The Weekend Plays mario kart deluxe

Damn Nintendo got a massive on there hands

Other urls found in this thread:

>bu-bu the Switch is doomed!


>the who play mario kart

Now that would be the fucking shit

Generic 509320st Canadian musician

No, I'm genuinely asking. Stop being a meming faggot you stupid fanboy. Who the fuck is this?

he's super popular. My wife loves his music.

literally whom

literally who?


One of the billion generic black Canadian musicians

You must be out of touch to not know who he is, even if his music is pure shit...

I don't listen to radio trash, sorry.

I don't care about music

Sounds like i'm better off being out of touch.

Are we really gonna be so hipster we can't even enjoy a big pop star playing fucking Mario Kart?

What genre?

>big pop star
he cant be that big if no one recognizes him including myself

He is a very popular musician.

Starboy with daft punk
Can't feel my face
The hills


Starboy is a good song.

Why would I give a shit about what this nigga plays though?

Are you a time traveler from 10 years ago? Almost every celeb has had contact to video games in some shape or form. Its only impressive with niche titles, not with mainstream casual games

I love music and have never heard of this dude. My cousin doesn't know who he is either.

>big pop star

Sorry, but Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift, Psy, or Lady Gaga that is not.


Funny that's how they got their name!

Listening to Pink Floyd on repeat doesn't make you a music expert

>all these fucking aspies who don't know who the weekend is
You don't have to be a normie to at least be aware of things that are popular, even if their music ain't that good.
I do like False Alarm though.

This, I'm really into music, frequently browse Sup Forums, and this is my first time hearing of this faggot.

I'm more of a Nujabes guy myself.

Stupid mobile poster.


>False Alarm
Isn't that a Bloc Party album?

I personally preferred a Weekend in the City. Hunting for Witches is a great song.

Nujabes is GoaT. You ever hear of Keith Ape? Korean hiphop is hot.

That's silent alarm, you dolt.

nice image can I save it?

The only way this fat fuck is popular is because of Daft Punk

They probably know who he is, but they use this as an opportunity to do their whole "Mainstream suggs xD"

You don't have to like his music, but he is consistently one of the most streamed artists and is selling out world tours so you can't act like he isn't one of the biggest music acts out right now. Saying "who is he?" says more about you than it does him

>chart topping pop star
>Collab with daft punk
>never heard of him
>I'm really into music

Check the fucking views. Just because you dont know who he is doesn't mean he isn't a big pop star. Just means you haven't been to a party, club or turn on the radio


I never heard of him but he sounds like every other generic pop star. Are you sure these aren't the same guy and girl singing as different people?

Try hards trying to fit in by showing how anti normie they are. Pathetic.

>elevator music with some hip hop beats thrown in
Ok never mind, you are an expert

He was huge in 2015 before he made a song with daft punk


Le contrarian Sup Forums coming in full force I see

>there will never be a takecare 2

yall need to get out your basement more

I havent used the radio in over 10 years and any station I listened do wouldnt play pop shit, thats for little girls and women but so is going to the clubs
None of the parties I go to play faggot pop either granted they are few and far between because who has time for that shit

I listen to music a good 8 hours a day, EVERY DAY. I just don't listen to radio trash or follow popular trends, sorry.

The only mainstream buzz I've heard of lately is that Psy came out with two comeback songs recently, abd that they're pretty hot. also Naeun a qt

No one is claiming he isn't a big pop star, but ive never heard of him or his music. It's possible we could've listened to a sample of his music somewhere, but that doesn't mean we know who he is.

Why is this a hard concept for you to grasp?

Because I'm normally listening to podcasts. I didn't hear about these guys until I heard that Daft Punk was performing with them at the VMAs or whatever. Looked up the song he did with them and couldn't hear Daft Punk in there at all, just sounded like most other songs on the radio.

If you completely avoid popular music then your "being really into music" and "browsing mu" isn't going to expose you to him then, is it? So why even use it as validation

>You don't have to be a normie to at least be aware of things that are popular
I don't understand this normie logic.

>Watching some trashy TV show with family
>ask who the woman presenting it is
>"What? You don't know her?"
>"Fuck off. You're joking"
>"No, just tell me who she is."
>this goes on for three minutes with them getting increasingly amazed I don't know who she is but refuse to answer who the fuck she is
>turned out she was just some chick who slept with a famous singer
Why the fuck would you get visibly upset that I don't know some random whore? What the fuck

holy shit

>None of the parties I go to
> for little girls and women but so is going to the clubs
>I havent used the radio in over 10 years
Sure you go to parties old geezer.

Everyone with a social life and friends makes time to hang out and have fun, with friends and their other friends, its how you connect and meet new people.

>faggot pop
>my music taste is better then everyone elses, why dont anyone understand that k-pop loli remixes is where its at these days!!!!!!!

There's a reason why normalfags like Nintendo shit, it's because they play it for a few hours with friends and then don't touch any games besides shit on their phone for months.


It's like some cult shit where if you aren't aware of the latest trends you aren't even worth talking to in their eyes.

Not really. If he really was so popular, people would be talking about him enough for me to hear about him.

If Lady Gaga or Psy do something big, I'll hear about it, even though I'm not into those scenes. I heard of Applause and New Face purely through word of mouth. This guy, Never heard of him, yet Nintendo fans on Sup Forums wanna pretend he's somebody to validate themselves.

Hell, I KNOW Linkin Park has a new album purely through word of mouth, even though I haven't listened to them in over a decade. If you're generating less buzz than Linkin Park, you're a nobody. Sam Smith, Pharell Williams, that chick that did "Lean On." I know who they are. This dude, never heard of him.

It's the same thing at my work. I'm 22 and all these fucks are 30+
>How the fuck do you not know who Earl Hindman is?

just pop in general is shit for faggots
kpop is for weeaboo faggots

I posted this thread because I thought it was positive for Nintendo. Whether you like or dislike his music. He is huge pop r&b star.

The first 15 replies about not knowing who he was and saying he isn't a big star because they don't know.

I find that ridiculous

Having nothing in common with anyone isn't "some cult shit" it just means you don't pay attention to anything the people around you like.

>I don't understand this normie logic.
Being awere of what is going on around you and staying up to date on different things, just casualy, is normal and often used as conversation starters, all i get from this is that you are a NEET without any friends outside of your NEET friend circle.

>blog post
This is just them being super fucking retarded, no wonder you turned out a asocial NEET


I didnt know arriane grande was a singer until her show got blown up
Thought she was a disney actor or some shit

>Hell, I KNOW Linkin Park has a new album purely through word of mouth, even though I haven't listened to them in over a decade.

I think I heard some of it on the radio

It was garbage
They need their rapper back because the screaming faggot is, well, a faggot

>Sup Forums Celebrity and gossip

im pretty sure you can enjoy music but not know who the current trending pop stars are. but knowing Sup Forums users they have to be contrarian to the point where they round back to the mainstream.

If i was their manager id go into their sound mastering system and put fart noises instead of their vocals

and then after that id post videos of playing MK64 instead

>literal who plays an game
Yes and?

If you don't know about high profile celebrities you probably don't even look at the fucking news. And if you can't name a celebrity that almost everyone is aware of, what else could you not be aware of? Living under a rock is nothing to be proud of.

Good to hear they helped him lose weight, but he is still huge

You say that, and yet the most popular video on the internet for the last 5 years, clocking in at 3 billion views is Gangnam Style.

Psy's videos consistently hit the billions of views. Somehow, I think you're wrong on that one. Hell, that new Kpop band, Black Pink has videos with 200 million views and had their song featured in Just Dance. Somehow, I think you're mistaken senpai. Did your "Weekend" guy get his songs put into Just Dance?

lrn2context memeboy
The fact they get visibly upset when you don't know an actor/celebrity is the cultish part


I know who they are because Daft Punk was featured in a few of his (their?) songs. The daft punk parts are the only parts I really care for.

She is the same as nsync and the glam hair metal rock musicians of the 1980s

pop/alternative shift keeps moving back and forth like a pendulum
alternative was the big thing in the 90s

Shinoda left the group? That sucks.

I personally really enjoyed A Thousand Suns and Living Things quite a lot.

edgylord here

I dont know what any of those things are
except just dance maybe? Its a tv show right I think my mom watches it

A cult of hundred million+ people assuming you live in the US

I guess you don't know who Justin Bieber is either? Just because he doesn't have underground meme status doesn't with you doesn't mean he's not one of the most popular entertainers in the world.

Yes, "Can't feel my face" by the weekend is in Just Dance. Hahahaha you're a fucking idiot

>If you don't know about high profile celebrities you probably don't even look at the fucking news

Why would you follow high profile celebrities when catching up on the news?
Do you also browse doctor seuss books when looking for history books?

>you probably don't even look at the fucking news
No, I do watch the news. I just don't waste my time with mindless drivel.

What the fuck is this? YOU don't belong here, fuck off back to wherever you crawled out of.




Fuck all of you this is where it is at now

>he doesn't know what Gangnam Style is
Really user? Have you been living under a rock?

How am I edgy for not caring about music? I just never feel like listening to it

90% of the news outlets in the world also report on or link to celeb news, dont be edgy dude, no need to lie on Sup Forums

Who is this? I only listen to Jazz.

Naturally if you look at any news you're also going to stumble upon news concerning high profile celebrities. Do you use a filter when you search for news or something?
Go bitch about your clinical depression on r9k

>following mainstream news
And then we wonder why Sup Forums is full of bluepilled normie HillShills. I want Reddit to go back.

oh my mistake I do remember that
Was the fat asian guy dancing right? Thought it was retarded people were listening to korean stuff without understanding it
Other stuff is par for the course though

Why on Earth would you give those articles views?
Or remember them three seconds after you glossed over the title to read actual news?

He is dating selena Gomez. I'm sure the news reported that at one point

>All these "lol don't know him" comments trying to beat Nintendo's celebrity dominance

I'd like to take this moment to remind the forever alone underground virgins here that ignorance is not something to parade around and be proud of.

not that user but I personally like this more

this is my shit
this is what I accept as my music i enjoy

Fuck any of this shit that is on the radio

These bands would be getting the same views as these bands IF the internet existed in the 1990s