What other great series have a bad game amongst them?

What other great series have a bad game amongst them?

Metroid Other M
Resident Evil 6
Deus Ex: Invisible War
Mass Effect Andromeda
Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Spyro Enter the Dragonfly
Star Fox Adventures

All true except New Vegas. It was the best first person Fallout. Three and four are way too linear, don't have as many quests, and the moral dilemmas are worse than NV, which is really saying something, considering the Legion was completely rushed and left as the definitive bad guys.

>retard reposts the same op over and over again
>Every time it transforms into a new Vegas thread

What's your favourite weapon in Fallout: New Vegas?

every series has at least one bad apple

Not that obsidiots aren't annoying but there's no way NV is worse than 3.

Who in the fuck says Bioshock Infinite was good?
The only thing its good for is porn of the chick from it.

>Chrono Cross
>Not Radical Dreamers

>ad populum fallacy

>Who in the fuck says Bioshock Infinite was good?
Everyone who isn't Sup Forums.

I refuse to believe FFXV is worse than FFXIII.

I haven't played XV, I just flatout refuse to believe it can be worse.

Zelda 2 doesn't even come close to the CDi games
And zestiria sucks but its still not tempest

>Dark Souls 2
>Fallout: New Vegas
Incorrect. Brotherhood of Steel, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, and Fallout: Tactics were worse
Incorrect. GTA, GTA London 1969, GTA III, GTA Advance, and GTA Chinatown Wars were worse
>Bioshock Infinite
>Halo 5
Were any of the games good?

>This is an objective fact, only the people mentioned above will find fault in this.
The Sky is red, and Grass is purple. to attempt to dispute this is to openly admit that you're retarded, and therefore wrong on the matter.

Jak 2 was fabulous

>I haven't played XV, I just flatout refuse to believe it can be worse.

it is. You know how the combat in XII is basically "mash atuobattle"?

FFXV's is literally "Hold O (or in my case R2)" to win. A rushed story but this time there is no datalog to keep track of things

>I haven't played XV, I just flatout refuse to believe it can be worse.

I've bad news user.

eh, it sorta fits but it's not much worse than the rest of the series and has its merits over the others. the fanbase isn't as vocal or rabid as with these other games as well because IV was well received.

did not live up to the hype i had


>Jak II

Somebody's shit at gaming. Couldn't handle no checkpoints bitch boy?

And yet Bioshock Infinite is the only one that's actually bad.

Also, nothing in Fallout can be as bad as Brotherhood of Steel.

Replace NV with 4 and you're on track.

is (you) and (OP) addiction a serious thing?
wheres the fun in reading triggered replies when you won't even read them, the thread is probably just open in your new tab for you to check how many replies you got.

kiss yourself nigger


that's not Halo 4

Should be MGS4.

They never delivered the promised DLC. The main love interest turned out to be your daughter. The twist was awful.

Right. It's Halo 5. The worst game in the series

>Should be MGS4.

Why? It fixes all the problems MGS2 caused which is a good thing

>argument from fallacy

>MGS4 fixes the linearity and overdone cutscenes from MGS2

The difficulty is literally the only reason to play the game

That's not Halo Reach, the actual worse game in the series.

Hmm. Halo 4 is far worse. NV is worst only if we aren't counting anything prior to 3 because BoS was pretty shit. I agree with the rest although Bioshock Infinite had DLC better than the entirety of 2 including the overrated as fuck Minerva's Den.

at least the cutscenes make sense and don't try to go into some "deep" "meta" bullshit like MGS2 did.

All of Fates, including Conquest, was shit, but let's not go pretending it was worse than Awakening, alright.


It's pretty good.


according to the fanbase, yes.


Peace Walker


>God of War CoO

>Partners in Time
Fuck you

>Pokemon ruby
>Pokemon DP

>Not ORAS or SM

>People still think MGS2 is the worst MGS game because it's too meta for their teeny tiny brains to handle when MGS4, V, and PW exist

New Vegas is fun I prefer it over 3. But F2 is the best

> Fallout NV is objectively the worst in the series
Oh wow OP, you really are a special kind of fucking retarded

MGS2 going Meta is why it's hated. Raiden being shit does not help at all.

idk, I got less fucked over by save corrupting crashes in NV than FO3. I guess the experience varies.

>Raiden being shit does not help at all.
I honestly think Raiden was a better character than both BB and Snake

Hey guys what are you talking about??

Bioshock >>>>> Bioshit infantshit

>I honestly think Raiden was a better character than both BB and Snake

by the end of everything (aka MGR) he did become better

>MGS 2
>Pokémon ruby

>what if Halo 4 is the best Halo ever

>Dark Souls 2
>not Bloodborne

Bioshock 2>Bioshock

Both are right. R/S and D/P were the shittiest games in the franchise.

Every series except Wizardry.

so you agree?

>so you agree?

that the fanbase is a bunch of retards. For fucks sake they used Sup Forums memes for shitposting.

MGS2 was hated because it didn't have Snake as the main character and because too much time was spent staring at heads explaining what's going on while going around the orange Big Shell got tedious and repetitive fast.

>MGS2 was hated because it didn't have Snake as the main character

MGS2's not on OP's pic so the fanbase is irrelevant. MGS4's considered the worst mainline game in the series overall.


>MGS4's considered the worst mainline game in the series overall.

only by the vocal minority of MGS2 fans

Welcome to 2001 MGS1 is considered cool as fuck.

Is this whole thread just an elaborate bait for New Vegas fans? If that's the case, well done I'm fucking triggered

Anyway, also add:
>Saints Row III
>Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity

i agree with that list if you take out new vegas

the writing made the "modern" fallout experience not sickening

I fucking hate GTA4 fags. 5 may have been flawed, but it was miles better.
Bumper Sword is cool as shit

Fuck off

>Welcome to 2001 MGS1 is considered cool as fuck.

which is still true to this day and age

The reviews it got were more widely panned. That and MGS4's fanbase is more vocal especially these days.

Only people who never played fallout 2 liked New Vegas. At least 3 was trying to be original.

The difference is that people got over their immaturity and accepted Raiden as a character instead of just thinking the game's not as good because of different character. Lots of valid criticism towards MGS2's design decisions got steamrolled over by the whiny fanboys complaining about the character switch.

it wasn't trying very hard

bait thead

>and accepted Raiden as a character
I would if he had a characters outisde of "whiny bitch"

>Lots of valid criticism towards MGS2's design decisions got steamrolled over by the whiny fanboys complaining about the character switch.
because MGS2 fanboys were using the character switch to deflect ANY VALID CRITICISM

>muh strawman

No that's exactly what happened you underage faggot, you think 12-16 year olds take it lightly if you take away their cool dude after an hour and replace him with what seems like a bitch?

2 is the best Fallout, but you're on some good drugs I'd you think NV is shit.

Halo Reach is miles better than both 4 and 5

5/10, at least you didn't go for "New Vegas is empty and less fun"

And you're still forgetting Brotherhood of Steel and 4 exist

>New Vegas
That's the only flaw I can find in your list.

The flood of complaining about Snake not getting the lead role for the majority of the game happened before MGS2 had any dedicated fans and was there ever since the release that revaled it.
Even if that wasn't the case deflection isn't even close to being a valid argument about anything else.

Anything even remotely good about NV was lifted directly from 2. NV is fallout 2 recreated in Bethesda's shitty outdated engine, released 2 years early and with no bugfixing.

>And you're still forgetting Brotherhood of Steel and 4 exist
I'm not OP, but NV is worse than 4.


Souls: Demons
Fallout: Honestly can't decide between 1 and 2, they seem equal to me
GTA: Chinatown Wars, that drug running
Halo: CE because it's on PC

>Even if that wasn't the case deflection isn't even close to being a valid argument about anything else.

except on Sup Forums I have listed complaints against MGS2 but just because one of them was that I did not like Raiden (I even mentioned I didn't care he replaced Snake, it's that he was bad on his own) the entire post was ignored in favor of the "MUH SNEAK" straman the fanbase loves to spew out

Okay kiddo.
First off, you not liking a game, doesn't mean it's "bad". You can like a bad game, and hate a good game. Your personal opinion on the game doesn't affect it's quality. All these titles are solid games from a technical standpoint so they aren't bad. When you're basing your opinion on subjective areas of a game (story, multiplayer, how you feel it fits against other games in a series, graphics, soundtrack) rather than the objective qualities of the game (game stability, responsiveness of controls, completeness of title) you are fucking up. People like you are the reason modern gaming "journalism" is so fucked up. You confused whether you like something with whether or not your potential audience will like something. You found the story boring? Fine, but others may love it. That's not part of a good or bad game. Does it fucking run without crashing? When you tell your character to do an action, does it do it fluently and consistently? Does the game naturally conclude it's experience as intended, or is it rushed or cut up for DLC? Learn the difference.

Not really, Halo 4 and 5 suck but at least you can at times have fun playing them, Reach just played like shit out the gate. to make matters worse not even one part of that game was good so I had nothing to fall back on. Halo 1 campaign and sometimes mp, Halo 2 mp, Halo 3 campaign, and mp, Halo 4 campaign, Halo 5 mp, and Halo Reach nothing because both campaign and mp were shit. Reach is my least played Halo game.

>but NV is worse than 4.

12/10 bait
I'm mad

>BioShock Infinite
>Vocal minority

Hate to tell you this but it's popular as shit.

>zelda 2
nigga what the fuck

Jak 2 doesn't belong there unless we're doing this thing where we pretend a game doesn't exist

>Anything even remotely good about NV was lifted directly from 2
It's part of the same series, you mong. It should be utilizing what made the previous games good and adapting them. FO4 completely ignore those features and did it's own terrible thing.

>San Andreas to GTA IV
>"look at our nice graphics"
>why can't I swim, change my hair, workout, or fly
>"look at our cool graphics"

>on Sup Forums
underage pls

I also found HL2 extremely dissapointing

wtf i hid this thread already
oh wait that was yesterday

>Dark souls 2 has the best gameplay
>GTA 4 has the best gameplay
>New vegas is exactly like 3 so it's a moot point
>infinite is shit

MGS2 should be Peace Walker
FFXV should be XIII
Silent Hill Homecoming should be Book of Memories
Star Fox Adventures should be Zero

>Halo 4 campaign
>Halo 5 multiplayer

Reach had decent maps, custom games, still had classic Halo physics, didn't fuck up the lore (well it did a bit but not to 343's extent) or the art style, had a diverse campaign and more gamemodes than 4 and 5.