>1 and a half companies.
>Unit of 15 men
>Never saw front line action
>Always served in secondary positions
>Only served in South West Africa

"Hey guys lets make the German army on the western front 1/4 black, then call anyone who thinks this is hugely inaccurate and insulting to those who fought and died in the conflict racist."


dedicate the time that you spend worrying about this nonsense into working out and you won't hate waking up in the morning you fucking loser


How does it feel to stick to a ideology of hatred so you can give some purpose to your empty life?

You know historical facts so you're racist.

I'm so proud at how far we have come. I thought this place would be a circus when they announced 1/4th the Russian army will be women. Not a single post, bravo to this progressive board .

That's the whole theme of the game.

Same with the full-auto guns.

And what ideology is that?



1- I'm not Sup Forums
4- I'm /his/
2- I don't hate blacks
3- I'm not even white myself
That being said, I hate faggot revisionist developers like DICE who pull this shit.
Those add gameplay functionality. This does not.

>hugely inaccurate and insulting to those who fought and died
Yeah im sure you really care about accurate and insulting while playing B1 with its full on automatic weapons, respawing. The game where Zeppleins fall out of the sky at rate of 4 per hour. But of course black people in a videogame is where you draw the line.

>1, 4, 3, 2
ignore that

I'm so very tired of all this.


>That being said, I hate faggot revisionist developers like DICE who pull this shit.
you wouldnt even talk about this game if they didn't do that. why do you care faggot? it's a shit game and it'd be a shit game if it was all whites and it'd be a shit game if it were all blacks. who fucking cares.

Already did, it doesn't help
All the women don't fill the void, just make me realize how deep it really is

>A WWI game has respawning therefore adding Darth Vader in as a playable character is perfectly reasonable!
And before you say it's not the same, it literally fucking is since neither Darth Vader nor black Germans served in Europe or ME (where the maps are set)

The people who actually fought in WWI would be pretty depressed to see it was turned into a fucking game. Oh, and all the characters are fictional anyway. No one is being "replaced" by black people.

just pretend its a wacky steampunk game instead

I'm mad as fuck about the full autos.
I refuse to buy the game because of their prevalence in the game.
I wanted to like it but I could tell even in the beta that the game would lean towards automatics due to the casual fanbase.

Is this game worth the 49GB to pirate?

The fucking download will take 72 hours it says.

>people fought in WWI
>ugh it's so historically inaccurate to put people in Battlefield 1

Is is how you sound.

CoD and BF have NEVER been about historical accuracy.

A good percentage of shooter players are black, so they make black playable characters.

That's all there is to it, you should be happy that you get to shoot blacks

It's an okay game but it has so little content that the majority of the PC playerbase went back to BF4.

i cant stand the way dice made this game
why do they make these fuckhuge maps where you have to run 300 meters to get from point to point and allow 64 players in conquest, but only 24 players in rush, when they both take place on literally the exact same map
there is no flow on conquest, it is just a giant clusterfuck of capping and recapping, spawning and getting killed immediately or spawning out in the middle of nowhere on foot
and the thing is, operations is essentially rush with 64 players, yet dice makes the genius decision to deliberately not make operations show up in the server browser, so the only way to join is to guess which map people might be playing on and wait through 5 minutes of loading just to find out that the server is empty and you guessed wrong, back to square one faggot
i dont think i'll ever buy a game made by dice again, its just so obvious that they have no idea how to make an interface that is usable or convenient, just look at how the server browser worked in bf3 and 4, what a fucking joke

Oh look it's another 'basement dwelling white pride LARPer complains about a guy being black in a game because it's not historically accurate, but doesn't care about the accuracy of the games automatic weapons, tanks and deathstar blimps.'

>playing a videogame based on war
>it's not 99% boring, tiring tactical maneuvering and 1% pants shitting terror as you question the whole point of it all
>instead it's an action packed murder glory fantasy full of individual heroism and righteousness, where horrible violence and destruction is literally reduced to a game

yeah this is fine

>there are more blacks than there should be in multiplayer


no, its not worth it
single player missions are pretty short and most of them arent that great anyways

>yeah this is fine
But it's not. I want it to be as real as possible. I'm not saying it's fine.

spot the nigger with no history who has to compensate with fabricated tales to feel relevant


and yet they could easily solve it by letting you customize your soldier the same way you customize your guns
but dice just won't do it






But the thing worth making a thread about is that some guys are black? Because really, the other complaint s that guy raised speak to the fundamental structure of the gameplay- while the other is a player character model.

>fucking sjws, stop destroying creative vision, go make your own games
Hello, Sup Forumstards, my old friend

>faced with a logical argument: call him a nigger
>knows nothing about history
I'm raising to you the idea that this game is about as far from World War I as it could possibly be based on -map layout, player movement speed, weapon design, vehicle design and aesthetic- but clearly the most important innacuraccy is that SOME GUYS ARE BLACK THAT ARENT SUPPOSED TO BE

Then there are way bigger issues with representation of war in videogames beyond black people in Battlefield, and it's intellectually dishonest to focus on the racial representation component when games have been portraying war dishonestly since the beginning of the industry.

If you think your ancestors would be more offended by there being black people in B1 than the idea that you're using their suffering as entertainment, you're a fucking lunatic with insane priorities.


all of the things you've mentioned were altered to make the game more enjoyable. except including niggers.

its not that big a deal to me, i care more about the gameplay
but the fact that they chose to push diversity in the game so hard and not focus on improving the game just makes it that much worse

That's now their game. Its ours.

Except it obviously is a big deal to you, since that's what you decided to focus on. Not the lack of quality in the game, not the gameplay, but "WE WUZ xD" bullshit instead.

Trend of token black characters slowly shifts into revision of history

>Complains about historic accuracy
>Running around with prototype small arms as main strategy
>Magic health bags

Gamergays don't even try anymore.

that doesnt mean everything about the game has to be fake

>tfw you use to bitch about how unrealistic it was for Russia to invade the US from the east coast.
It's a brave new world now.

my first post in the thread was quite literally talking about the lack of quality in this game
youre in a thread with multiple people, try to understand that anyone can reply to anyone

Remember when books and movies accurately display historical events?

You answered to a post saying
>But the thing worth making a thread about is that some guys are black?
And said
>its not that big a deal to me
Learn context

what the fuck are you talking about m8?

What makes these 'AHHH I HATE NIGS GET OUTTA MUH GAMES SJW' so ridiculous is that you know if any of these buttmad Sup Forums babies ACTUALLY play this game they're like 'lol I just shot another black guy 14 88'

Are you retarded? Rush takes place in small segments of the map at a time, Conquest has the entire map open so no shit it has more players. 64 players in the small segments on Rush would be a cluster


>why cant i be racist in my wwi game

Because the good guys won

Do the black soldiers in BF1 talk like blacks? I'd love to hear German ebonics.

The game doesn't even feature trench warfare. The blackwashing is just insult to injury.

I haven't played since the beta. I really hate we wuz revisionist, but is this game fun______?

Go play Verdun then you cuck

That would require talent and discipline.


Oh, so black people in Battlefield is an insult, but trivializing debilitating injury and death isn't.

Surely my ancestors would smile upon me as I 360 noscope the Huns and teabag their corpses if only there were no fucking niggers involved.

Learn some history please.

>books and movies have many inaccuracies about historical events
>nobody gives a shit
>video game is not historically accurate
>autistic screeching

yes, i was saying that the characters being black is not as big of a deal as the game itself being a fucking mess
Dice going out of there way to be more 'inclusive' over making the game better is just so typical coming from EA, it speaks to where their priorities lie with what makes a game good in their eyes

>making the Brits, ANZACs, and French niggers too

c'mon DICE

You can be as historically inaccurate as you want, just don't fucking add niggers please, it's contributing to white genocide.

How deeply does this game represent the command structure of the armies involved in the game?

You get that result, because the black guys are tagged under "African American".

Sorry, no Jewish conspiracy.

those were included to make the game more fun. adding niggers literally has no purpose other than pandering to politics