2011: condensed critique and overview of a game

>2011: condensed critique and overview of a game
>2017: DRUMPF

What happened?

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He was always a shitty hack


Some of his earliest originals are okay.

>Some pseudo-intellectual le sophisticated britbong voice that normies eat up turns out to be a mal-informed leftist brainwasee the common theme of both being the taking of the path of least resistance in life
You don't fucking say

Are people seriously still pretending that Trump hasn't turned out to be an embarrassingly incompetent failure?
You don't have to keep this up you know, the meme is getting a bit stale.

To which instance are you speaking OP?

his voice have become increasingly politicized to the left end of the spectrum


They'll always be as counter culture as possible, where do you think you are?

No. Merely that the deep state is terrifingly entrenched. And Obama thrust it deeper.
I do lightly condemn Trump for lacking the -imagination- for coming up with ways to combat the great poison, the left, but that's it. He is already objectively more comptent than Obama. And not in my or anyone elses opinion either.

>objectively more competent



this. we need more muslim immigration and less liberty guys. fuck capitalism amirite?

he's always shat on yanks, which is hypocritical seeing as he moved to sanfran for a 'a better future'

did yahtzee say something to trigger the cheeto fanclub? you guys should look into a safespace :^)

He is. Obama represented nothing but the cancer of feeling. The only thing he was successful at was the furthering of Marxism.


Honestly my entire Facebook feed looks like a Trump hate fest. The front page of reddit is just a daily dose of Trump hate.

All this but I cannot for the life of me think of one actual physical way that anyone I know has been affected in the slightest by his presidency. Nothing has changed, I mean really, name ONE thing. Aside from spending a lot more of your time and energy criticizing Trump on your own free will what has actually changed in any of your lives?

The answer for my mostly middle class with a few upper and a few lower sprinkled in is absolutely positively nothing.

I cringe when I see "protesters" chanting and shit online. It's like they've seen this in movies and they're THAT desperate to be a part of something. It's also sad because literally who has the time? College students with shit majors and the unemployed I guess.

I'm soapboxong so here's another thing:
You know that friend on social media always sharing articles about how college is a scam and you don't need it? Yet they also believe that the collective working class should pay for everyone to go to college? Have most of you been to college? I have. I've been to two. No way in hell would I want to pay for anyone to have access to that for anything other than a STEM field. You are wasting your time with anything else - speaking from experience here as I went back and changed my career path.

Fuck all who do nothing but ceaselessly whine. Fuck them all. Fuck both sides. Team meteor. I wish there were actually countries left that valued real freedom because this one doesn't. Maybe I should move to a third world in a remote location when I retire and just hope no one fucks with me.

>2011: condensed critique and overview of a game
In what universe? Even in 2008 he was seen as a twat who just picked a few aspects he really didn't like and hammered those home. From what I remember, Brawl and CoD4 might have been the only decent critiques he ever put forth.

>Fuck them all. Fuck both sides.

"The man who refuses to judge, who neither agrees nor disagrees, who declares that there are no absolutes and believes that he escapes responsibility, is the man responsible for all the blood that is now spilled in the world. Reality is an absolute, existence is an absolute, a speck of dust is an absolute and so is a human life. Whether you live or die is an absolute. Whether you have a piece of bread or not, is an absolute. Whether you eat your break or see it vanish into a looter’s stomach, is an absolute.

There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil. The man who is wrong still retains some respect for truth, if only by accepting the responsibility of choice. But the man in the middle is the knave who blanks out the truth in order to pretend that no choice or values exist, who is willing to sit out the course of any battle, willing to cash in on the blood of the innocent or to crawl on his belly to the guilty, who dispenses justice by condemning both the robber and the robbed to jail, who shoves conflicts by ordering the thinker and the fool to meet each other halfway. In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit."

Exceprt from John Galt's speech - Atlus Shrugged

>It's true I accentuate every bad thing regardless of overall quality, but then, I'm a critic. If I put people's balls in my mouth I'd be a prostitute or possibly a Gamespot employee

>this book says a thing so your stupit

Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world.
The other, of course, involves orcs."
Excerpt from John Rogers

Whoa, I can do that too.

gotta follow the majority for them likes and upvotes.
>drumpf nazi cheeto LOL XD

>objectively more competent
>Literally all he has done is follow the standard 'Undo everything my predecessor has done, put my name on all the good stuff with a new coat of paint' that happens whenever the White House changes side, except he's fucked up multiple times despite it basically being a fucking flowchart at this point

>furthering of marxism

How the fuck is a run of the mill neoliberal furthering marxism? Actual communists hate Obama about as much as they hate trump.

Robots are usually manufactured en masse to behave the same.

I have no opinions on anything and I enjoy being pure evil

mate I realize you have no response to him but this is fucking embarrassing

Ayn Rand was a miserable, terrible person and I think it's generally poor etiquette to follow her philosophies as if they are gospel. The attitudes detailed in this quote seem flawed and seems to ignore any potential nuance that might be derived from a discussion pertaining to complicated issues.

>Atlas Shrugged
wew lad

>quoting a Jew

all me

An author being pretentious does not make your point of view correct.

We haven't had a decent President in decades, but there wasn't even a quarter of the nonstop harassment put out by the media for the last few Presidents. I don't care about him, I'm just tired of hearing about everything he does.


>Person whos only marketable skill is shitting on other peoples hard work turns out to be a leftist

You don't say?

Everyone and their mom was already fucking sick of hearing about him, and now everyone around the world gets to hear about his great new reality show every fucking day. Of course he's going to mention it.

>Nuance is evil
The Jews do it again

Fuck america, your idiotic election ruined the internet





>All this but I cannot for the life of me think of one actual physical way that anyone I know has been affected in the slightest by his presidency.
I voted for Trump, but one of his new policies made it so a paid-internship became unpaid due to the funding being taken away. I couldn't afford to stay in D.C. for free so I had to work closer to home.

>All this but I cannot for the life of me think of one actual physical way that anyone I know has been affected in the slightest by his presidency

Right so you don't know any poor people or minorities

What an unconventional, and nuanced opinion.
That makes you an interesting person.

All this but I cannot for the life of me think of one actual physical way that anyone I know has been affected in the slightest by his presidency. Nothing has changed, I mean really, name ONE thing. Aside from spending a lot more of your time and energy criticizing Trump on your own free will what has actually changed in any of your lives?

Not yet, but pretty much everyone I know is terrified about Trump's healthcare plan. Obamacare sucked but they were used to it; on the other hand Trump's replacement plans are going to make it much harder for them to get insurance of kick it off entirely. If they don't get screwed over the next few years it'll only be because Congress manages to work up a better bill, and I don't see that happening.

Is he really doing that now? I haven't watched Zero Punctuation in years.

he makes a comment about the man in almost all his reviews of late.

He does take jabs about once a video

He's made potshots at political figures before, it's nothing special

>get triggered about Trump jokes
Sup Forums x T_D aliance was a fucking mistake
Also your president is a fucking joke
>Mexicans gonna pay the wall!!
>the wall is gonna be big!!
an absolute joke

I don't think anyone except the most liberal hacks on websites like motherjones are trying to seriously criticize him for it, it's just that the image of our fat, out of shape president giving himself two scoops of ice cream while every one else got one is hilarious.

show me literally one example

>All this but I cannot for the life of me think of one actual physical way that anyone I know has been affected in the slightest by his presidency. Nothing has changed, I mean really, name ONE thing. Aside from spending a lot more of your time and energy criticizing Trump on your own free will what has actually changed in any of your lives?

Democrats are fighting for people like you with every ounce of their breath to save america from a fascist like Trump. Have you read 1984? His presidency is exactly like that and extremely terrifying.

>it's just that the image of our fat, out of shape president giving himself two scoops of ice cream while every one else got one is hilarious.
It's more like it's hilarious because that's probably half the reason but the other half being it's a petty power thing that Trump is known for doing. That's only slightly funny on it's own, what was hilarious was the media's straight-faced reaction to it.

They're always in passing and pretty easy to gloss over, a lot like the rest of his content. It's getting more noticeable though

>literally not even one example

It's just another 18 year old who didn't realize Sup Forums is a satire board

>Have a job at the local community college
>Choose a reasonably priced insurance that fit all my needs
>$5 doctors visit copays
>My prescription is covered
>An emergency appendectomy was completely covered

>Obamacare kicks in
>My insurance payments skyrocket
>I can't afford to keep it and have to switch to the shittiest insurance my job offers, which is now just as expensive as my old insurance
>$20 doctors visit copays
>Prescription isn't covered at all, which is $140 out of pocket a month
>$500 for a CAT scan and some bloodwork at the hospital


Do you really want me to watch the videos again to give you a timestamp? They're really obvious when watching.

>There are people on Sup Forums right now who chose a corrupt and incompetent politician to lead their country as opposed to another corrupt politician

The whole world is laughing at you.

yes, do you expect me to take you seriously if you can't source your claims? it shouldn't be so hard to find if it's literally in every single video.

>Every choice has a right and wrong answer.

"The pursuit of truth is like an onion. You peel away one layer and you become reasonably certain you know the answer. This is where most people stop. But if you want to be really certain; you peel away another layer and suddenly you discover facts that draw into question the assumptions you made earlier. Now, you have many more questions and you're far less certain. So, you peel away another layer and there you discover a mind-boggling array of contradictions. You become confused and frightened. Your choice is stark at this point: you either surrender to the comfort of God, the Almighty.... or you peel away another layer and go mad."

Excerpt from Ted's speech - Ambition

Meanwhile in Australia
>Everyone pays a levy based off what they earn to keep Medicare funded
>Go to a hospital for free emergency treatment
>Go to a GP and get most if not all of the cost refunded
>Go on a waiting list for elective surgery, otherwise pay for private health cover for elective surgery much sooner
>Cheap meds


This was always about starting the fire, user. No one said it was going to be easy.

It's literally just shit like this
little jabs that may or may not be funny
They're just getting more frequent is all

I mean, they're all kind of essential to the humor. The president gorging like a fat kid, the fact that it's a petty power play, the crazier democrat news sources taking it super serious. It's a great snapshot for the current political environment: Trump does something stupid or petty, the democratic news sources screech incoherently.

>wow wtf do you really expect me to go to a random video myself, which you mentioned numerous times he does it, just to check for myself? nah fuck you, spoonfeed me!
You're such a faggot. He doesn't need to backup his claims if his claim is something that happens regularly. Go check any video yourself to see if it's true or not, if it's true then don't even fucking reply because he was right, if he's wrong then you have free reign to reply, post video link, and tell him he's wrong.

I'm getting really sick of people like you making these dumb fucking posts, always asking to be spoonfeed a source instead of doing it themselves. Fuck you. He's not making some outlandish claim that would hard to find on your own.

talk about an easily triggered trumplet

>makes trumo joke
>immediatly says oops getting too political and then makes a hillary joke

I see no problem here.

Then why do left have to constantly ta about him? Seriously, they dick tide him more than the right. Just let him fuck round for four years and get the kick. If he lasts that long.
Im fucking sick to death of virtue signaling dickmunchers

What are you trying to imply here?

i have really struggled with whether and how to respond to this. The execution of this message was very nice and respectful, and I genuinely appreciate that. The premise, however, is problematic. Maybe not inherently, but within the context of the sexist society we live in. Men are allowed, and often feel compelled, to think out loud at women, to share unsolicited not necessarily informed thoughts at women. (And usually these men, unlike you, don’t even seem to recognize that their thoughts may not be useful.) Women on the other hand aren’t allowed to be as open. So, if you want to not just be respectful, but actually be anti-oppression, it is better (IMO) not to respond to a woman’s work with the types of thoughts that other men pawn off as insights, if you know what i mean. again, i appreciate your honesty, but i feel obligated to point these things out.

>Have you read 1984? His presidency is exactly like that and extremely terrifying.

In what ways?

You're a special snowflake who can't handle different opinions other than what's in your hugbox. Cry more.

It's dumb how easily triggered people like you are.

Well those "actual communists" weren't rioting when Obama came into office and continued the establishment's imperialistic foreign policy now where they?

No he's #Based and he retweeted pepe, fuck you.

He's been doing this for 10 years.

I'm not gonna extrapolate further and just gonna end the post now.

Why has this particular election been such a shitfest? Both online and in general

I was posting on Sup Forums during the 2008 election and it wasn't like this at all

Some one off jokes in few of last reviews. He shitted on dems and Hillary too but this baiter ignores that to start shitty e celeb thread.

>get triggered by someone putting a picture of Trump in a trashcan
>l-let's call other people oversensitive to deflect

Probably because back in 2008, Sup Forums was largely liberal and Fox News was our biggest enemy

Funny how times change

Trump's election and the idiocy of the DNC pushed a lot more people further left. Black Bloc and the like aren't new, their tactics and beliefs haven't changed, it's just gaining momentum.

You don't have a communist left in the US. The democratic party has more in common with the republican party than with the communist party in places like France or Spain.

Both parties in the US are handmaidens of capitalism, the only difference is the amount of shit they articulate about poor people.

You sound just like putinbots in runet, just wanted to let you know that.
Rhetoric is exactly the same.

As a rule of thumb, Zero Punctuation videos are fairly entertaining but should never be considered an actual review.

You know, I think it's a bit odd that leftists have just started mocking "triggering" when you people were the ones who pushed it to begin with.

Maybe 10 years ago sure but most of Sup Forums at the moment is doing it in earnest.

There was a clear change from satire Sup Forums to neo-Sup Forums that rippled into every other board. It was no longer Sup Forums being the board newfags and the summer cancer would migrate from. At least they were easily identifiable and dismissed. Now this Sup Forums influence is an absolute plague to whatever qualities this fucking shithole had.

Ryan would get fucked on a multiple choice question.

Then write a book on how teachers are evil because teaching isnt a real job.

>videogame youtuber is not a tremendous retard who stumbles dick-first into becoming a Neo-Nazi by absorbing the idiotic beliefs of his underage audience
How refreshing, desu. Shows he probably attended college and has a grounded worldview beyond videogames.

>the greatest objectivist died homeless, friendless, and on welfare
lmao its like pottery

Sup Forums is not satire, you dumb fucking idiot

Again, Obamacare sucks, and they needed a good plan to replace it, but Trump's solution has just been to burn it all, which isn't helpful either.

>you people
>everyone who disagrees with me is a leftist

>Not incompetent

>Muslim immigration = less liberty
>thinking capitalism works

this guy

Sup Forums is just the place where edgy teenagers gather now. Have you seen what Milo groupies look like?

>you can sort of tell Yahtzee has been phoning it in for quite some time now
>plucks the low-hanging fruit because it's minimum effort

>try to watch Conan but it's nothing but anti-Trump propaganda
>same with The Late Show, The Daily Show, and every other fucking channel on the planet

Not looking forward to at least four more years of this. I swear, Trump hasn't even warmed the seat at the Oval Office yet and people are already shitting on my vote. Where was all this butt blasted bashing when Obama was in office? I don't recall they're being a A President Show specifically about Obama and his antics.

Isn't the red and black color antifa? and why is a brown guy with the white dudes?

Trigger warnings were never a thing in the left outside of tumblr/similar websites full of underage teenager lifestylists and the occasional academic ideological enclave.