Do you still play Vita, user?
Do you still play Vita, user?
nobody played vita OP
2017 upcoming Vita releases:
Danganronpa V3
Root Double- Before Crime * After Days
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle
Fault Milestone One
Tokyo Xanadu
Bad Apple Wars
Collar X Malice
Period: Cube ? Shackles of Amadeus
World End Economica
The Longest Five Minutes
God Wars: Future Past
Hakuouki: Kyoto Winds
Mary Skelter: Nightmares
Cladun Returns: This is Sengoku!
Operation Babel: New Tokyo Legacy
Fallen Legion
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders
Valkyria Revolution
Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth
Accel World VS. Sword Art Online
Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana
Tokyo Tattoo Girls
Warriors All-Stars
Drive Girls
Yomawari: Midnight Shadows
Guaranteed Replies
I dusted mine off to do some remote play with P5, but I was at my friend's house and it kept trying to connect to his PS4 on his network instead of going out to the internet to connect to mine.
nope its all about the switch now
I got one recently in the beginning of the year. The thing that really hinders it is the memory card. In an age where internal memory is standard they pull this shit.
They killed it trying to make an extra buck from pirated down the line. Now not even pirated make them money because not even pirated have anything to play on it.
I got it for weeb games.
To this day the best reason to even own a Vita in the first place was because of Tales of Hearts R. Seriously, find me a JRPG with more fun gameplay and party members than that.
Yes, there were other games I enjoyed on the Vita, but none of them were as enjoyable as Hearts.
Not really, just use it for tune in radio
Haven't touched mine in a while. I should finish Freedom Wars at some point but I got stuck in Rank 7 with no money for upgrades and it's taking me 30 minutes to kill any abductors.
Yes, I also know a bit of japanese so I can play a few of the hundreds of games that come in japan every year.
I used it to play diablo yesterday, Felt terrible. Touch pad was a mistake
Yea. Im currently building a castle fortress in DQ:B, will start playing Utawarerumono when im done with it.
They don't even sell this in my country anymore.
vita fans will play anything huh? it's such a weird case, there should be a psychological study of vita fans who buy every game just cuz it's coming for vita
Yes but mainly because I softmodded the ePSP functions.
Emulating Sega Mega Drive games on the Vita is sublime.
I never played vita
>More fun party members
>He doesn't know about the localization
Of coruse, we get new games every month.
I do know about the localization. Still got more invested in these retards than any other cast on the Vita.
Yes, even had a friend who was going to buy a vita last year but they've stop selling it in country for some reason
I went on vacation 5 months ago and for two straight weeks used my vita for nothing but pic related.
Yeah, currently going through Steins Gate 0 and Atelier Shallie, I still occasionally go back to play Soul Scarifice or Persona
I use it as a glorified Final Fantasy machine.
So there's absolutely no chance of Sony releasing another handheld ever, is there?
>find me a JRPG with more fun gameplay
I'm more partial to Graces gameplay, despite it boiling down to button mashing, btjm.
nopity nope nope
To an extent. I'm going through Trails of Cold Steel 1 and 2 right now, but it's a slow burn. Honestly, I get a shit ton of use out of it because it can play Youtube videos pretty well and browse the internet. Ironically, I've gotten more use out of the system through its games and video playing capabilities than my 3DS. The 3DS is great when I have a game for it, but otherwise it collects dust. I use my Vita all the time, to play Vita/PS1 games and generally watch videos at a decent quality.
It's still a pretty shit system game-wise, but everything else is fantastic. If I could combine the hardware of the Vita with the library of the 3DS, that'd be the perfect handheld.
My bad, I should have mentioned "JRPG on the Vita" in particular. I like Graces too, but I only really got into it in my NG+ run when I finally learned how the game worked.
No because:
>PSP, sold well, but mostly just because retro emulation
>Vita, didn't sell, only good if you like jrpgs, other than that, wasteland
Sony may take another crack at it eventually, but not any time too soon. They'll probably need to eventually though, as many are switching to PC from console, and that number keeps going up every year. Sony can't keep on relying on consoles forever.
No, I havent since when Steins;Gate 0 was released, then i had a big pause where I played mainly on Xbone. Recently I have tried Ever 17 and I just couldn't make myself to finish that after 10 hours.
Now I am only waiting for Danganronpa 3 and then I might sell my Vita to somebody else or I might keep it if I finally buy PS4 for remote play
But I had so much fun with it, I love it even more than my 3DS which I didn't play as much.
But hopefully Sony will make another handheld, I don't really like Nintendo consoles
nah i sold it like 2 years ago
fuck sony. most of the games i bought it for got ported to pc anyway, dead machine
literally gave my away for free he had to fuck me for it
Yeah. Playing with right now. Adrenaline has breathed new life into my Vita. Currently going through Disgaea 1.
>he had to fuck me for it
what would he have to do for your 3ds?
fuck me daily and I would only lend it when I was sleeping.
Its not free if you exchanged a service for it, you stupid slut
buying a vita soon to get:
Dracula X Chronicles (for Rondo and SOTN)
FFT War of the Lions
Tactics Ogre
Suikoden II
are all these available on the vita? since some are psx classics and psp games
>FFT War of the Lions
My fuckin' nigga
yes, it's on psn
I have played my PSP and my GBA more this year than I have ever played my Vita. A great system completely let down by Sony's utter lack of support. And proprietary memory cards that cost more than a fucking video game, what literal retard thought that was a good idea?
Henkaku 3.65 FUCKING WHEN!?
Yes, i still have a huge backlog of vita and pop games.
how many games?
how the fuck do you guys clear your backlog?
i have 17 games in mine, but spend more time on Sup Forums these days than actually playing vidya
A shit ton. I still want to get into the whole the legend of heroes and Ys series.
Story time, user.
Anyway, I've been thinking about buying a Vita. Haven't owned a console in almost a decade. Is it worth buying for light bedtime vidya?
>vita fans will play anything huh?
That's just your opinion. And a very stupid one if you actually believe yourself.
No, but I still use my PSP for emulators, ps1 games and fan translated stuff I've never played.
>Is it worth buying for light bedtime vidya?
Yes. If you like Japanese games, which you should if you're even considering buying one, then yeah it'll be the comfiest goddamn thing on this planet.
>Yes. If you like Japanese games, which you should if you're even considering buying one, then yeah it'll be the comfiest goddamn thing on this planet.
Thanks, gorgeous.
>Is it worth buying for light bedtime vidya?
This is what i literary did when I was out sick during a winter blizzard. Stayed in bed all night playing Steins:Gate.
Sounds nice, user. I don't really have any experience with Japanese games but I'd be up for trying.
Been planning to finish Disgaea 4 but I know that I'll end up grinding instead of playing the story.
>I don't really have any experience with Japanese games but I'd be up for trying.
Try starting with Danganronpa and Steins;Gate. They're more about story than gameplay.
>Try starting with Danganronpa and Steins;Gate. They're more about story than gameplay.
Thank you! New Vitas are pretty cheap, so I'll probably buy a new one.
>tfw no one will fuck you for your 3ds
>Hearts R
>fun party members
Half of them are shit. MC and his love interest are bland. Chalcedony joins too late. Gall might as well not exist or at least leave after the first time he appeared.
yeah, I use remote play on my breaks
That's a setting you could've changed beforehand I believe
i have 5 fucking atelier games to play, and 2 more came out recently
I enjoyed the vita more than the 3ds by far.
>Dragon Quest Builders II is most likely going to be a Switch/PS4 game
It hurts
I'm waiting for a memory card adaptor so I can move all my PSP and PS1 games over.
Pretty gud, stop playing mine after my power bank died. Yeah I usually play on my bed with my power bank, the battery in my vita getting shitier.
Yeah,but I use Adrenaline for PS1 games.Just finished Silent Hill and I'm about to complete Castlevania as well.Also got Toukiden 2 with the translated patch;is it worth playing?
>yfw it's a mobile game
I still play my psp
>the battery in my vita getting shitier.
all rechargeable batteries are like that. The key is to make sure it's never fully drained. The power cells die out quicker if it's fully drained. They can last pretty long if it has some juice left.
Unless you're fine with the downgraded graphic then play it. It's completely different yet the same. A complete upgrade with top tier waifu.
Professor a best.
Can you use remote play on a hacked vita? Also how are the dungeon crawlers? My 3ds is an EO machine with some kirby and animal crossing on the side.
More than I play my PS4 even.
Waiting for Mary Skelter, Still gotta play Operation Babel, Caligula, Utawarerumono, and Drive Girls.
It's a busy time of the year for Vita again.
Every day.
You can easily play all of them with adrenaline
I use it to play P5 on my bed. It's comfy.
But it was a meh console for most of its lifetime. Danganronpa, P4G, Disgaea 4, World of FF, Dungeon travelers 2 and Soul Sacrifice, saved it from being a paper weight. The rest is mostly meh.
But the virtual console is okay.
They're decent I guess
>literal list full of nothing.
Holy fuck just emulate all those.
If PSN's version of War of the Lions still has the slow down on Vita it's worth it to just emulate the patched version, or play it on a hacked PSP.
>Buying a Vita soon to get PSP/PS1 games
Only Dungeon Travelers 2 and its oncoming sequel are worth your time. Most other dungeon crawlers are very flawed when they are not awful.
Forget everything made by experience inc. The balance is bad in all of their games. MeiQ is okay but far from great from what I've heard, and there's maybe the NIS one which will be worth a play (if they ever localize it).
Dungeon Travelers 2 is the only one coming close to Etrian Odyssey's standards despite its bad map designs. Balance, content, classes, it's all good.
>Seriously, find me a JRPG with more fun gameplay and party members than that.
Innocence R
I play my vita everyday and I'm doing my third run through of pic related beating every single boss just because I love Arashimaru so much and he feels like my original OC if I was pressed to make a dlc character for the game.
Mine's karked it.
I'm gonna get it repaired but I never seem to get around to it.
Yeah, the Vita is dead. I got into weeb shit for a while but now I'm falling out of it. Guess it's time to sell.
You can play the patched version on Vita also btw
>Demon Gaze II (asain version confirmed for english subs)
Fucking yes
>want to get a Vita
>don't want to go through the trouble of importing all the games because fucking NO ONE has a Vita in Australia
>don't want to pirate games
An abstract feeling
Demon Gaze was awful though. Experience Inc can't into balance.
>Played the game on "hot"
> Reached Sol
> I played 3 times exactly the same way to beat it
> got carted 2 times and won the third because Mars does absolutely what she wants
Bosses that heal themselves fully every 3 turns are extremely bad design
you can get both those games for free on pc
It really was but I still enjoyed playing it.