Why does Europe hate Nintendo and favor Sony so much?
Why does Europe hate Nintendo and favor Sony so much?
Honestly if you exclude people under 16 PC is probably the mainstream.
Because Nintendo until recently treated Europe worse than South Africa while Sony made a decent foothold, brought games and latched onto FIFA.
It's still sold out in several countries, retard. Don't really expect that to change when Splatoon 2 is coming out.
Pretty much, getting Fifa is winning Europe.
>Why is Europe being sensible and not buying a console at launch
Seriously I can't believe you guys can't wrap your head around something so simple
better question why americans r such weebs
nintendo have the worst voice actors and we don't eat up generic american shit
how is xbone selling that much in amrica?
But Europe bought the PS4 at launch, and the Switch still has supply constraints in several regions in Europe
It's Fifa
Europe seems to be the only smart people when it comes to console purchases. If only they were smart about other things.
lower autism numbers than the US
Europe is vidya third world.
Give'em fifa and they will do everything for you.
Why do cats hate Sony?
If you want a real sort of answer is that Nintendo was not really the in thing in Europe as it was in America, only 1 of my friends even had a N64 when it was new and i only got one near the end of it's life.
People arround here sort of fell in love with the PlayStation and even before that the Megadrive was more popular. As well as Amega's and other obscure(to american) home systems.
>still massive in Europe
So Autism isn't the problem? It's Europeans?
People under 16 are the main PC demographic.
They all play league and minecraft.
>in Europe
Don't pretend it's a single country.
What nation are you describing from your past? UK?
We don't have the nostalgia goggles you murica faggots seem to have over Mario and Zelda since we never got the original NES here to start with.
So we didn't get legions of brainwashed nintenbros running on endless heaps of "Muh Zelda! Muh Metroid! Muh Mario!" etc. telling us to buy SNES, N64, GC, etc.
The switch launched at 330€ here. That's $370. They can go fuck themself.
nobody buys switch here because it looks like(and is) an overpriced tablet without basic functions
>Nintendo Switch is the fastest selling console in Spain
>Nintendo Switch is fastest selling Nintendo console in France
Is the UK really poor?
Fuck that's awful for the bone in japan.
The whole of Europe was in the Sega and PC camp for the entire NES and SNES run, and then moved on to Playstation.
Only Nintendo handhelds ever had any foothold over here.
But that means that most of the franchises present in Nintendo home consoles don't really resonate with European gamer.
And for good reason. They're all overrated shit.
Yes, but i saw the trends in other Euro countries at the time. I am not claiming that Nintendo "did poorly" Just that the general trend was towards other systems.
Zelda and some other quaility games did a good thing to up it's popularity.
spotted the uneducated retard. UK uses pounds (£).
So? No one is going to buy a new console for a game they can get on a console they already own
What? How would I know? I'm not from the UK.
We have good taste.
>The whole of Europe was in the Sega and PC camp for the entire NES and SNES
>famicom launched in '83
No I think half of Europe was in the Soviet camp
Why do guys like soccer so much? It's so boring compared to other sports.
The fact that the goddamn thing is sold out in most places probably also helps.
Why does it matter? The fact anyone likes either of them should be the real question.
Sony has been making shoddy video game hardware that costs way too much money since the beginning of their video game line, and their practices are super pathetic overall, especially the movie side of Sony. They are secretly evil as hell and highly manipulative on the movie side, so I'm sure that has spilled over into other parts of Sony. What a dreadful company.
Nintendo is the very definition of the phrase "fallen from grace". Nintendo was a household name long, long ago. Now the old men that were 20 to 30 years younger back then are behind the times and completely out of touch but are still working there and hold positions of power and make decisions from their our of touch place in reality, simply because Japan Honor and Tradion bullshit. With the Wii, they didn't even make an attempt to hide the fact they've just wanted money all along. And they make the worst fucking decisions imaginable now, and they have done so with since the Wii era. For every single 1 decent decision, there are probably a good 5 bad decisions.
Seriously, the only people who support any video game company like they are their friends and shit are truly pathetic assholes.
Oh, it's just if it wasn't for the UK the Switch would be selling the most and you were complaining about the price
>buying a legacy version of FIFA
Just wait. Those dumb football hooligans will see someone with FIFA on the go and they will be the next must-have item for heterosexual men.
I'm not paying 349€ for the console without games, fuck that shit.
If fifa is what europe only cares about why didnt they stick with the ps3/360 since they are still getting fifa games Why bother if they already own a console that can play it.
>best selling game
No, no you don't
Then explain the PS4
you so want your fpbp circle jerk dont you faggot
too bad. this red exclamation mark is just me calling you an ugly neckbeard
>and you were complaining about the price
Yeah. It makes the xbox one look like a better purchase in comparison.
FIFA 16 didn't come out on the PS3/360, retard
It's not playable yet while people can play FIFA 1X on PS4
>Don't pretend it's a single country.
Funny Germany thinks it is.
Debatable, but as it has been stated the Switch is selling very well in western europes larger gaming markets outside of the UK.
So the real problem is the UK is poor?
Normie dudebros.
95% of PS4 owners are casualfags who play CoD, GTAV and FIFA.
Only a very small percentage bought a PS4 for its exclusives. Just because Sup Forums is dominated by autistic weeaboo sonegros doesn't mean the rest of the world is.
Nintendo consoles have always been considered a kiddie toy in Yurop.
the 360 sold well in europe as is the ps4. it's a bit surprising though since the xbox has all the best fifa features like fifa legends exclusivity. that's why every fifa youtuber plays on xbox.
playstation is heavily marketed in europe compared to xbox so there's always that. tune into the champions league final next weekend and see how every banner is advertising the ps4 pro and it's "dynamic 4k".
Ok then
>Why does Europe hate Nintendo and favor Sony so much?
Who cares?
The important thing is that shitbox always played second fiddle.
A PS4 slim is 230€ over here and comes with a game
If Nintendo wants more sales, they need to drop the price.
Uk fag here
It's part of the culture. Nintendo is considered gay and childish.
Add the fact that they have no online and no third party and europeans have no reason to like them
>95% of PS4 owners are casualfags who play CoD, GTAV and FIFA.
"Playstation is the new home of Call of Duty!"
Sony has never been as shady and fucked up as Nintendo was in their prime.
During the NES and SNES days, they were borderline criminal in the way they price fixed the market, pushed out any sort of competition by threatening the shops, gouged out developers and pushed all sorts of unreasonable demands on them,
They were scum, and that's why as soon as a viable alternative appeared with the Playstation, basically everyone jumped ship.
To this day, they're still suffering for the shit they pulled back then, and yet they continue to think up more and more heinous shit, and yet nintentoddlers still think they're this virtuous and noble company despite the fact it might as well be run by yakuza, with the way they conduct business.
And this coming for a guy that pretty sure lives in a place where MADDEN is a thing.
I would chuck that fucking cat straight out the window right there.
Why are people's cats such asshole? My cat was full of love, used to just purr 24/7. Miss her so much ;_;
Why? They have shortages throughout Europe, it's bottleneck is the largest console gaming market in Europe: Great Britain.
cat did the right thing, made that idiot stop acting like a faggot
>Europeans think anyone who isn't from USSR:Europa edition is American
Because Europe likes consoles more than handhelds?
Give me one reason why I should get a Switch for 330 Euros with no games instead of a PS4 that costs 250 Euros and sometimes comes with a game? I could also invest that money into a PC and play games like Day of Infamy, Civilization, Europa Universalis, DayZ, Dork Fort and Rimworld.
Years of region lock.
Did you not read my post the first time? I'm not from the UK. Ask people from the UK why they are not buying it.
>They have shortages throughout Europe
Why do people keep saying this?
Go look at the shops. Switches are plentiful in Europe.
really gets the noggin' joggin'
No it's not.
Also: Can you play hockey on the fly without gear with friends? No.
Same for American football.
Same for baseball.
The only thing that comes close to it is basketball but basketball is terribly unfun without a net.
>Why do people keep saying this?
Because it's true?
the real question is why are murkans retarded enough to buy the switch?
I get that japs want it because they're commuters/slaves that go home for three hours to sleep so a home console is redundant but I dont see why murfats would want that junk
guess its the new fad, same way the original wii was? or do they think they can eat it or something?
That's a crazy theory you have there.
Not as many manchildren and autists.
I live in the UK, all normies here play are FIFA and CoD. Seriously, walk into a second hand store and the vidya section will have more CoD than a chip shop.
I don't know but it's not fucking fair.
Sony: 399$ = 399€
Nintendo: 299$ = 350€
It's more that Nintendo doesn't care about europe
you think that blob posts here? he probably does. wonder how shitty he'll feel if he sees this pic lol
fpbp is cancer why would I want that?
Not american but:
>Why do people want good games
Tough one, why are you on Sup Forums Achmed.
Most people in germany don't even know that nintendo made something after the Wii. I have yet to meet somebody who owns a Wii U or a Switch.
The Switch is still sold out ofc, super high demand :^)
Europe doesnt care about gimmicks and just want to play games. Why pay 300 euros for a console without a game when you can get a 230 euro console with a game and a much larger library.
>The only thing that comes close to it is basketball but basketball is terribly unfun without a net.
And a bouncy ball.
You can play football with a fuckin' crumpled up piece of paper if you want.
It's literally a sport you can set up anywhere at anytime as long as you have a modicum of open space and something vaguely round.
Setting up goals is easy as pie, too. Just gather 4 random objects and you're set.
It's genious, really.
Kek at least normalfags haven't taken my hobby here.
all it has are two games that are also available on pee poo and pc lol
>I-it's just a meme!
May 27 - 10:53 PM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Preorder for €329,99
May 27 - 9:41 PM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Out of Stock
May 27 - 4:16 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Preorder for €329,99
May 27 - 3:40 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Out of Stock
May 26 - 11:28 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Preorder for €329,99
May 26 - 10:52 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Gray Joy-Con Out of Stock
May 25 - 4:09 PM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Preorder for €329,99
May 25 - 3:33 PM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Out of Stock
May 25 - 2:21 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Preorder for €329,99
May 25 - 1:45 AM EST Amazon DE : Switch w/Blue & Red Joy-Con Out of Stock
>can you play americal football without gear with friends
Yes. People have been doing that, for so many years. I have no idea how that is even a point of interest for your counter argument to that guys post.
Same for baseball as well, a stick and anything even remotely round and you can play baseball. People play stickball in the streets of a crowded city.
Or well, they did. Probably now nowadays honestly.
Nothing surprising if they only stock 10 consoles at a time
Dunno, why do you like handegg so much?
Nice meme my little Roach.
But I have all the Switch games free on my hacked Wii U.
Maybe because your own sports are even worst.
Also this You're great at butchering things such as food, but also sports. Turning rugby into this abomination of a "sport" for example.
>pic related
PS4 sold out everywhere across Europe when it came out.
I've been in London, Paris, Barcelona, Rome, Berlin. Everyone was glued to their smartphone but I've never seen a Nintendo handheld in the wild. People have more free time than Asians and Americans so everyone just games at home on a big screen.
Everyone I've talked to uses the Switch docked but nobody would use the Switch as their primary gaming system and also games on PS4 or PC.
>14fps 360p low settings
That's a very simplistic way to look at things. The PS4 launched at a higher price point than the PS4 and sold way more in the UK than the switch. You can try to deflect to the consumer but apparently the consumer is willing to pay even more money for a better product. If you really want to blame someone then blame the ones who make the product and have a hard time selling it at their target price.
>But I have all the Switch games free on my hacked Wii U.
>my Wii U
Spotted the lie.
>live in europe
>only one friend bought a switch
>keeps nagging us to get one so he doesnt have to play splatoon 2 alone since he doesnt know anyone who bought one.
> hes considering selling it because its gathering dust after Zelda 2 months ago
Top 10 autism rates by country:
10. Portugal
9. HK
8. Brazil
7. Australia
6. Canada
5. USA
4. Denmark
3. Sweden
2. UK
1: Japan
You can clearly see that reflected in Nintendo sales figures. There is only 1 European country with sizeable population (Portugal, Denmark, and Sweden are all 10mil or less people) in the top 10.
>PS4 launched at a higher price point than the PS4
>apparently the consumer is willing to pay even more money for a better product [referring to the Xbox 360 2.0 aka PS4]
Is this some ancient British logic?
NoE > NoA