Ya'll mine if I be the best Sonic game?
Ya'll mine if I be the best Sonic game?
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Also yeah Sonic Heroes is one of my favorite games.
I'm not yours you lonely virgin faggot
Be my guest. But I don't think you can handle it, takes a lot to keep a lie going.
It isn't a lie though
Still got the casino park theme stuck in my head
It's not even in the top 5
Shadow>Adventure 2>Riders>Adventure>Black Knight=Secret Rings>Rush Games (Adventure>Rush)>CD>Heroes>Genesis games (3>K>2>1)>Unleashed>Zero Gravity>Chronicles>Colors>06>3D Blast>Generations>Free Riders>Boom
Whenever you're ready, I'm not seeing anything yet.
Not even going to dignify this with a (you).
>best Sonic game
>playing the same levels four times each
>barely anything unique among them aside from length and the Chaotix missions
Yeah, no.
>Shadow that high
>Generations and Colors that low AND under Chronicles
Now this is bait.
This is some avant garde bait.
>playing the same levels four times each
A Sonic game giving incentives for replays? The horror!
Not him but Generations and Colors are overrated as fuck and Chronicles is underrated as shit
>playing a different character's story with the exact same levels and stages counts as a replay of the game
>Chronicles is underrated as shit
Hamburger helper pls go and stay go
It's my honest to God opinion, but it upsets people when I post it, so I figure I might as well share it in these threads for my own entertainment.
This is closer to reality than
Even if this was as big a problem as you're trying so hard to make it out to be, that still doesn't mean it isn't the best Sonic game you stupid nigger. This also goes out to anyone else who keeps spouting that retarded ass complaint
Yes it does. Are you retarded or something?
Yeah, the real issue is that the levels fucking suck and are padded to hell. It's not that you have to play the levels 4 times, it's that the level design is so boring and repetitive that it's more like you're replaying the same game hundreds of times.
>Haha guys what if we just made people play the game 4 times in a row but like each time you do it gets more tedious lol
>Also what if we still had those chaos emeralds and make the special stages absolutely unplayable garbage hahahahaha
>implying it's even close to best
Can't be best because that's Master System Sonic.
>This shitty ass meme complaint still hasn't died
Playing the game again with a slightly different character is as old as vidya and somehow only this 1 game gets shit for it
How can someone be this delusional and have such godawful taste at the same time? Neck yourself, for the good of humanity
I love Heroes, probably my favorite 3D sonic game, glitches and all. The Advance Games are my favorite in the franchise. Hope to see your creations in Forces, Sup Forums
Ad hominem, learn to argue properly in your shitposts
They are literally reskins, nothing changes about the way you play. Also it was a different time, and therefore had a different standard. I am sick of these fucking 98 babbies revisionist history about this game just because it was the first released on PS2. Fuck off, the game is repetitive, the levels are long and boring.
Heroes was trash, and it wasn't really fun either. I was expecting another Sonic Adventure and was let down immensely. I finally played the GC port and never touched Heroes again.
>best sonic game
not even the best in its own series, let alone the platforming genre.
Heroes was mediocre as fuck but it WAS better than either one of the Adventure games.
Adventureplebs can fuck right off.
What? Secret Rings has a steep learning curve and is still decent at best, Black Knight isn't bad but isn't that bad either, and while the boost mechanic is played out by now, Unleashed, Colors, and Generations are at least above 06, 3D Blast, both Storybook games and definitely Chronicles.
+1 for support
>They are literally reskins, nothing changes about the way you play.
Bullshit, obviously it's a kids game and you don't get the same kind of depth from character swapping as in say DMC, but the changes are very noticeable. You have to be blind not to notice.
>Also it was a different time, and therefore had a different standard.
Alternative characters with 1 or 2 physics differences is still a widely accepted industry standard.
>I am sick of these fucking 98 babbies revisionist history about this game just because it was the first released on PS2.
Personally I have no emotional attachment to this game or any other adventure styled game. They're all garbage desu
But it makes me a tad upset to see people parrot meme opinions about games they've never played. The replaying in heroes is a non issue, that exists independently of the rest of the games level design. People default to it because having never played the game, they have nothing else to say/
I played the game when it came out you fucking retard and it was shit. The changes in gameplay between each campaign are completely minimal. The only one I can remember that sticks out is Espio turning invisible and that is it, you don't even need to use it in the game.
And it is not independent of the level design, it is the medium in which the levels are conveyed to the player. Which you experience is dependent on. the levels on of themselves are slow, long and boring. They are not worth replaying like say an Adventure 2 level is or any of the 2D ones. The bosses are terrible, the sections where you're forced to do combat are terrible, the special stages are terrible. there isn't a single thing that it does well besides maybe music.
>I played the game when it came out you fucking retard and it was shit. The changes in gameplay between each campaign are completely minimal. The only one I can remember that sticks out is Espio turning invisible and that is it, you don't even need to use it in the game.
Then you're a fucking idiot that can't pick up on obvious mechanical differences designed to be detected children
>And it is not independent of the level design, it is the medium in which the levels are conveyed to the player. Which you experience is dependent on. the levels on of themselves are slow, long and boring. They are not worth replaying like say an Adventure 2 level is or any of the 2D ones. The bosses are terrible, the sections where you're forced to do combat are terrible, the special stages are terrible. there isn't a single thing that it does well besides maybe music.
>They are not worth replaying like say an Adventure 2 level is or any of the 2D ones.
>They are not worth replaying like say an Adventure 2 level
>Adventure 2 level
>worth replaying
Oh wait never mind, I'm arguing with an adventurebabby. Enjoy your empty corridors devoid of meaningful interaction that are only replayable because of the chao garden skinnerbox.
I try.
Seriously one of the best games ever, its why i still use my 360 every day
Whichever console gets access to it first, whether it be BC or a port, is the one im buying for this gen. Wonder whats taking microsoft so long.
I really like the CG used in this game. Everything was really colorful and the character models were very smooth.
My favorite cutscene was when Team Dark and Team Sonic met up in Frog Forest.
Fuck off heroesfag, you are the absolute worst fucking cancer ever, you are worse than adventurefag and unleashedfag, please fucking kill yourself.
The soundtrack is based. I don't care.
>inb4 team themes.
You don't have to beat Mario 2 four fucking times with each character to fight the final boss you dunce. Mario 2 also doesn't loop the same setpieces multiple times in one level to pad out gameplay.
>Generations that low
Explain yourself.
the only stage that uses the same set pieces in one level is Egg Fleet, and it's only done twice. That's literally the only level that does it btw. You're a fucking piece of shit idiot
YOU kill yourself you nigger. I have patrician taste
What is everyone's honest opinion on how the game makes you play the same levels for all the characters as well as make all the teams play almost identical to one another?
If there are people here who truly think this is the best Sonic game, could you please explain why this doesn't bother or isn't really a problem
Well first off I'd just like to say that that complaint is a fucking meme parroted by faggots who saw Somecallmejohnny's video.
As for why it doesn't bother me or isn't really a problem, Heroes' core gameplay is very fun, challenging and rewarding. Literally all of the stories can be finished within 2 hours, less than 1 for Team Rose. It also makes sense when you see that it's a design choice that perfectly fitted in the time that it was made.
>Well first off I'd just like to say that that complaint is a fucking meme parroted by faggots who saw Somecallmejohnny's video.
Why is it very fun? You encounter the same kinds of level elements repeatedly (they're even signposted with literal signs so you know what's coming) no matter what stage you're in, the levels are extremely long and rarely test anything new, the actual platforming is extremely basic, and most of the difficulty comes from poor controls and bugs. The best moments in the game are the few parts where it feels like the other 3D sonic games, but they're few and far between bouts of calling waves of damage sponge enemies and slowing down every 5 seconds for some kind of gimmick
Please enlighten me you idiot. What amazing mechanical differences are there between Sonic, Shadow and Amy. They're the fucking the same. What is obvious about it? They were specifically designed to play similarly so they could use the same levels.
Adventure 2 is a much better game and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise. Better sense of momentum, Heroes is slippery and start and stop in comparison. Levels have brevity, which makes them fun to replay.
Oops, butterfingers
>Well first off I'd just like to say that that complaint is a fucking meme parroted by faggots who saw Somecallmejohnny's video.
I don't know why you'd think that considering beating the game four times has been a common complaint since it released, before youtube was even a thing. Playing through once is already repetitive enough since the levels are all rectangular corridors floating over a death pit, with pretty much every team besides Rose relentlessly copypasting rooms, level geometry, and entire setpieces within the same level for the sole reason of padding it out.
To compare it to a game that would get similar flak at release, Sonic Heroes would be like Devil May Cry 4 if instead of playing through the game as Nero and then the game in reverse with mild changes as Dante. You'd play through Nero's half as Nero, Black Nero, Pink Nero, and Purple Nero. With the only major differences being completely minor moveset differences like Nero turning invisible during a Stinger and Purple Nero has to collect every Orb in the level before he's allowed to leave.
>Implying I give a shit about some e-celebs opinion
You are autistic. The very fact that you say that each of the stories can be finished in such a short amount of time is a detriment because it proves the game is padded to shit.
>It's a design choice that fitted in the time it was made
Before you said it was independent of the level design? Now you're saying it's a design choice? You aren't even consistent with your shitposting. Kill yourself.
>You encounter the same kinds of level elements repeatedly
This only happens in Bullet Station and Egg Fleet you dense retard
>the levels are extremely long and rarely test anything new, the actual platforming is extremely basic, and most of the difficulty comes from poor controls and bugs
How is 10 minutes at the very most extremely long? It's a 3D Sonic game with a tri-character mechanic, no shit the levels are going to be longer than usual. They have to be, to accommodate for the three characters. It makes perfect sense.
3D Rankings
Shadow > Unleashed Day Segments > Heroes > Generations > Adventure > Colors > Unleashed Night Segments > Adventure 2 > Adventure 3 > Heroes the other 3 times you're forced to play it
>To accommodate for the shit that is terrible
>This dumbfuck thinks I'm shitposting
>Repeats himself over and over thinking that'll make him right
You're a piece of shit autistic nigger. God you're so fucking stupid. The fact that you are alive and breathing means that humanity has fucking failed. Please, for the love of all that is good, kill yourself.
God I literally want to find you and deck you in the face.
>Repeats himself over and over
You're the one repeatedly spouting nonsense like
>meme critique
>parroting an e-celeb
>muh autistic character differences
Nothing concrete here at all to your criticisms, it's knee jerk and reactionary at best.
>This only happens in Bullet Station and Egg Fleet you dense retard
Frog Forest
The grinding level
On the top of my head. You are willfully misrepresenting how repetitive it is because you are a blind fanboy. If the levels were long and interesting you would be correct in saying that 10 minutes is sufficient, but they are not.
At least Heroes has zero boostshit desu
>There's been a huge misunderstanding but I doubt they'll listen to us.
>Alright, then let's do it!
>Whatever the reason, if they want a fight, I'll give'em one!
Seaside Hill>Rail Canyon>Ocean Palace>Grand Metropolis>Hang Castle>Egg Fleet> Mystic Mansion>Power Plant>Bullet Station>Final Fortress>BINGO Highway> Lost Jungle>Casino Park>Frog Forest
You're a nitpicking retard that's absolutely fucking desperate trying to find flaws in a otherwise decent game. Funny how the stages you said don't reuse setpieces at all and if I asked you to specifically tell me where in the stages it does this, you'd literally shit your pants. Also, the levels ARE interesting. They're fucking fun the whole way through. The levels aren't boring, YOU'RE boring. Kill yourself
I wouldn't mind it if the levels weren't long.
Shadow has a similar problem.
>This must be Eggman's headquarters!
>The Air Base!
>How does this thing stay afloat? Doesn't matter, let's take it down!
>Never thought it'd actually self-destruct
>It's blown to pieces
>Wonder why it self destructed
>There's robots everywhere! Time to party!
>Their attack is mounting, keep your guard up!
>I'll destroy everything that comes my way!
>It's the yellow laser!
>What was the bright light?! Giant laser cannons?
>Only 4 lasers? A hero's welcome
>1,2,3.12 laser canons! We better watch out!
>Even with 12 laser canons that's still not enough to stop us!
Best level in the game. Loved the atmosphere
Sonic Colors is best Sonic game.
It's the worst.
Sonic Colors is terrible fuck you
Seriously though heroes is garbage, it really is not very good. But I get that nostalgia is strong.
The atmosphere was pretty sick though. That level where its night and youre dodging lazers on airships. Hol-ey thay was that good. And the music to fit it in during the backround. Comfy.
>70% of the game is watching your trio run with shitty camera angles and spouting shitty dialog about EGGMAN'S ROBOTS!!!!
>20% is sub-par gameplay with no challenge or artificial challenge caused by the shitty camera
>About 10% is actual good gameplay
People who dislike Sonic CD are failures who can't understand level design beyond holding right.
Heroes is anything but comfy. It's intense especially in levels like Rail Canyon, Bullet Station, Egg Fleet and Final Fortress
You're a nigger
It's one of the best 3D Sonics. You don't have to pretend half of the game doesn't exist like you do with Adventure 1 and Unleashed.
Also the characters talking throughout the stages was a nice tough and it never got retarded like the meme dialogue in Sonic Boom.