Join match in Overwatch, get to hero select screen

>join match in Overwatch, get to hero select screen
>Genji is instantly picked
>oh boy, here we go. Well, we still got 5 teammates
>nothing happens for 10 seconds
>suddenly Hanzo
>not a lost cause, enemy team can also have the weeb brothers, we can salvage this

Hello again, Zenyatta, when did I get so many hours with you?

>playing overwatch

That's when you pick Roadhog, the "fuck you I got mine" hero.

>playing a fucking competitive TEAM game

I know the allure is that you psychologically blame your teammates when you lose while still reaping all the psychological benefits of competition, but this is just fucking sad. At some point you have to get off this gayfaggot ride and play real man games.

>not just playing random heroes, the only worthwhile game mode

>Playing a bloated, horribly designed shooter with cancerous matchmaking

Then it's just a retarded casual game that doesn't even accomplish casual fun. It's even worse that way.

>Genji switched to Widowmaker (was Hanzo)

>worst map design in modern gaming
no thx

>I know the allure is that you psychologically blame your teammates when you lose while still reaping all the psychological benefits of competition
Fucking this. If people are going to play a teamwork oriented game, then they need to at least learn to work around others' insufficiencies.
Just treat it like it's an extra challenge or something, jesus.

>what is Nepal: Sanctum

>It's not fun for me therefore you aren't allowed to enjoy it.

Fucking this. The game itself is fine, but the maps are fucking atrocious.

>play random mode for chests
>enemy get a good lineup with double heal

When did I say you are banned from playing it.

>willingly play a team game without teammates
>let random assholes on the internet on your team
>somehow it's anyone's fault but your own that you have a shitty experience

>Red team gets 4x Zarya 2x

>what is 1v1 or 3v3 with buds?

Overwatch is neither fun nor competitive.

Do your self a favor and uninstall it

>Genji keeps trying to kill things that can trivialize his deflect like he's going to "I need healing" them to death
>Hanzo can only kill things if his scatter arrow is off cool down and he's close enough to shoot someone point blank in the knee
>Widow's presence is an insult to participation awards
>enemy Pharah and Mercy are allowed to fly around with impunity in spite of the presence of 2 snipers on the team

>*crafts well-rounded, utilitarian team composition*
Nothin personnel, scrub

>team filled with retard picks and needs a healer
>you decide to pick a sub healer instead of a main healer
no better than them t b h

>not picking Mercy

You're not better than the people you're complaining about.

I just started playing how do I deal with faggot genji shit?
Also is quick play always one sided stomps? I want proper matchmaking but without the stress and tryharding of competitive.

>playing entire free weekend as genji losing quick matches

Just go winston or symmetra and enjoy the anime tears in all chat

first: 50% of your enemies are smurfs, especially during free weekend
second: symmetra, winston or winston do the job

The skill floor for effective Genji play is so high you're either dealing with a smurf account and he'd be kicking your ass regardless of what hero they were using, or they're nothing to really worry about once their deflect is on cooldown.

Just pay attention to what you're shooting at, and pray to god your teammates are paying attention too.

Just play competitive and play it casually I can't stand quick play because of how unorganized it is so competitive is my default quickplay.

>picking Mercy when half the team is either going to be on the other end of the map hitting something every 42 shots, or zipping around at point blank range like a retard, when you can just put a feel good orb on somebody, put a feel bad orb on what you want dead, and have at it

Zen can carry teams dumbass. Particularly ones that insist on picking the Weeb twins and Widow.