Game has tanks

>game has tanks
>they do as much damage as DPS
>the only "advantage" of playing DPS is ranged attacks
>tanks can run or jump to you anyway

>playing shit games

>game has ranged and melee dps
>same damage, but ranged has way more in terms of survivability because at range
>can have whole group full of ranged dps with no issue
>having only melee dps is asking to fail

Why do debs hate melee dps

>Sup Forums is so autistic that they had to track down the guy

Everyone takes time to realize a game they liked became anti fun and cancer, and every change they made it became worse.
Give it time user kun it is already keeping itself alive with cosmetics.


>game has melee dps
>make a raid where every boss does melee range cleaves and aoes so melee dps have to constantly run in and out and can't do rotations at all
>ranged dps can make a keyboard macro and alt tab to pornhub for 20 minutes


Why does Harold always look so goddamn sad when he smiles?

We get it Sup Forums, Overwatch is a bad game. Can we move on now?

>game has melee dps
>no reason to take them anywhere outside of one or two mechanics made to justify them
>you can just switch back to a real class after with no penalty
>there are three times as many melee dps as anything else in the game

Every MMO.

he had a hard life

>game has mechanics

>I play tank or off-tank in most games
>tfw whenever I outdamage dedicated DPS

Feels good man.

>game has mechanica

Who is he?

>if the mechanic is not class specific it is better to bring an extra offtank anyways

World War II veteran.

look for hide the pain harold


>Starting tier of cata was so melee unfriendly that they had to give melee a flat %dmg buff across the board just to make it worth while to consider bringing them

Cata was such trash. The only good thing was the leveling zones.

>mfw I found out he's Hungarian, and was already the star of a local meme form 2010

>mfw I have no face

what meme

this threat reminded me Knights of Amalurr for some reason

>only reason to have melee is mechanics that force you to have melee
>every boss is split into "melee do this, range do that"
every wow boss ever

Arató András on zuckbook

OP must be the new lead game design at WoW.

that used to be WoW, but now they gutted tanks and gutted melee.
the only melee people will even play anymore are Warriors, Monks and DH because they have stupid mobility that puts everyone else to shame so badly you wonder who even designs this shit.

This is actually wrong. In fact, it usually goes back and forth, i.e. in Nighthold every single fight favors melee, for the last boss you're supposed to bring as few ranged as possible (something like 5-6 tops) because the majority of the mechanics on the fight target only ranged players, which thanks uptime very badly.
Same more or less for all but one of the fights in the raid.

Yeah, "melee do this", "range do that"
With MOP, they introduced spec dependant targeting.

You literally confirmed what I said. The only reason to bring melee is because there are mechanics that force you to.

If every boss had 0 'melee vs range' dependant mechanics, then everyone would be ranged unless the melee class had some utility like movement or survivability.

I mean, you could say you only bring ranged because there are mechanics that force you to, especially given the current state of the game.

Do you have crippling autism?

melee dps get given raid wide utility and ranged dont tho

You don't seem to understand the difference between "All the ranged are forced to run around due to specific ranged targeting ability while melee stands attacking" and "Range have an easier time staying on target and sustaining dps"

Monster hunter did it right

>Melee classes and ranged classes are fairly balanced
>ranged does significantly lower theoretically DPS and has much lower armor but in reality this is balanced by superior uptime attacking the monster and the fact that the monster will happily cross the area to attack a ranged player. Very difficult to solo as a ranged player

>melee does more theoretical damage and has easier access to critical hit areas but is most liable to be stepped on and doesn't get to actually attack as often. Has the most variety of gameplay styles too

>Range have an easier time staying on target and sustaining dps
Except they literally haven't for the entirety of a tier.
Do you even play the game these days?
We bring ranged pretty much as mechanic soaks rather than actual dps. Especially for summons and spellsteal. That is about it actually.

If you can't do more DPS than a tank as a DPS, you're a pathetic piece of shit DPS.


Otherwise no one would play them :)

I don't know what MH you played but ranged is usually top tier. It's the same shit there too.

>monster hunter
>ever balanced

tiers dun exit right? It's even worse since the introduction of styles.

Monster Hunter is imbalanced as fuck my dude. It's just less of an issue since it's a comfy coop game and just how much DPS you do doesn't matter that much.

he's not talking about the current viability of one form of dps vs another you fucking spastic, he's saying unless the game has shitty "this targets ranged and only ranged :^)))" mechanics than ranged pulling 100k dps are always better to take rather than melee pulling 100k dps
the only fix is either terribly designed mechanics that melee get to ignore or to give melee higher numbers

this, I stopped playing WoW during the 1st tier of Warlords