Can someone please explain what the "TORTanic" was?

For someone who isn't familiar with that Star Wars MMO. Why did it become a meme?

Other urls found in this thread:

It was the event that ruined Sup Forums.

Every new game has to be the next epic failure now.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

Does anyone else remember stillborn? HA!

summer is real


No it isn't

I hate this retarded meme. Sup Forums shitting on upcoming or newly released video games is a habit that has existed literally for as long as Sup Forums has. If you attribute that kind of shitposting to TOR or any other game, you're either a newfag or you have incredibly poor memory.

I don't understand how so many people want to try and recreate this.
Doesn't it get old?

It started off with its reveal trailers - though the moment the gameplay was shown Sup Forums went apeshit on it.

Everything looked fucking terrible.

Bare tidbits were revealed to hide away what little end-game the game actually had.

Couple that with shittery on Biowares end (Stanrey Woo etc etc) and it turned in a huge meme.

The fact that it failed terribly only solidified it.

No, we didn't have WORST GAME EVER BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY threads for every single new game prior to SWTOR.

TL;DR of it is:

Bioware announces massive MMORPG.

DA2 came out recently and was a massive dissapointment, and Sup Forums saw the trend in the development.

Videos came out showing how awful the animation quality was.

Game had a 500 million dollar budget but still looked awful because they spent most of the money on marketing.

Game failed on launch to reach even 1/2 of their projected sales.

BioWare hyped up TOR (The Old Republic) to be the most epic and awesome MMO since World of Warcraft.
It wasn't. From horrible bugs, to nazi-like forum and chat mods, to banning people trying to cancel subscriptions, to the gameplay simply being bad, it was an all-around disaster.
The name is a reference to the Titanic ship.

We don't have "WORST GAME EVER BLUNDER OF THE CENTURY" threads for every single game now either. It's just the same amount of shitposting that newly released video games always gotten in here. Seriously, you're embarrassing yourself.

Anyone got the bayeaux tapestry pic? I can't find mine.

I wish you'd remove the traffic part
That was in 2012 user
Have you seen how much traffic ramped up since gamergoober and Trump?

And I'm sure with Bike lock bandit we'll soon be getting even more traffic.

Yes and did you see how that relevant to two things that aren't summer?

It happened to literally every AAA release for at least three years straight. Horizon was the last title I can think of that had that sort of shitposting, but it seems to have finally died down.

But a lot of the new mainstream games are complete and utter shit.
It's not Sup Forums. It's big publishers literally stopped making good games.

99% of this board didn't play the MMO but we knew what the memes were about because we weren't THIS FUCKING NEW

lurk 3 years before posting


It doesn't even make any sense.
Why would someone be able to visit Sup Forums when they usually couldn't just because it's summer?

The what now?


Because it became the beginning of the end.


There was also all those media articles declaring how SWTOR was THE wow killer, it was the next step in gaming, Bioware was the next Blizzard, how despite its failings it CAN'T go f2p, and how its going f2p within 6 months of launch and why that's a good thing


>Doesn't it get old?
There's a whole country that has a word for watching other people's misery and enjoying it. No, it doesn't.



>another newfag asking an obvious question he could find the answer for himself if he wasn't so lazy to make a google search

Fuck off, newfag.


>I'm a newfag who doesn't remember how Sup Forums was before TORtanic: the post

Next time shut the fuck up if you have no idea what you're talking about, you little new bitch.


i miss the daily EA stocks crashing threads. and the golden poo awards. feels like it was yesterday but it was years ago

It started like every great meme.
Sup Forums hoped TORtanic will be utter shit. It was even worse. And then Biodrones tried to defend it.

2012 was generally a year of huge wars between MMO fags, wasn't it? SWToR, TERA, GW2 and another WoW expansion clamoring for the MMO throne.
Funny how none of those games are relevant anymore now.

I started lurking in 2014. Now what?

The most offensive part of TOR was how they were obviously spending the massively bloated budget on marketing instead of the game.

Marketing got professional, slick CGI movies animated; meanwhile BioWare development team paid for a buggy, SHITTY, prototype indie game engine on the cheap which was in now way designed to do what they were doing with it. It was such an embarrassment the engine's developer came out and said that he had no contact with BioWare after they paid for the engine, and if you want to see GOOD IMPLEMENTATION then refer to these [small indie MUD-tier games]

Holy fuck how new are you? Summerfag has been a thing since 2005 you newfag. It means the kiddies that are in school during the year get out in June and can post during the days.

Of course it mattered a lot more back in 2004-2011 before every child had a web enabled phone in their pocket and could post any time.

How could you say that, it's obvious that so much effort went into the game.

I actually prefer SWTOR to WoW

Well WoW went to shit too by now.
But back then it used to be still good.


WoW was getting worse and worse by 2012.

TOR was completely irrelevant in shaping Sup Forums. Only newfags parrotting newfags say otherwise.
The only events that really changed the board were:
-The game industry getting progressively worse (or at leas different) during the last gen. Lots of fanbase betraying that made people bitter.
-The Sup Forums-/vg/ split. The cocksuckers that balanced the place all moved there to circlejerk for eternity.
-The often forgotten great Sup Forums invasion of around 2010. Whole affair was fucking disgusting and it was all Moot's fault.

It makes sense though. It's WoW Clone #6345, the only thing that sets it apart is being Star Wars so that's what they focused on.

Every time.

>hyped up as the next big SW MMO, the successor to the KOTOR series
>previews look like shit
>beta hits, it's literally just a WoW reskin
>forums full of fanboys fighting back buyer's remorse by white knighting the game and writing off every flaw as "i-it's just a beta, i-it's just released, t-they'll patch it" etc.
>mods banning people who call out bioware
>turns out that not only was the game built on some weird ass engine, it was an ALPHA version of the engine and the company who made it even told Bioware not to use it
>some bug where dancing made you immune to player damage, GMs start banning people who dance outside of "designated dancing zones"

i could go on but it really was a clusterfuck

Ive been here since 2006 I came right before the initial Habbo raids in the summer of 2006. Hes 100% right.

Someone post
>12 gigabytes of RAM power

I got you.

Think of all those hundred of millions of dollars that went to produce those shitheaps that could be otherwise been spent in making countless single-player games. Even if most were to be shit, that would still be dozens of great games.

Sup Forums successfully tracked down the bike lock assaulter at the Berkeley protest riots a month or two back and hes been arrested and being tried in mid June. He's facing 25 to life with Californias 3 strike rule.

Nah, you're a liar and a dumbass. Sup Forums has had several big blunders prior to TORtanic, with Spore being one of the biggest ones. Googling Sup Forums on KYM doesn't make for a good substitute, kiddo.

Nope been here since 2006 ever since Sup Forums was linked to WoWs off topic forums. The board has been angry and depressed forever but never as cynical or pessimistic as it has been since TORtanic. Youre wrong and the newfag here buddy.

The biggest factor has been Sup Forums. It started off okay (as in they stayed inside their containment board, the content itself was always terrible), but attracted a ton of people from /r/t_d and similar places which spilled over into the rest of Sup Forums.

Actually, I blame society as a whole for getting too politicised, A lot of people nowadays seems to think everyone is really interested in their retarded armchair politics and shoves in it everyone's faces as much as possible. And the more 'controversial' they believe their views to be the harder they scream. (see /pol)

the more times i look at the this the more painful it gets

I miss stanley woo

>Actually, I blame society as a whole for getting too politicised

that's the actual problem, not Sup Forums itself. there are plenty of people who comment on shit that's been politicized that don't even go to Sup Forums.

most of the shitposting comes from Sup Forums

Sup Forumss shitposting is annoying and stale, but harmless.
I'd rather see someone repeating the same phrase over and over thinking that makes it funnier than the shit that comes from Sup Forums.

You don't know what you are talking about.
Sup Forums is a recent development, and both Sup Forums and Sup Forums as a whole were already swarmed by redditors even before Sup Forums were a thing.
Same thing about the politicization of the hobby.


>The often forgotten great Sup Forums invasion of around 2010
>that cringey comic about Sup Forums guy facing off against Sup Forums guy

Christ that was awful. Still not as bad as when GG happened and that drawing of a little reddit mascot on the shoulder of the Sup Forums guy.

you don't understand, Sup Forums are the ones that are taking the political shit and spreading it. they started spreading memes like baneposting, cuck porn etc. and found posting things that look like they belong on Sup Forums made the most impact.

>>that cringey comic about Sup Forums guy facing off against Sup Forums guy
>not wanting to FIGHT DA POWAH

>cuck porn
I still don't know how the fuck this (and ebonics, for that matter) even managed to spread. They are just plain unfunny.

I lurked for four years before posting
Glad I did

On Sup Forums, something annoying spread faster than something funny. Trolls trolling trolls.

Most people on Sup Forums were claiming it was going to be absolute shit (there were many reasons to believe so). On launch, the game turned out to be a failure of catastrophic proportions. Subs took a nosedive after the initial gametime ended and the game was forced to go free to play really fucking quickly in order to keep it going.

Since then, Sup Forums has resorted to calling every game "the biggest blunder of 201X" in the hopes of recreating that "I was right" feeling.

It's when this place turned from video game discussions to shitposting.

Bioshart decided they know better what gamers want than the gamers who actually bought their rushed piece of shit.
Admins who were too biased to even act as admins.
Tons of absolute fucking retards who dogpilled on everyone with any criticism convincing biowart, electronic ass their game is perfect and need no gamers.

Basically everyone spited actual players, critiqued people for critiquing the game and listened to the most fuckheaded fanbase there ever was and this was the result.

>Captcha: metz ahead


Do you still have the "Hell yeah motherfucker" ?

Is the game worth playing if I'm bored and sorta enjoy star wars?

user delivers

Aww shit, this was when Sup Forums screwed around with that gamespot poll, right?

You'll be crippled by the free to play restrictions to do anything fun like raids or pvp.

Sure you can do all the stories, but most are shit and not worth it.

Thank you !
I want to go back user

Long story short: it had over 200 millions budget, a lot of it was spent on voice and when it was released it looked and played underwhelming, couldn't amass big enough playerbase despite being fastest growing MMO and after reaching like a million subscribers with its incredibly overblown budget it started quickly dwindling and they moved to F2P model.

In short, it just sounds hilarious, they spent 200 million dollars on F2P MMO that doesn't look any better than the ones Korea and China shit out on yearly basis.

It probably has definitely already made money back, but despite its overblown budget it looks like shit, plays like shit and has never reached the heights of World of Warcraft.

>Too new to remember

At least they were understanding on people wanting to cancel their subscription.

That was a single event, and the only reason it's remembered is because it didn't happen with every single game.

TORtanic was literally a toy boat compared to FFXV

It was glorious. It was the last time Gamespot ever ran this sort of thing, too.

You mean XIV

Because it pissed Sup Forums off

And then Sup Forums started using Sup Forums shit to piss off the people who hated Sup Forums.

Sup Forums is making everyone mad. They're the Australia of boards.

This always has me in stitches every time.

>it's not sinking. My side just rose 100ft!

Even that doesn't make any sense because of timezones

Antifa guy who committed a crime by cracking a Trump supporter's skull open got caught by Sup Forums.

He was a professor trying to radicalize students at UC Berkeley.

From what I was told at the time, "cuck" started on Sup Forums. But who fucking cares at this point since everyone uses it even when it doesn't fit at all. Just like "meme" transformed into "something I don't like".

Its actually a good game now though


No, it's remembered because it was huge, it was basically TOR before TOR. Similar shit happened with the PS3 in general, especially PS3 Bayonetta, and PS3 Sonic Unleashed.

This was truly the most despicable thing and there are people who will defend it.

>end of the first subscription period after launch
>the cancel button mysterious vanishes from the website
>makes it impossible for people to cancel before another subscription fee comes out of their account
>conveniently returns a few hours later

Man, Sup Forums is such a shit board.
I used to frequent it but I can't do it anymore. There's literally nothing but meme threads anymore, and threads that start out normal turn into meme threads 10 posts in. Even Sup Forums in its current state is way better.

White and based