post only 10/10
Best female characters in video games
>3 shillrizon threads
chubby manface desu
it's the only other game ps4 has
be more understanding please user
she's perfect and you know it
>the face
I gagged
>western shit
well, you are entitled to your own opinion, desu
cringe lads
>post only 10/100
Fixed it.
I laughed out loud when it came to the face.
It looks so much like a friend of mine, she has the exact same facial bone structure as he does.
>I fucked my best friend but I'm totally straight I swear
stop lying to yourself nigga
ill always be amazed at how good characters managed to look in the creator and how shit in game they look when walking around the tower
like, completely different faces,
wtf is that? someone finished first chapter of "How to make your first face in Blender"?
I wouldn't fuck a guy, and I wouldn't fuck the guy in OP's video either.
Looks ok except for the lips. Hope Destiny 2 has better character creation.
>visiting Sup Forums
>I wouldn't fuck a guy
pick one
>Looks OK except for the lips
You're gayer than OP if that's even possible.
(S)he's a 6 at best.
What's with the spike in low quality horizon shill threads lately?
All three of my characters have this same combination of face/hair type, but with different makeup and colors. It's the closest I could get to making a cute character except for maybe one of the Awoken faces, the other options all kind of suck
I made a Hunter and Warlock for her but never bothered playing them. Titan a best.
a spike in triggered weebfags
>tfw it got to the face
I started liking Titan the best when I got Twilight Garrison. You go so fast. In general I like playing Hunter the most because to me they just feel the most responsive when doing jobs that require precise jumping like sword, relic, cannons, etc.
This is true, not to mention that you can't even turn your character's head when you're creating them. Some of the Awoken hair styles in particular will come as a surprise because of that.
I'm hoping for more options but at this point I'm pretty attached to how my characters look (been playing since launch) so I hope that when they carry over I have the option of making them look more or less identical to D1
Mmmmm delicious!
>Twilight Garrison
Since when did it change colour? I though it was stuck on that shitty shade of blue.
Since the Age of Triumph update last month shaders actually apply to it now
>best female characters in video games
>posts that degenerate andromeda-tier disgusting "character"
>not posting literary perfection pic related
Fuck off faggot.
why not just go ahead and post Lightning if you want to bait so hard?
i fucking laughed, that was comedic as hell
I liked her better in Final Fantasy
>Aya Brea was around since 1998 and her final design was around since 2007
>let's compare it to lightning from 2009+ because we must bring FF in every discussion
Nice bait.
>she's perfect
She is my 10/10
Best taste.
What game?
>female anthony burch
you are mentally ill. seek help.
She seems quite ugly.
Shame she's in a shit game series.
go back to /reddit
still pretty hot, ey?
she looks like a nascar driver
my hearrt belongs to you and you know it
lteraly, gve it back pls
That's not true, the PS4 has more games than 2, it has 3. Please be more respectful.
I heard his voice and accent perfectly, but got the delivery wrong in my head. I wish more video game movies managed to pull off what the Mortal Kombat movie did.
Women in fightans rosters are usually top tier.