Select difficulty

>Select difficulty

Who cares

>giving a fuck about what people do in single player games
dumb toadposter

>Select difficulty
>Beat game
>unlock Expert difficulty
>Beat game again
>unlock Nightmare difficulty

End this meme. One unlockable difficulty is somewhat acceptable, but extra, more challenging post-game content > new difficulties.

>Play on hard
>Enemies have 3x as much HP and take ages to beat while doing the same damage to you because otherwise you'd die in one hit since the game was balanced for normal

Oh boy I sure love this.

Completely acceptable in games with shitty combat

>One unlockable difficulty is somewhat acceptable



>unlockable difficulty
Fuck off.

There's no problem with this unless it actually feels tedious. As in it's super easy not to die.

>sister watching me play vidya
>"lmao why do you select to difficulty to be hard"
>"dude why can't you just play video games to have fun bro"

Why are females intellectually inferior?


>Select difficulty
>No extra challenge, enemies just take more damage to be defeated

Because they are cuter that way.


>playing video games past the age of 18

>implying anybody is over 18 centuries old

>the hardest difficulty is normal
>the only difference between difficulties is that you get less exp/money on normal

why the FUCK anyone likes or even worships this normie?


did you at lesat lick her cunny?

y u paint ur face bro?


his facial features are really weird

normalfag cunt

>select difficulty

desu this guy is above average how did he not get pussy?

>how did he not get pussy

Because you have to subtract how fucking retarded some people can be.

Women also take into acount personality unless you are chad-tier


That's generally a pretty good personality.

That's a big butt.

he spills spaghetti

>Select difficulty
>Impossible Nightmare Unfair Unbelievably hard

>there is no easy setting


What do you guys believe is the best way games have differentiated difficulty levels? You know, besides the usual of just increasing enemy health and damage output.

>game has difficulty levels

>you have to beat the levels on easy mode to unlock the hard mode

>"This mode is for people who want to enjoy the story"

Choose it every time. Too many other things I can be doing besides min/maxing buffs against inflated HP bars.

>Beat game
>Unlock easy mode

>Too many other things I can be doing besides min/maxing buffs against inflated HP bars.
This is what normal people actually believe is required to play at medium or above. Astonishing.

>Game makes fun of you for choosing the easiest difficulty

>easy is the bad ending
serves you right

This. I play games for the experience. Not to bash my head against the wall because of cheap unfair difficulty.

>hard difficulty is DLC
based nintenchrist

>Run a trial that suggests a difficulty based on your performance.
Why don't more games do this?

Because it's shit in most instances.

Last game I played which did that was TW2.
It told me I'm a complete shitter and shouldn't be even thinking about playing on above Normal.
Then I finished it on Dark without too much trouble.


The only game I've seen do it right was path of neo, were it'll spawn waves of enemies that get progressively more difficult. Tw2 just keeps spawning enemies after a timer runs out.

>Somehow this is bad

It is, and it should.


What are some games that do this?

CoD 4


Just watch some chinese cartoons or movies instead, plenty of "experience" there and far cheaper too.

Bioshocki infinite has one of the better difficuly mode, 1999 mode, ammo is more scarce, so you need to run and gun with the enemies weapons coins are more scarce, you cant max out all weapons and vigors but have to specialize, and you have to scavenge more to do so. Enemies hit harder but don't take any more extra to be killed than hard mode, they are not bullet sponges.

unfortunately you have to beat the game once to unlock it, but there is a konami cheat code to unlock it straight away

>European Extreme

It's ok, not as difficult as it should be honestly, zip lining around is just too easy

>Eastern European Extreme

1999 mode can be quite tough if you don't know the game. especially lady comstock and the asylum.
if you manage to get the winter shield gear you have god mode in every skyhook battle.

Because women could smell the autism and insecurity on him. He could have lost his virginity if he were younger but he got stuck in a cycle of hating himself for being a virgin which made women not want to fuck him which made him hate himself even more etc etc. That sort of shit perpetuates itself and it's why it's my firm belief that if you don't lose your virginity as a teenager then you have something majorly wrong with you.

>start game
>die a few times
>"Would you like to lower the difficulty level?"

Eastern Radioactivic Slavic Eastern European or nothing

To further expand on this his autism also sent out major red flags to girls as well. Think about the rich chad stereotype - they're confident, fit and sociable. Now of course these are all things which can be built without money but having that money makes it a hell of a lot easier to get all those. So from a girl's perspective regarding Elliot, what kind of deep seated issues must he have had to have so much money and not be buff, sociable and confident? It was basically an unconscious warning to them to stay away. On the one hand I don't blame them for this but on the other I feel bad for Elliot as well. I think all of his problems could have been solved if he'd just had a greater role model to aspire to be more like and definitive goals in mind to build his confidence and improve upon himself.

Pokémon W2.

>game makes fun of you if you do something really time consuming

>select hard difficulty
>it's really not that hard

>die repeatedly to a hard boss
>game has dynamic difficulty and makes the fight easier instead of letting you git gud


>graphic settings
>textures: normal

>game spouts meme

you funny

>Hard mode is still the hardest, but easy mode is harder than normal mode
Any games that actually done this?

Nothing wrong with playing a single-player game at whatever difficulty in the privacy of your own home.

>story only
for people who just want to enjoy the game
is mostly the same as story only with a bit of combat and this can also be fun
mostly normal just means the enemies take more time to kill, it is therefore a time wast
only for neets with too much time
>every difficulty above hard
just a time waste

Anything below hard is just not enjoyable para serle honesto familiar

>difference between difficulties is just enemy hp/damage
>normal mode enemies die too quick but hard mode enemies are just a chore to kill

>hard is just bullshit artificial difficulty
>easy you might as well be watching a movie

Sometimes normal is the only sane choice

>Start game on hard difficulty
>Enjoy the experience of learning but always stop at a certain point and quit due to having other chores of the day
>Realise youre not a kid anymore and spending time on getting better at a game takes too much time
>Switch to normal just to finish the game as fast as possible
>Growing old and not having time to enjoy a game to its fullest

>have this personal rule to always play on the hardest difficulty no matter the game because I want to feel seriously challenged
>for most games it doesn't even feel rough
>some games it's almost literally impossible

I like playing on insane modes of games and doing no damage runs because that's about the easiest way to get mad at a game and I'm never really satisfied with my experience unless I'm fuck-fisted furious throughout the whole thing

You are doing something not exactly like I do, so you are one of either extreme, 'cause only my way is moderate. Didn't you know?