How do you feel about darkening the skin color of pre-existing characters?
How do you feel about darkening the skin color of pre-existing characters?
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generally is what happens when one is exposed to the sun
like in a beach episode
It ain't right but it's hot
>become a representative of summer
>don't get tanned
Yea, right, nerd
brown girls are best
It's fine as long as it's on the accepted browns list.
People of light skin usually tan in the sun. As for popsicles, she got glazed with chocolate
I'm gonna have to agree on this
Japanese people gets dark when exposes too much time under sun
My father and my uncle are an example
I'm not because I'm half catalunyan
Yeah. Galo sengen
I was missing this one, thanks
>Space Jin
It's the worst thing to ever happen. ZUN avoided brown skin for a good 20 years for a reason.
I don't like tans or darker skins but Cirno is still cute as hell regardless so it's whatever on her I guess.
She must be really sweaty, going from ice to summer.
I used to bash on shipsluts when they pulled this shit with ro-500, calling it cheap fetishizing
I-I am a hypocrite?
Chill out kiddo, she will return be white in the final of summer
>space-jins art makes me hard as diamonds
>ball busting makes me soft as cotton
I'm terribly conflicted.
Shipfags are a legitimate target even if you're in the wrong at any time.
If you aren't aware, people skin get burned and darken if they stay under the sun for too long.
But how would you know staying all your life in a basement.
Now I want Cappucirno drawn in the music video's style
Reminder she actually is dark/tan.
Tan/dark skin > white
God's greatest conundrum.
Is that Space Jin I see?
You only think that cause its less common.
If the default was tan for anime girls, you'd prefer white
What's that, a fairy for ants?
cirnig looks dumb
That's racist. That spoiler is racist.
little brown fairy sluts drive me nuts
California Golden > All other tones
You can't prove me otherwise
I'm fuckin pissed off about the Dark Tower movie.
Might be cause I'm white, I just think dark looks more foreign and attractive.
No one will ever know. Fuck the white genepool, I would happily contribute to destroying it.
>watashitachi wa touhou kussoooooooo
What video game characters would objectively be better if they were black? My vote is for Dante.
It's a fucking crime, that's what it is.
Why is that Cirno brown?
Only okay for fetish purposes
She got a tan
Why does black tifa look like every token tough black woman from 80's action movies?
Do they explain how/why she's representing summer in the new game? Did she choose it or did it just happen?
She's tanning herself to attract the BBC she craves.
everyone except cloud looks good
maggot hair
Is this the delicious brown thread?
I was expecting some Tumblr-style faces from the thumbnail. Thankfully I was wrong and honestly it's a pretty cool take on the characters.
She got Summer from the other fairy, fair and square.
Cloud looks like a pussy. Should have made his face a little sharper.
Seasonal fuckery means whenever Cirno lives it's constantly summer, so naturally she got a tan.
it was a blessing from gardener BONES
Good thing every token tough black woman from 80's action movies is hot as fuck.
It can be. Kat in 2B's outfit may honestly be the hottest female design in my opinion.
well it's misfiring because it's attracting my TSW instead
Cloud looks like that nigger that said he was going to kill ISSIs then appears in another photo scared by a little dog.
>all this shitskin raving
>there are never any threads raving about godly pale skin
>This thread
That Sephiroth actually looks pretty rad.
tan asians are not black
Dark tan > pale > white
Kill yourself my man. Or at least admit your gay.
Space Jin thread?
Space Jin thread.
Haha he hates niggers he must be gay even though he just posted a fair skinned female which I just replied to but will ignore. That's how stupid you sound just now, Sick and tired of this meme.
*Dark skinned orcs
Dick status: MUH
>Haha he hates niggers he must be gay
Are you saying if I go sit out in the sun for a few hours I will become black?
>he is THIS mad
Yes, but your dick will still be small. trust me, I tried.
Stop posting fair skin, mods, ban this white supremacists.
Dick size doesn't matter, user.
You need to get a penis extender.
They work and the legit ones are hard to find, but they exist.
Shock and then acceptance.
Is this the brown thread?
I don't have a delicious brown Quetzalcoatl, I'd love one if you'd like to give me one
>alt skin of a character is a faggot
how does Sup Forums feel about this
Unironically, Niggaroth is cool as fuck.
my nigga
What happened to Cirno anyway? I haven't really been paying attention to Toehoe recently.
Is this a new character? A skin? An upgraded form?
Only for bimbofication purposes. Well okay maybe for other reasons but I'd like it with bimbofication as well.
If you insist.
One California Gold, please.
thats still a boy, user
boys are universal
Tanned. It's summer.
She became a playable character and is representing the season of Summer in the latest game or something along those lines.
I suppose.
>Trying to be offended
>Failing miserably
Good artistic integrity like this shows you that, properly designed, the race of the character does not matter. Props to this artist and FF7's writers.
>tan lines
Why is Houtengeki so good?
Now youre getting it, big or small, human or Orc, all boys should be loved!!!
Pokemon has had a great track record of making cure dark boys and they nailed it again in SuMo
Tru dat.
But Black!Cloud looks stupid. Because Cloud always looks stupid.