Season 4 will be over in a few hours. Do you think you did well?

Season 4 will be over in a few hours. Do you think you did well?

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Cant get past 3K solo i am trash i suppose, glad reaper got a tiny buff though his teleport is still trash getting through choke points is a bitch

>Get to 3700 solo q
>Get bored after a couple of days
>Decay to 3000
>Can't be bothered playing again

I'm sure I'll repeat the cycle next season

5 out of 10 placement matched done.
Should I get ranked?

How long will the -50% last for EU? Im gonna cash out my steam wallet to buy it but I might be late. I can do it on like 4th

>Go 6-4
>get high platinum

I mean sure I'll take it, but previously I always went at least 7-3 and would end up in high gold. OW ranked is pretty shit though, I just get placements for the gold weapon points.

I fucking hate comp
I want to get to diamond
and actually fucking win games
but my team is fucking full of retards
sitting at 2680 right now
season high 3009
was like 2900 last week
went into a lose spiral
fucking hate this shit

wins don't matter if you already played one season
it places you closer to your season high by default

SR means nothing in solo queue because you always get matched with shitter cucks who bring your score down.

>I-it's not my fault! It's my team's fault!
>I'm actually a top 500 player, I just get bad teammates!

Why don't you play a game where it's just you and your opponent instead? No stupid teammates.

I ranked Platinum, with a win/loss rate of almost 50/50 for the fourth time.
my SR graph doesn't show it, but I was at 2200 SR this season, shortly after I climbed to 3009 SR.
Please, tell me how this is completely normal.

I like team games, when my team is competent I really enjoy overwatch.
I can play any role and fill, no issues, but I want a team that can switch problematic picks or swap the whole comp around.
Not shitters that pick bastion, run in and die, and the match ends with me having 27 eliminations and 3 gold medals as soldier

I know it sounds like I'm just bitching, but...

>teammates picking Cuckzo, Junkcuck and Widowcucker, refusing to switch
>expecting me to be able to carry shitters of this caliber
Fuck off

The only solution is to get friends that are good, doesn't have to be irl friends just try to get friendly with people you meet online that are good and more often than not they'll want to play with you too.

way ahead of you, user
I have 20 frens on battlenet, even though I know maybe 2 of them
rest is competent players from comp matches

though we tend to lose when playing together sometimes.
it's annoying.
more often than playing alone at least

>Start S3 as my first season
>Place so high in silver, only a win or two away from gold
>Get on an incredible loosing streak that sends me to low bronze, almost a win or two away from getting triple digits
>Lose will to play game

I'm glad you lose

>playing Cuckwatch in the first place

rude user
those are alright characters
just gotta actually play them correctly

that is sad as shit
I never placed below plat tho, even season 1 I started at 50 or so

another rude user

super rude
do you hate fun

>getting mad at people picking off meta heroes
>in shit tier

I got masters on Friday I am very happy. Highest I've been. Really hope I can get GM next season. I've been having a lot of success with Ana and Zenyatta, and sometimes I play dps.

>Did placements
>Placed 2872 or something
>Never played comp after that

Pretty much what I did for S2 as well. Maybe I'll actually play the game seriously for S5.

>every FUCKING team has a genji, hanzo and widowmaker
>I'm the only healer or tank 95% of time
>I'm the only one with a fucking mic

yeah its my fault. i'm probably just calling my teammates faggots so loud that they can't hear audio cues. which is fine except everyone fucking plays for eliminations and no one is ever on the fucking point and everyone just trickles in and dies for five straight fucking minutes god fuck the fucking retards who play this shit game

Is diamond to master the hardest climb?

It seems all the plat fags get there ans just stop giving a fuck. Always around 3400 range I get teams of wack throwers

I feel like anything beyond 2600 is just fucking impossible, because of all the retards you get in your team

>win 8/10 placements
>get placed in low 2ks with scrublords

Once I realized that I will always get bad Genji players when I try to rank up I stopped caring.

haha sure bud

>go 10-0
>get placed in low gold


Fuck this dumb game.

The Overwatch takes no skill echo chamber has taken such a massive hold of the entire playing audience that everyone believes they can actually climb to the top 500 by themselves.

No one is ever happy with the rank they have, no one ever respects either the rank above or the rank below, if your silver you shit on bronze if your gold you shit on silver and the cycle continues.

Pro plays built around 6 people heavily communicating at all times sets the meta standard that everyone else instantly copies, there is no leg room for experimentation because the games are so short and one lost team fight can cost a win.

Blizzard keep on insisting on attempt to make every single last hero viable in every situation not realising that having a batch of only situational heroes is a benefit. This system is fucked because swapping off mid-game while either carrying an ult or most of the way towards one is a massive waste of resources. Those balancing changes end up causing massive problems in every other mode apart from Ranked.

Competitive Overwatch is a fucking mess and I have no idea why its become the default mode. That Total Chaos brawl thing thats running right now is a complete mess but at least it reflects the game better than Ranked.

>mfw people only play placement matches, get ranked in diamond and never play again because they know they will fall down to gold
>these are the type of people who tell you to git gud

Placements don't mean a lot. I get high plat usually no matter how my placements go. It mostly depends on your mmr.

Guess what, it means you are a fucking scrub that managed to win 10 times in a row against other faggots that have a shit MMR.

overwatch is garbage, and anyone who plays it has shit taste
faggot cucks can run as many free weekends as they want, i already had my fill within an hour of the free beta

stuck at master and swinging back and forth between diamond.
it's solo queue, so i guess i did decent enough.

>already placed previous season
>thinking "new" placement matches means anything

>get to 3599
>queue up, cuz shit's gonna decay unless I do
>last game is literally 4 trolls doing everything in their power to lose the game
matchmaking is so fucking rigged it's not even right
your performance matters roughly every fifth game, the rest is decided before the game even begins

I don't find many griefers honestly. Leavers sometimes but actual trolls I've had good luck. What server do you play on?

blizzard forced 50% winrate on the game.
unless you play as 6 man team,
blizzard will always put some shitty teammate to you.
else, they will give you some overranked opponents

I didn't even bother with competitive this season because I had enough of dealing with annoying faggots intentionally throwing matches.

Just yesterday I did bad in a match and I got an influx of hatemail from some guy in my team

>kill yourself
>worthless piece of shit you didn't do anything
>you're shit at the game

What the fuck was I supposed to do in that scenario?

Got to 3960.
Had no time to go higher due to finals happening.
Oh well.


not be bad

Laught at his 'tism and tell him to take a step back and re-evaluate his priorities.

well, you will get free special points to buy gold weapons with

Uninstall and play superior sp games , shit talk him as well, kill yourself

Unranked, no reasons to play a dead game

legit griefing is actually rare, that game was like the second worst case I've encountered

the real issue seems to be the emotional instability of your average shitter eg. every third game there's a guy who's both absolutely fucking clueless, on tilt and delusional about it

that's the dude your team is supposed to carry, according to the matchmaking system

actually i wish i could play on the american servers, burgers seemed way friendlier (and willing to play as a team) in the few games i've played there
this especially applies to QP, which is Sniper Battles: Smurf Edition: The Game here

I was just doing bad that match. I'm normally pretty helpful.

>its my teams fault I'm stuck in fucking GOLD
>everyone is bad but ME
>ugh this game sucks because Im just too intelligent for my teamates

Everything below master no one has any situational awareness. It's obscenely easy to win games below this rank. Even masters players are retarded as fuck 90% of the time. If you can't get out of gold let me tell you, you belong there.

>Play on my friend's account in silver
>Junkrat is meta, no one plays Ana because shitter aim
It's like a whole different game.

t. mercy main

B-but i always play support!

I refuse to touch mercy, easily the most boring character.

Zen and ana are pure carry heroes

switch to Lucio when you're doing bad
works every time

Got top 500 solo queue (aids) and still think it's a shit game. If you're good enough you can carry but it's all about communication.

I got really lucky this season. 2.5 weeks ago I was around 2.2K. Now I'm 3.2K. I main Mercy and rapidly gained as people kept wanting to Q with me (a lot of people like my voice and personality). You will eventually get where you want, one way or the next, as long as you're driven.

Healers main have absolutely no way to get their rank up.
it's always throw a dice and pray to god that your teammate can carry you through the game.

I was healer/tank filler main before,
and i couldn't even get my rank up until i learned to use soldier.
now that i can kill those pharah bitch, i can finally reach master.

Tell me user, how the fuck did you get up there.
I'm stuck in master

reminder that in team games your rank is a measure of how well you can carry teams below that rank, as soon as you stop carrying consistently you stop ranking up and that's the rank you deserve. that's literally the basis of the ranking system.

>Before Lucio update
>Be rank 2900
>Decide to main Lucio/Sym/Torbj on solo q
>Sweet spot of time and ranks where people didn't throw if you chose Sym/Torbj
>80% wr on Sym, 70% wr on Torbj
>Get to rank 3800 right before Lucio update

>After Lucio update
>Lose some rank trying to adjust to new Lucio
>Select Sym/Torbj, team throws/goes afk. Especially on attack where they are most powerful.
>Drop to 3000
>Go back to TF2 until next season

tfw SR500

You need to git gud guys to get this low

Healers must communicate, the right way. And they have to be the last ones to die.

>not high enough level to play ranked
what am i missing out on

neck yourself

Making a lot of friends for sure. Almost every game someone really wants to add me. I thought people hated Mercy but I'm not GM yet so maybe not down here.

i dont play ranked. gold weapons are cancer.


It's miserable.

>zen and ana are pure carry heroes
Ana isn't. Zen can semi-carry. Everything else you've said is bullshit

After yourself. Is it because I mentioned TF2?

>Especially on attack where they are most powerful.
why you lying?

Gonna get to Master next time I swear.
I hate the new decay though, lost the drive to even try because of it a third if the way into the season

Rule # 1 is don't be a cunt. Don't scream at people to swtich and learn how to act like a normal human being. Being a dick to your team tilts them and almost guarantees a loss.

Communication above all else is key. Call vulnerable targets, call danger zones (i.e. a widow is peeking main don't look there, hogs on the left hook up etc)

Know how to play 1 or of every type of hero, dps, tank and support. One tricks are cancer.

Learn how to play with your team, you're gonna get idiots that are gonna go a hero regardless of team comp. Don't bitch about it, work with it. Sure torb mains can be infuratiang but working with them instead of spending the whole match bitching can guarantee a win.

These simple things will easily give you a ton of sr.

Ana is fucking obscene, zen is pure carry up until maybe gm. You are incorrect. Well placed healing nades and sleep darts can guarantee team fights. Zen can output obscene damage. Stay shitter.

Not him but Ana ils definitively a carry hero.
You van have a bas Luio, not a bas Ana.

Season 4 was the season where I stopped taking Overwatch seriously. Holy fucking shit, what a fucking joke.

I really like playing Reaper.
So no.

You only lost 200 points man. You can get that back in a day.

>There is a repaer flanking our team, you can clearly hear his footsteps
>team decides to just stand in the chokepoint
Every time

Ana takes 4 shots to kill everyone in the game except Tracer. She is flanker prey (no, Tracer and especially Genji are not easy to sleep dart consistently), no mobility, and she still relies on her team to get shit done. She's a carry hero if you're bronze/GM, where any hero is a carry hero.

>Communication above all else is key. Call vulnerable targets, call danger zones (i.e. a widow is peeking main don't look there, hogs on the left hook up etc)

I don't use a mic because I'm shy as fuck and I don't want to get into arguments with people

None of the Heros I like to play are viable so ranked has no value to me. I'm really good with Junkrat and can get solo team kills fairly consistently if the other team is trying to deathball but he generates so much rage from my own teammates that my skill is negated by my team throwing. Its fucking disgusting watching the Lucio switch to Widow to self professed "punish" me. I cant even prove them wrong because on the off chance I do carry and end up with 4 golds and a POTG which is just me completely killing the other team. I get "The other team felt bad for us and let us win." or "Junkrat is still shit though and you don't deserve that POTG." I just got so completely fed up with the community I only play arcade and quick play now.

The problem with gm is you have no idea what quality of game you will get. Somtimes the average is 4300 and sometimes it will throw you in games and the average is 3700, and the difference in skill is obscene.

Dont be shy user just listen for callouts if you dont wanna talk yourself. If you're support you have to communicate though, if you actually wanna rise.

I just don't feel like it. Trying to stay in top 500 is pure cancer.
The real elo hell starts there. People will throw games on purpose just because they can't get what they want. It's filled with 12 year old trolls who only feel joy in their life when they make people mad, and matchmaking is fucking horrendous. I lost count of how many times I've been against top 30 players while I had people in low GM on my team.

>Place like 2200
>Rarely play comp at all this season due to connection issues
>Decide to play again for a bit and somehow go on a winning streak
>Get up to 2500 so I can get that plat payout
>Friend wants to play before the season ends because he's still stuck at 2100
>Fall back down to 2380

I want to enjoy the game with friends, but everyone I know just hovers around that 2k level and refuses to/doesn't know how to properly utilize voice chat in competitive.

Communicate about flankers, sleep/nade can knock them off. Yes it is easier to die against them but if you can consistently sleep them or nade / hit them once they are either dead or have to leave.

>start getting shot by genji
>call it
>nade him (assuming I missed the sleep, but its usually not to hard to hit him)
>genji ded


then stay a shitter

Not to mention that you only get like 15 points for winning, and if you lose, you lose like 30. It's such an uphill battle.

It's not about the meta, it's that they're playing DPS that relies on nothing but raw aiming ability when they are very clearly lacking.

Like with a widowmaker, either you're landing headshots or you're being useless, there's no in between. Gold tier shitters by and large just can't.

>Call out that Reaper just ported up on top of the point
>Tell people they need to GTFO right now
>Team tells me I'm a fucking retard and you should never abandon the point
>Reaper bayblades everyone but me
>Just blankly ask my team why
>"Dude shut the fuck up you are the worst player on our team"

sure is reddit in this thread

>main support
>always play comp with 2 friends never alone
>stuck in plat hell forever
>last friday
>come home drunk
>play comp alone as support
>climb from 2800 up to 3300 with playing lucio/mercy/ana maybe losing only once or twice all night
I need new friends.

Having played competishit since season one. Quick play gives me enough of an aneurysm.

Once you get to diamond, people throw games a lot more freely. It's terrible.

>communicate about flankers
So, in other words, Ana requires her team to take out the flankers (aka not a carry hero). Apparently you've never had a team that can't take our flankers? That's bullshit.
>Consistently sleep/nade
Not even Ryujehong consistently sleeps Genjis. You're kidding yourself.

>Win 6 games, lose 3, tie 1.
>Get to 2425 lightly playing solo que.
>Lose back to back, stop at 2350.

It'll repeat again next season.

Season 5 placement is going to be a nightmare with the flood of newfags that came with the GOTY release.
That said, I'm confident I can keep carrying as nu-Lucio

>it another "Ana-Rein-Road-76-Phara-Mercy" match

>you're shit

Ah, but even the smelliest shit can fertilize many wonderful crops

I got to 3139 and now I've decayed to 3000. Meh

>if you're a top 500 player you can solo carry lmao why don't you do it
>but only with certain heroes
>but only if your team isn't completely retarded
>but only if the enemy hasn't someone like you in their team
>if you can't you deserve gold rank!

Makes no sense.