Why did developers stop putting in silly and fun cheat codes to their games?
Why did developers stop putting in silly and fun cheat codes to their games?
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donut drake was the only thing I liked about the uncharted series
Because games have to be super serious and mature
Haven't you Heard? Games are ART now
because achievements!
no, really, they didn't want people to get achievements super easy, so instead of being GTA 4 and just DISABLING achievements if you used codes, they just took out fun codes all together
Because they can't even be bothered to finish the basic game nowadays with most games being buggy messes on release. They haven't got time and/or money
Anything cosmetic is better off being paid DLC
Anything affecting gameplay with fuck with achievement data, so they either don't put any in or disable achievements or saving if they do.
Because gaming has matured to a higher plane, beyond such silly antics.
At least Uncharted 4 has some neat filters.
It's very rare but it does still happen.
The ratchet reboot still had cheats for example.
Games became more expensive and the market has become saturated. Can't waste time programming silly shit like big head mode when you need to crunch 200 bugs before the game goes gold tomorrow.
Cheats are sold as DLC.
And they got rid of it to pander to some assblasted feminist whale who probably couldn't stop stuffing her face with cheeseburgers.
Modern devs are so pussywhipped.
cool wacky characters for fun died when GTA 3 was released
just look at how Jak series died in favor of realistic stuff Uncharted
you can buy them now as dlc instead
It's funny that Skyrim SE disabled achievements if you added any mods to the game, and then one of the earliest mods released for it was an achievement re-enabler.
>GTA V has an invincibility cheat
>it's capped to only last for 5 minutes
Not only that. Now you gotta charge 5 bucks for that extra cash in gta v online or my favorite, TEMPORARY consumables in single player games such as deus ex MD
The game industry was much smaller back then with much more people that actually had passion and a sense of fun.
Games are much more of a "product" these days where it tries to nickle and dime you out of as much money as possible instead of just one payment, plus the audience for games has exploded since 2004/7
>mkx didn't have the pre-match kombat kodes
literally why
I miss unlockable characters.
It's no longer a cheat if the hidden fighter has its own fully developed move set and everything
I mean, is there any point of even bothering with steam achievements? You can unlock every single one with a click with some third party program
Games stopped being developed by computer nerds who knew how to have fun. Now they're developed by liberal arts majors who want to create their magnum opus and middle aged businessmen who refuse to allow anything in the game that might make it so it would appeal to less than seven billion potential customers.
>being this fucking casual
Literally why even bother.
>stopped being developed by computer nerds
>developed by liberal arts majors
You must have brain damage. What liberal art course covers programming and game dev?
I just graduated from a big tech university that contains a pretty decent game dev major (rankings and such) and I can back up your first example. There are a number of tranny's and everyone has some sort of Tumblr hair. They exclusively play old school "le only REAL gamers remember xD" games like Pokémon Red and Blue. This industry is so fucking if they really are the future.
I dont do it, but i wonder why a dev even care either.
What AAA game allows the programmers to make any decisions? The people who sit in meetings and dictate what features to put in the game are the people with MBAs or "game design degrees." The code monkeys just slave away implementing cash shop UI and make sure that the 136 different animations for crouching behind chest high walls don't glitch out if you shoot your gun at the wrong angle while wearing orange pants on Tuesdays. Then they're all laid off when the game ships whether it sells well or not.
Some platform manufacturers like Microsoft make it mandatory that your game has achievements or they won't let you publish the game on their system.
shovel knight had some nice cheats at the name entry screen, ranging from codes that lead to small cosmetical changes to full-blown gameplay overhauls
I always hated big head codes. So pointless and stupid. Anyway, the Bamham games still have them.
Cause it's harder to model, texture and rig different models, while in the past you could just enlarge a head and call it a day.
They didn't.
remember when games were FUN
>What AAA game allows the programmers to make any decisions?
Project Leads are usually 40 something white males that worked on games in the 90's and "slaved" away coding. Producers are producers they come from publishers. Game design "degree" ain't getting you a job without knowing how to code/draw/do something. Please get that brain damage treated.
Too video gamey, and deadlines prevent easter eggs and fun things from being added in.
Tons of autists won't buy your game if it doesn't have cheevos, same with trading cards on steam etc.
>tfw play gta v on a daily basis just to give other people millions and make Jewstar love potential $$$
>still not banned after weeks
who /kindgod/ here?
bug testing is a pain. cheats just make it worse. basically, it's too time consuming and costly to properly test cheats that some people will use once and never touch again/
They still have outdated graphics, of course they'll have outdated features too
>They got rid of all the neat unlocks by uncharted 3
This is why I dropped that series.
remember when Tony Hawk had fucking DOOMGUY?
Uncharted 4 actually brings a lot of that stuff back, apart from the aforementioned Donut Drake.
>hotel room
>on a bed
>Sup Forums - Cartoons and Comics
video games will never be taken seriously as an art form if you keep putting dumb shit in them, user.
>video games
>serious art form
pick one and only one
>books will never be taken seriously as an art form if you keep putting dumb shit in them, user.
Because now it's dlc instead
>implying every game has to be muh serious cinematic experience
just like any type of media (tv, film, books, paintings etc.) there is room for fun and humor. games are taken seriously now anyway
Not that user, but what said in the post is ironic
when they realized they could sell it as DLC
Most books aren't art.
people don't take childrens books or superhero movies seriously anons.
>paintings will never be taken seriously as an art form if you keep putting dumb shit in them, user.
>music will never be taken seriously as an art form if you keep putting dumb shit in them, user.
>movies will never be taken seriously as an art form if you keep putting dumb shit in them, user.
people don't take paintings and music and movies with dumb shit in them seriously
children's anything or superhero anything aren't taken seriously.
but books and movies are. you're talking about sub genres not mediums
>has dumb shit
>auctioned at $60 million
>not serious
Why make it free when you can make it DLC?
things have sold for more than that
>and deadlines prevent easter eggs and fun things from being added in.
The old games were also done on pretty harsh deadlines.
What's changed is that cheats were (at least at Ensemble) added during the last week of production where all features are set and they're waiting to send the gold version to start printing copies.
Nowadays, no such time period exists as they can immediately start working on tiny DLC and patches with content to be pushed out in a few week's time.
Let me guess, you only play mature games for mature people like you?
Developers used to have more control and they actually enjoyed their work and cared about the end-users, so they were happy to put cheats in for free.
DLC gets more money.
IV had garbage cheats on top of that, though. It was all just boring as fucking weapon and vehicle spawns.
Because they started selling them for money.
Modern art is nothing but money laundering scheme.
This guy gets it
Why was big heads a fairly common cheat anyway?
not argueing
Usually games nowadays are made purely for profit with no love or heart put into them.
>GTA will never have tons of fun cheats again
Raining cars and riots were so much fun, man.
because its funny
>Playing GTA 3 way back when
>Do the riot cheat
>Steal a taxi
>It's a muslim driving it
>He pulls out a rocket launcher and shoots me with it
I doubt anyone can tell me Metal Gear Solid 2 is not art
you know, the game where a guard pisses on your head, you trip on pigeon shit and die and have to spend the last hour of the game awkwardly naked
GTA was the pinnacle of fun cheat codes.
because games nowadays are like assembly line products, you won't any unique quirks in a can of beans (unless a rat fell into the can)
look at Hollywood, same shit
>tfw never been given hackerbucks
they just put fun silly outfits instead
just like the image you posted!!
I think both Sony and MS require achievements which pissed off the Don't Starve devs so they put in a completely pointless building to make the achievement requirement to get their games on those consoles.
Weren't cheats originally used for bug testing?
>Tony Hawk 3
>can unlock some hot fucking slutty looking girl cop, a guy that uses a surfboard instead of a skateboard, satan, wolverine and darth maul for some reason
>all of that would be in the "Super Deluxe #4theplayers 29.99 DLC Pack" if released today
You can't convince corporate suits to fit fun things into his employee workflow when that time could be spent making more things that appeal to focus groups and investor pressure.
>go to the store
>copy the codes down instead of buying the books
Also are gaming magazines still alive?
>gaming will never be as good as it was in the 5th and 6th gen
Game informer exists, but it's game informer so you're basically paying for advertising.
Shit Uncharted 1 has stuff like "Cartoon Drake" it looks so goofy but funny at the same time.
Gameinformer is still a thing, but other than that not really.
Blame people who are obsessed with graphics, that's what's driven up the cost of making AAA games.
>Serious Sam 2
I can't stand people who are obsessed with graphics, it drives me up the wall. If the graphics are good, that's nice but so long as the gameplay is good, I don't really care that much about graphics.
often resulted in major glitches (though this shouldnt matter), and theyd rather sell them as DLC
Because now most developers only give a shit about making as much money as possible instead of the player having as much fun as possible.
>>you can buy them now as dlc instead
Sheild your eyes
Deus Ex MD is completely and totally capable of being played to its fullest without even giving thought to the DLC store.
You're given enough scrap and materials to craft loads of literally anything throughout the entirety of the game. It's almost as if *gasp* the devs didn't want it there in the first place and went out of their way to undermine any potential of the shop becoming resourceful to the player.
I'll never understand this shit either.
If cheats disable achievements, and are only usable in SP, then what the FUCK is the point of limiting them?
>no game will ever have as extensive and as fun a list of cheats as the classic PS2 GTA games.
They really do though...
I think you are projecting.