Who's the better Scotsman?
Who's the better Scotsman?
No true Scottsman
Demo cause he's still alive
The Demoman and who? The right side of the image is blank
The one still exists in his own universe.
Choose one
>a nigger or a character from some childs cartoon
I'd choose the nigger as he's video game related
one t
Only correct answer here
I don't know who these guys are but the guy on the right looks like he is made out of cheese hahahah! XD
>scotland is 96% white
why they do this? it would make more sense for scout to be black
>Demoman is from Ullapool
Did Valve throw a dart at a map of Scotland or something?
That's the joke
He's an endangered species.
it's part of the banter, he mentions that's he feels like a freak in his Meet The trailer
>I'm a black Scottish cyclops...they got more fucking sea monsters in the great Loch Ness than they got the likes of me
Why can't you Sup Forumstards just stay in your containment board? At least the ponyfuckers stay in theirs.
there's nothing on the right side