> sell early access game as full release
Is this the new level of early access scams?
> sell early access game as full release
Is this the new level of early access scams?
No mans sky was 60 if it makes you feel better
That was literally always the level of early access scams.
No Man's Sky functioned.
no, because most early access games never leave early access, so you can't ever refund it.
Have there been any Early Access games that have gone full release and been successful? It seems like all the hype dies out long before they release and they lose their dedicated fan base while failing to attract new players.
These shitstorms are always fun to watch, but I'm still hoping the devs will fix this soon
what really pisses me off about being a consular is there is NOTHING in the damn cabins but a fucking wrench and if someone gets there before you, they wipe the place out getting all the good items, in the beta when something was in a drawer, it was there for EVERYBODY, they need to fix this shit
> Pirated version is far more reliable because you don't need Steam
how the fuck do you play online without steam?
Is this a meme or something? Why is everyone spelling it incorrectly in every single Friday the 13th thread?
You need steam.
>They don't know
>US prime time
>more people playing F13
>China prime time
>more people playing DbD
> Can't play
> Decide to check some streams to see how the game works and try to learn stuff
> Every single stream is an autist playing with his dicksuckers and just messing around without trying to actually win or play with any semblant of efficiency
this game is boring to play and even more boring to watch someone play
>without trying to actually win or play with any semblant of efficiency
Because that's the most fun way to play Jason currently. Playing Jason efficiently is just teleporting on top of people and grabbing them for the default choke kill with zero effort required or way for the counselor to fight back, Jason can very, VERY easily shit all over the counselors and make the game not fun for anybody if he so chooses, so those who play fur fun just like messing with people instead of tryharding for the win every time.
>play as Jason
>trap the car
>trap the phone box
>move between the phone box, the car, and the boat until you find victims
>occasionally chase down counselors making sure to get back to patrol in between each encounter
i've only lost twice as jason and i've played him over a dozen times. it's too easy
Trapping the car and phone box is a guaranteed win for Jason. Even the most incompetent of Jasons can 8/8 if they know to trap the phone and cars.
Yep. The ones who fail as Jason are the ones who play only offense and stupidly run all over the map. Playing defense is op
You're fucking retarded. You need steam, Learn how it fucking works
Opinion disregarded
Multiplayer games are too ambitious for Kickstarter games by small dev studios.
Well it didn't have online. Also, no it fucking didn't it crashed all the fucking time.
I hope you at least don't shift, grab and do the choke execution.
If you play as Jason and don't give special attention to people with mics,You're doing it wrong.
If some one is entertaining on the mic, I usually fuck with them a bit, Teleport away to kill some one else first then come back for them.
Some user in an earlier thread says he liked to have conversations with the counselors and see how long it took them to figure out he was Jason so I like to stalk people and ask if they've seen Jason or tell them to run because Jason was chasing me.
I've been laughing my ass off playing this, I just wish my fucking level wouldn't be stuck at 0
>choke execution
The reason why that kill is spammed so much is because its the only one that doesn't require you to be in a clear area with not so much as a single pebble within a ten foot radius of you, and grip strength is so pitiful that trying to walk the counselor you grabbed to an area where you can use your other kills will always result in them mashing E to break free in two seconds.
Protip: Press X to jog, don't press shift to sprint.
Damn. 48 hours and this game still isn't fixed? What a joke.