hold on now I'll suck your dick"
>"That's homo dude"
>"It's hard out here for a pimp, na' mean?"
>Between this conversation and them taking forever to make a move, my teammate made it across rhe field and we proceeded to pinch the two guys

Like something out of a movie.

>tfw a friend gift me this game but can't play it because my pc is shit

Y'all complaining about rng need to get gud, 90% of the excitement is not knowing what your gonna get or what other people are doing. Yeah sometimes you parachute down and got blown away right away. But that's the nature of the game to make it to top 10, means 90 other players failed.

>mfw I survive 4 different ambushes in one game and get first place with shit gear

>electricity circle closes in, forcing players to fight

>first two waves of DEADLY ELECTRICITY tickles and can be negated by a fucking energy drink or some Advil.

>Get sniped by faggots sitting in the supposed moving wall of death

Im fully conscious of how easy it is to regen your way through electricity in the first couple waves. And I know how fucking productive it is killing people running from it.

But you dont put a fucking mechanic in like that and then allow people to openly sunbathe in it. Seems really fucking redundant.

That was epic - epic for the win!

just bought this, what am i in for?

>muh shills

when can i expect my cheque then? I liked Arma and I enjoyed battle royale as well as the playstyle of cautious exploring and looting punctuated by brief intense firefights that you used to see in DayZ when it first became a thing (before it became a joke).

Think it has more to do with the awful coding really. The sound system shits out during the spawn area when everyone fucks around.

>battle royale games
>ever not being a big joke built as youtuber-bait

the last few faggots alive camping and sniping

I feel like 30 bucks is just too expensive for it's early access title.

If it was 15, I'd probably buy it. It seems fun, and a few videos I've watched for it make it seem interesting. But perhaps too easy. As soon as you drop in and find a building, you are set for the entire game.

You pretty much instantly get a backpack, armor, a rifle, a 2nd gun of some kind, first aid, etc. There's no real need to "scavenge" anything. Maybe if the game had time limits for weapons/armor it would be better. Like say the first 8mins of the game is handguns only with very rare armor. Then after that it's about 8mins of finding more special things like shotties or SMGs and armor becomes easier to find but better ones are rare. Then after that, rifles, and so it goes.

If I had the chance to get it for free, I would play it right now. But I don't want to spend 30. Maybe if I found a 20 on the ground outside I'd pony up.

Bugs, dudebros, terrible graphics and poor coding.

maybe you should just gitgud?

the souls series is shit though anyway

Why would I bother with terrible videogames?

Everything you said is wrong

The worst is when you're moving because you know you're going to die in the blue, but then here's this faggot who's camping a building, too stupid to realize he's going to die camping there, that guns you down, dooming you both.

I can appreciate getting killed for just about any reason, but when one of these suicidal retards gets me it irks the shit out of me. At least let's duke it out after getting out of the blue so the better man can go on.

>mad cuz u bad


Just gitgud and maybe you won't be so salty all the time

>has to talk about Souls in order to try and bait people because he knows these threads have almost no legitimate discussion and need baits to survive

>scratched disk mode two replies in
That bad, huh?

not really, if you land in an area with alot of houses where you would be set, there is alwasy a handful of people near you, and you end up getting in a fight to get the gear first. Moving from house to house is dangerous when youre in the middle of the circle. 30 bucks is a little steep for it though. At least the game doesn't feel horribly early access like every other one.


yeah its really fun, na community is great 2

So yeah, scratched disk mode, that says more than any words could ever do.
Have a good day.

How so?

Every single video or stream I've watched for this game is: Drop in, find a building, get full equipped, then hunt/survive until you win or die.

You could say I'm just boiling the game down to it's most basic movesets like you can do with any game ever, but I have literally never seen anything different. It takes less than 5-10mins every single time to get fully equipped with a backpack full of shit, a good weapon with atleast one attachement, a 2nd gun of some kind (that also probably has an attachment) and armor. Every single time.

The game is so fucking good

Only reason it gets hate is because

1. It's too hard
2. people are rightfully careful of early access
3. butthurt Sonyfags

>get gud
>git gud
>getting gud at an early access realism military shooter tailored to campers

Im not even the guy you're talking to and I can sense your faggotry from here.

>still hasn't presented a single argument
>keeps repeating "muh shills"
>accuses others of repeating themselves


you dont know how many boosts and medkits they have. they may just survive after killing you

man i sure do love the gaming industry turned by into "buy this unfinished product for retail price and we might update it also here are micro transactions" thank you to everyone that supports garbage like this

100% agree

but there aint no microtransactions in this bruh. Fuck outta the thread if you havent played it. :y

A lot of people seem to think it's some zombie survival game with microtransactions up the ass

if more people knew what it actually was, it would be even more popular

Nah, I'm talking about guaranteed, no chance to survive deaths, often confirmed when playing duo or squad and one of my mates lives on and sees their deaths in the logs.

It's not even the 'I know I'm going to die, so I'm taking you down with me', it's always the 'I'm too stupid to realize that I shouldn't be camping here'.

Literally can't even play right now because the servers are down go fuck yourself OP