Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread:
>Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:

Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!
NSFW Deliveries should also be posted in
Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky

Drawing Books:!2RARFaLA!VTiQb6eRXfV4V6mYQ6FJTA

Other urls found in this thread:'t starve together bee queen&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWmYLRvJLUAhXLalAKHdL9D_0Q_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=1012#imgrc=t7Ln4I4v1mQJGM:,


Anybody willing to color this?'t starve together bee queen&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjWmYLRvJLUAhXLalAKHdL9D_0Q_AUIBigB&biw=1920&bih=1012#imgrc=t7Ln4I4v1mQJGM:
Here is a link to some pics.

Requesting Zhao Yun doing something fatherly with Liu Shan

This is because, historically, Zhao Yun may have been more of a father to Liu Shan than Liu Bei

Requesting Etna dressed as Pengie from GBF inside a Prinny robot.

Requesting a cute pic of Estelle (from Trails in the Sky) but with a haircut like the girl on the right has.

Requesting Susie in the outfit on the right doing something cute and girly.

Could someone please draw 2B applying lipstick in a mirror, or trying to brush her teeth? Or trying on a tshirt/shopping with 9S.

Requesting Jin Kazama and Ling Xiaoyu having hardcore, intense sex

Requesting a shot of just Rebecca Chamber's feet visible under a bathroom stall with her pants and panties around her ankles. Her panties are decorated with first-aid crosses.

Requesting tea party between Faye, Tharja, and Camilla.

Requesting wonder boy/girl in the mouse form scaring shantae in her elephant form or just shantae mocking him/her for not being able to transform back at will.

Requesting colors for this lewd Neptune.

Requesting the intergalactic misadventures of Luna, Bandanna Waddle Dee, and a random Waddle Doo. Like battling Space Pirates, surfing on meteors trying to escape a cosmic horror, or trying to make enough money to escape a crappy backwater planet

Requesting a human/non-furry version of Alicia Pris

Requesting Makoto Nanaya as the girl on the left and Mai Natsume as the girl on the right of this image:

I thought this would be a neat idea, so I'd like to request the article on the right drawn using the image of Rin as a maid.

Requesting Yukiko successfully being cast as Alex, a new character in the remake of the game "Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey"

Format is like an awkward Atlus executive meeting on how to Shin Megami Tensei hip like Persona. Maybe add Yukiko on a casting couch.

Misha eating Nyo? Guts from a dead Nyo? or the normal cooked item

Requesting Daidouji giving Rin a boombox serenade

Requesting a tied-up Sig

2B and 9S kissing like that one scene from The Watchmen, infront or in the bigass explosion from the intro of the game

Requesting anything of Meia from Mobius.
Examples are moogle pajamas and naked and covered by crystal hards/bikini of crystal shards, or dressed as a stereotypical witch.
You can also find more picture of her here

I said I'd do this eventually. Sorry for the "avant-garde," shit anatomy.

Requesting a nice picture of Alice Twilight.

So that the world won't forget that there was once an assassin named Alice.

Requesting some lesbian sexytimes with Iro and Bonnibel from Crush Crush. It can be kissing or even something lewd

>15 """""""""unique""""""""" posters
mishafag sure does have a lot of phones

Requesting Es as an angel or as a demon.
Or, a very soft and busty Es wearing a sweater or anything else.

Requesting a parody of the "BORN TO DIE" pic, but with Ludger and Julius in place of the cat and dog, with the text being:

Kill Em All 2012
We are trash men
410,757,864,530 DEAD DIMENSIONS

>all these shitty requests
Goddammit Sup Forums I just wanna draw something good.

Requesting Shantae sitting on a ledge, swinging her feet while listening to music on headphones.

Makoto morphing into a Zeo Power Ranger, with a zeonizer and pose like this.

same. too bad this is the vidya "lewd and bad autistic ideas only the requestfag wants to see and did i mention lewd?" drawthread

u got dis already u greedy fuck

Requesting a niggy getting some cake

>when you request something just so someone will ask why
bad request is bad

ooh wow so gud

girly is a social construct and that sort of hate speech is not allowed here

Look how cool you are, hating on amateur artists. Well guess what, you get what you pay for.

Requesting "The Butcher" eating peanut butter.

Size of jar not to scale.

Requesting dumb requests

you came to the right place

Reply to this post with a two-word request + reference image, and I might draw it.

Requesting Mai Natsume in this lewd schoolgirl outfit:

My ass

Cirno tripping on a banana peel while flying

When you Self-Destruct in Nier Automata, 2B loses her skirt. I'd like a drawing of 2B either having her clothing completely blown off (an edit of little Emil heads over her NSFW bits is a funny idea) or drawn in Yaegashi Nan's (Senran Kagura) artstyle. Yeah like

>+ reference image
Though I guess you'd need a wide-angle lens for that.

Requesting Hibana from R6:S in flannel and jeans with the Hyper Beast Nova shotgun. Thank you in advance.


Ribbon Girl accidentally kicking Minmin's punch out of the air during a double jump, with both of them looking dumbfounded by it.

This but Es instead

Requesting Opalneria lying down in a beach at night

autistic wayfu shits need to kill themselves they suck the fun in drawthreads everywhere

I would really like anything with Yoko Belnades from Castlevania Aria/Dawn of Sorrow. An idea I would like is a drawing of her looking like a succubus (succubi in the game oft disguise themselves as her). Thank you.

Requesting Doopliss wearing a Freikorps cap.

Poochie as a dogboy

Requesting Faye from Fire Emblem Shadows of Valentia wearing Celica's clothes and claiming it's her (Celica), but she had a hair makeover.

Disgaea Flonne smoking a chocolate cigar

I'm not sure how to feel about this, but I'll attempt to jerk off to it.


2B with an unwrapped condom in her mouth
Second panel is a blushing 9S or him fucking her with everything he has

Requesting instant loss

Remember that three eyed monkey named Paul?
Requesting an Ape Escape version of that.

Requesting Sona in a gangbang, taking as many dicks as possible. Paizuri, double penetration, blowjob, and a handjob, a dick in each hand, anything goes


i would like to draw a very simple fusion, if that is possible

other requests are fine too

Noire dressed like a maid and being punished by her master the protagonist. Sexually if possible. Thanks.

Does this count as a fusion?

Shantae and Bayonetta, since they both use their hair to attack enemies.

Requestig a cute Frost poking her head out of an igloo.

requesting this image but with hancock from fallout 4

Requesting Haruka from Senran Kagura having her pudgy belly spanked by an user (pink belly), causing much jiggle and moans of pain and pleasure from her.
Pink belly reference (little silly):

Pikachu and a chocobo

requesting Baku from FFIX doing old man's pose

Requesting sleepy Eliza from Tekken

This picture but with Amaterasu from Okami.

Pretty sure that's already been done.

Could someone please draw Symmetra with a fidget spinner?

Draw Challenge 17: Meta-Knight

everyone draw BORB even if you're not a drawfag

3wolf moon with 2hu cats

Doomguy and Cream the rabbit getting married
doesn't get much girlier than that
wasn't going for it, but hope this counts

that's it for me, goodnight drawthread!

Holy fuck thank you so much seriously.

Requesting a clothing swap of these two. What they are doing is up to you.

Testing how to utilize Auto coloring function in order to efficiently boost my work speed.

This is sketch.


looks good

Requesting Aigis with huge titties in a very small and tight fitting swimsuit and doing whatever you would like

Requesting Saber dressed up as big boss and Jesse dressed up as Miller.

Didn't get to thank user for this last thread, so I'm doing it now. It's adorable and I love it.

requesting more art of this kind of samus

give me a break it's 1 am.

>No OC requests

Requesting either a small Draco or Seriri in an animal tank.

Requesting Pod 042 bullying A2 with his holodick, saying "Ayy2 girl, wan sum fuk?"

>Is Bondage by sheer weight and poofiness of a dress a thing? If not, maybe it should be.

Requesting Dress Bondage with Mariel (If you pick Mariel make the dress MUCH bigger and poofier) or any Sup Forums female

What's Dress Bondage you ask? It is immobilization by the sheer weight and poofiness of one's own dress. Have them struggle to move or walk, but they can't due to what they're wearing.

>No OC
>It's a vidya character in an alternative outfit
This isn't guacamaid, son.

OC outfit is still OC. if you can find a part in any of the official games where she has a suit like that, then it's fine. until then, your request is invalid

How is that any fucking different than the "draw this character in a bikini" requests or something? Don't be such a stickler.

Taking requests.

>boo hoo u won't draw my shitty oc
cry more