Since we all have tomorrow off, do you plan on playing anything all night?

Since we all have tomorrow off, do you plan on playing anything all night?

Good taste in brews OP

I have every day off, wagie.


Your poor parents.

I have to bag groceries tomorrow.

Fight me.


Catching up on back catalogue.
Will probably get a couple hours of Mordheim in and need to rescue Dandelion in Witcher 3 to start.

I sell cars so we are open tomorrow but i really need to get yakuza 0, i just need to try hard mode the last fight on 5 again first shit made me rage quite with all of that fuckers health bars last time

why do most IPA's taste like it was the brewers first attempt to make an IPA with that generic IPA taste

also no

Need dosh.

Because I'll get fired if I don't?

not op. but df 90 is fucking delicious. as is dogfish 60.

Wait what's tomorrow?

>they actually get International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers off
what the fuck

Uhhhhh, like, memorial day????? Have you been living under a rock, sweetie?

What a pretentious post.
Maybe beverages made with the same ingredients should taste similar?

enjoy work fuckhead

>craft beer


Not gonna reply to a sweetieposter.

Why do you get the day off tomorrow?


I haven't found one that doesn't taste like skunk piss yet.

Why do you drink and game retards it just makes you awful and then you don't remember what you did and have to replay it the next day anyway

Go talk to a girl or something

Probably going to stream some Day of Infamy tonight.

That's what I thought, hun :)

Some Amerifat shit

how do you make a living?

>and then you don't remember what you did and have to replay it the next day anyway
How low is your tolerance that you can't drink and play games or something? I bet you black out after a few vodka redbulls, huh faggot?

I have to go to "work" for 30 minutes tomorrow.
I fucking hate working from home sometimes.

It's only a couple of IPAs he's not going crazy

>everyone drinks to get wasted

>drinking to get buzzed
Fucking waste of alcohol

Not everyone is a raging alcoholic like you. Some if us can enjoy 3-4 beers and leave it at that.

Start my first job in fast food tomorrow how bad is it?

>he thinks it's possible for MEN to get drunk off a 6 pack of beers

I have every day off. I'll probably continue playing Nier Automata if I feel like playing video games at all.

It's called relaxing. Adults often do it while drinking instead of getting plastered to impress their friends. Try it sometime.

>drinking because its relaxing

>alcohol is only for getting black-out drunk

Wonderful logic, user. Please, go fulfill your dreams and stop posting here.

>tomorrow off
Good joke, user.

Playing Cities XL with the money cheat. Im trying to finally build that soothing Utopia I've always wanted

>stop drinking so much

>you're not drinking enough

Which is it, faggot?

You just exposed yourself as an early 20something who gets blackout drunk alone while playing vidya wishing he was haning out with women.


Government pays my rent + $600 every month for other expenses.

Playing through Median XL 2017 for the first time

Oh I see. You're still 17 years old bumming beers off your dad while he's at work and can't actually get drunk yet.

You'll grow up.

An interesting thread and Sup Forums gets baited by a motherfuckers throwing crackers into a pond

>tfw work at an appliances store and we have a memorial day sale

Don't have the day off, but I'm playing a bit of Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and Prinny on my Vita. Good evening, hope those that have tomorrow off enjoy it.

Jerking off to JAV and playing Dragon Quest Heroes 2.

The American way.

i bet youre the kind of faggot who autistically screeches at people smoking and tell them it causes cancer

How do you people get this much autismbux? Are you so fucked up they deemed you unfit for work?

>insecure redditors getting upset for being normalfags
you dont know where you are, stop posting on anonymous child porn image boards pretending this is socially acceptable. lol


>drinking any dogfish head that isn't midas touch

Truly ebin guys


My man, I played "Immortal Redneck" all night last night, will probably keep playing that.

You fags may shit all over roguelike random genny games but I'm a sucker for them.

>"Why do hops taste like HOPS!?!"

Gee, I dunno user.

>family members staying at my house over the break
>they're all Mormon and push their values on to me
>can't drink, fap or play vidya while they're here
Fuck family.

I was supposed to be off but I want that holiday pay to support my hot sauce habit

>Being an alcoholic

No user, YOU are the loser here.

>allowing yourself to consume the least craft craft beer

it's like buying budweiser and commenting on the notes of piss

OP, why are you posting that pic again?

Fuck I've been looking for some good hot sauces lately. So far the best I found it this stuff. Looking for something spicier this time around but that doesn't compromise on the taste. Got any recs?

there are manhy kinds of hops, and the time at which you introduce them into the boiling mash has a massive effect on the final bitterness/body/aroma

get educated before you talk about something you know nothing about

Why do people drink alcohol

It cost more than the average normal juices and drinks and theh stink like hell.

Even more projection from an immature, and insecure cunt who can't control himself. Loving every laugh.

Please derail the thread even more with your insecurities.

Shut up faggot, no one cares about you or your "knowledge".

Because not everyone is a whiny limp wristed faggot like you.

Thank me for my service day

Why do people play video games

They just look at a screen and press buttons and they could just watch a movie

You're both retarded 12 year olds.

Ya some shit tier excuses

There are thousands of non alcoholic drinks that actually taste good and don't cost as much or potentially do seriously damage to your body.

Yet you fucks would prefer some whack ass alcohol

I dunno if anyone here has ever had it before, but I think Absinthe is fucking tasty.

Man, you must have tons of friends and get invited to parties ALL the time user.

So cool.

Kill yourself you ESL tryhard

Is SC worth playing on PC or is Evo good enough on Vita?

If you can only pull drunk bitches at clubs you have no game anyways

i'm doing acid tomorrow


I enjoy drinks on both sides like a normal adult.

Grow up.

I've mostly been buying sauces that focus on flavor and then heating them up with the Flash Bang my friend got me, the only use of those extract sauces I've found. My favorite sauces so far are Lucky Dog's Year of the Dog Thai Chile Pineapple sauce and Palo Alto Firefighters Habanero. A lot of the crazy-hot hot sauce have to much of a chemical taste to me.

He's probably a military boi

I still live with my mom so no. I don't have class though so I'll probably have a drink and be up a bit later than usual.

Unless my depression keeps getting worse, then I'll probably just go to bed early.

I should have never quit my last job, been unemployed since March

Taking a break from the last of us remastered marathon I've been on today. Gf bought me a six pack of Yuengling summer Wheat. I've got it in the freezer chillin right now. First time I've gotten a chance to play games in months desu. Wagecuck sucks but I don't feel like a piece if shit loser when I do get a chance to.

>a bunch of anons posting about how adults drink
>"haha, y-you must be a kid then! I drink like every night is an episode of the Jersey Shore!"
Only dudebro faggots and degenrates drink to get wasted every time. When you upgrade from your fidget spinner to a nice cold IPA you'll understand.

Nice bait though, it netted you a healthy collection of (You)s.

>We all have tomorrow off.
No. No we all don't. I'm an adult, the business I work for does not close on memorial day, thus I will be working. However I am getting a 3-day weekend at the end of the week to make up for it.

Currently playing Persona 5 when I'm not gazing at my fish tanks.

IPAs are garbage

>hurr, here, drink this 110 IBU swill made of pine tar and pet dander

Nah. I'll stick with a nice Imperial Stout since I actually like flavor.

>Go talk to a girl

>Drinking IPAs