Muh merciless and "CRAZYYY" villains who say "fuck" a lot

>Muh merciless and "CRAZYYY" villains who say "fuck" a lot

Why is this a recurring theme in Triple-A games?

What kind of villain do you want OP?

Triple AAA writers and developers are creatively bankrupt, or never really had much creativity to begin with.

>he didn't just wait 15 minutes and get the best ending
wow fag

An adult autistic woman who doesn't realize that what she's doing is bad

AAAAAAAAA writers, you mean?

Pagan Min did nothing wrong.

Because the only way the west can write a villain without stepping on any social landmines or hurting anyone's feeling is to take a Saturday-morning cartoon villain, and ramping it up to a a teen rating.

I hope stories start to knock it the fuck off with the whole "charismatic sociopath" style of villains. It's lame and shit and really tired already.

So you want the villain to be an average woman?


In all honesty it's not the "evil for the sake of evil" writing that bothers me. A lot of my favorite games do the same thing and while it may be lazy it doesn't always trigger my autism like this guy does.The thing that bothers me about this asshole and Montenegro from FC3 is how blatantly edgy they are written to show that they are evil. They are shown to be bad in the most explicit ways, for example: abusing one of their own men for not following instructions. Ooooh so evil! It's been done since Darth Vader and way before that, and in my opinion it's such hack writing and something about these Ubisoft characters just makes me want to fucking barf. So to answer your question, I think villains should be written less explicitly evil. As a player, I get it, you don't have to shove it down my throat with hyperviolence and edgy bullshit.

Because swearing is indicative of weakness


I kind of like bad guys that enjoy being evil. It's different from the usual "bad guy is the good guy in his head" thing.

Charismatic sociopaths are really cool

It's the writers that suck, not the concept

Because modern "charismatic sociopath" villains are literally guys who kill a lot of people and make retarded jokes about it

C'mon , there must be a better example than Min.
I admit he fits the criteria , but he wasn't THAT bad.

I want a game where it's hard to tell who the bad guys even are. Think gameplay like New Vegas where you can choose a side, but without the Legion being so cartoonishly evil, so that you have to actually think about it instead of just going NCR/House every time.

OP here, "charismatic sociopath" is the best description I've heard of this archetypal character. It's like every western studio wants their villain to be the Heath Ledger Joker, but no one can do it half as well. Thank you for providing clarity as to the cause of my inner autistic screeching that has been tormenting me for many sleepless nights.

/thread. set. match

>A game where the antagonist is a female game dev
Imagine the outrage

Try spec ops the line
If by any chance it's not been spoiled by you it's an amazing game

Cause they see le joker being so popular

The Dark Knight is not even that good of a movie

It's a decent movie but heath ledger's joker was incredibly good and made it memorable

I have played that actually. It's not really what I'm talking about partly because there's no player choice and partly because I didn't understand why no one in the game just tried talking for five seconds instead of shooting on sight. I can't stand games and movies/TV shows where people don't act like humans.

I've got an idea. We've seen the silent protagonist, but why not a reversal of that (silent antagonist)? Some kind of character that just creates a dread atmosphere and lets the player interpret their goals and motives until some kind of reveal happens or so.

Sounds sorta like Dark Souls to be honest

Pretty sure in a life or death situation you don't think about talking but you want to take their life as soon as possible to save your own

brb killing god again

I want a villain like Kim Jong Un
A manchild in charge of a huge army

Yeah but I always remember when I first encountered the US forces, and even when my guy shouted out they were friendly they just shot at me without hesitation, seems kinda fucked up that they wouldn't even hesitate on first sight. It coulda been their ticket out of that hole if they just acted like humans.

Well that's why I like the game, the line between right and wrong is blurry

Doctor eggman?


Not really. It was objectively wrong to fire on first sight. Dropping the White Phosphorus shells was objectively wrong too. But I had no choice, the game forced me to do it to proceed. So it's not really close to what I was talking about on my original post.


This is only truth in Farcry games. They are shit.

I really hate that Far Cry 3 and 4 hit you with the
>ur a killer dude
marrative when that's the only choice you're ever given.

A faggot who thinks Spec Ops The Line was a good game by any stretch of the imagination would say that you had the option to not play the game. Of course anyone making that argument is a fucking retard.

Because games are for children, user

Pagan Min wasn't evil for the sake of evil, though, and the rebels were arguably worse than he was. Pagan is 100% your buddy through and through and is willing to let bygones be bygones even after you murder his entire army and remove him from power.

Vaas was a bad dude but he was a victim of circumstance, Voyt Holker was the one who turned him into an insane junkie pirate to go with the whole themes of colonialism the game is going for

>You had the option to not play
Yeah that's pretty fucking stupid. Don't make a game if that's your message.

>Pagan is 100% your buddy.
Didn't this fag kill you if you wait for him like 15 minutes at the start of the game, instead of scaping from there?

Persona 5 has that

Nah, turns out he was your moms lover and he just helps you spread your moms ashes. Then you both get in a chopper and ride off into the sunset.


Jane is total trash.

Nah, he actually takes you to do exactly what you came to Tibet in the first place to do. Even gives you the flat out truth of how all this shit happened.

>but without the Legion being so cartoonishly evil

You are still a child

He apologizes for making you wait, shows you the truth about your mother and then you fly off in a helicopter with him presumably to fuck some shit up

Seriously? I might be remembering another game then. I know there was a game with a secret ending like that.
Well, sorry then, I guess.


The only child here is you.

I know cunt, that's why I posted her as an example.

No I'm saying she knows what she's doing is bad.

NCR is the only logical answer

>falling for the Caesar meme

Only a "child" wouldn't see the obvious and gaping flaws in his plan.

What games have an antagonist like friendo?

Yeah, but Pagan Min was actually kind of interesting