Far Cry 1

Far Cry 1
>Kill a bunch of mutated/hybrid creatures, it's fine.
Far Cry 2
>Kill a bunch of africans, it's fine.
Far Cry 3
>Kill a bunch of south americans, it's fine.
Far Cry 4
>Kill a bunch of asians, it's fine.
Far Cry 5
>Kill a bunch of whi-STOP!! STOP!!!

Chilleth the fucketh outeth, play it or don't play it.
I'm gonna play the fuck out of it, I always have a good time in the
Far Cry games and Primal is probably my favorite so far.

Other urls found in this thread:


Sup Forums is so spineless, just like the scary sjws they like screaming about

Sup Forums are reverse sjws

It's said so often it has basically become a meme, but it's still 100% accurate. Sup Forumstards are just the other side of the SJW coin. Only they're way more prevalent in this website than SJWs are.

Fun fact, Sup Forums are the most thin-skinned special snowflakes out there.

it's called fake outrage

>Cherry-picking this hard
>Dude, just pick the worst posts from Sup Forums and the best posts from Sup Forums amidst the garbage, they will TOTALLY fall for this

Here, took me a minute to find these

Who are you quoting?

did you just ctrl+f "nigger" and expect everyone to be as offended as you are?

Why the fuck is shit spammed here all the time?
All this anti/pol/ spam gets seriously out of control.
And why are you even talking about Sup Forums on Sup Forums? Just go over there you nuts.

I'm sick of discord, reddit groups and some anons using Sup Forums for their turf war against Sup Forums. Seriously, this is the worst cancer this board has seen in years

Sup Forums are social justice warriors, just SJWs of the right

feels like it. just watch as it does down then close to release it starts up again. not a bad marketing strategy.

Considering there are plenty of posts I quoted that don't have nigger in it, it's pretty obvious I didn't. I just scrolled through Sup Forums and saw the usual garbage posts, which, of course, you neglected to put in your shit image.

Shut the fuck up. /pol is cancer and we NEED to force them out of our board. They are just as bad as SJWs. Right-wingers have no fucking place on Sup Forums

Nice falseflag, m8.
Right-wingers are welcome to Sup Forums as long as they shut the fuck up about politics. Same as left-wingers.
Not all right-wingers are Sup Forumstards. In fact, not all Sup Forumstards are right-wingers, either.

you didn't prove him wrong though. In fact, this very thread just proved the left side of the image right once again

Fuck off Kotaku

>Sup Forums are just reverse SJWs
How to spot SJWs falseflagging on Sup Forums.

Nope. I'm not leaving and I'm not letting goobergabble faggots ruin our board again like they did in 2012.

>They called me out on it
How to spot Sup Forumstards on Sup Forums


Half of those posts aren't even about the game

and you should probably reconsider redefining "triggered" as mocking a game or trailer's content, because Sup Forums has very little content outside of that


There's nothing wrong with ANYTHING on that image. Is this seriously what Sup Forums has come to?

I fine with Sup Forumsbut their spill over has come to other boards. Just look at how awful Sup Forums is. Not to say it was ever great but it's leagues worse now.

Still mad Sup Forums? I can understand

I guess it's just what happens when a bunch of
people spend all their time in a bubble looking for
shit to get upset about. The second something
pops up that fits their thing they lose their shit.

It's kind of obsessive behavior no?
And this goes for both the left and the right.

None of those fit me, except I thought Fez and Undertale were alright. I regret buying Overwatch because their lootbox shit got jewy.

>anita and zoe and brianna

Pick one.

>literal no u rhetoric
I see you read that article on how to outmeme alt-righters on the internet. Good for you, but still, you're cancer and I'd prefer if you'd take your shit somewhere else.

>defending Ubishit generic towerclimber 21
Pick your fights better.

goobergate was the last time Sup Forums produced any good OC


I'm so glad we're behind that cancer. Worst period of Sup Forums.

Duh, it's fine to kill 3rd world races. When you try to kill the kings of the world we will execute you. Kill yourself you piece of shit.

I'm gonna buy it. I'm gonna play it. I'm gonna buy 10 more copies to spite your poltard ass and there's nothing you can do about it.

It was great and you know it

It's really annoying when Sup Forumstards go out of their way to look for a literal who leftist that happens to be related to video games so that they can bring him up and use that as a platform to talk about politics. It's gotten beyond tiring. No one cares about these faggots. It's you shoving them down your throat.

>a Sup Forumstard who thought Geert and Le Pen were going to win because "le Kek" had blessed them with el digits made this image
Lmaoing family

>only poltards hate Ubisoft
This is how I know you're Kotaku

it was more than great, it elected Trump.

we changed history.

Is that you, Ian?

Well it looks like those screenshots from reddit posts and what not about coming here with one liners and images were true after all.
Listen, I'm not Sup Forums but I'm seriously sick of seeing the same low quality posts being repeated every single day.
What do you come here for? You know this is anonymous right? You'll never shut up the people using those words or spouting politically incorrect stuff. This'll never happen. Especially not since other anons will falseflag as alt-right or as you guys to provoke responses.
So why? Why on Sup Forums?

Yes that's exactly fucking it. If you don't play ubisoft what the fuck games do you even play? Oh, wait, you're a poltard, so you get triggered by our vibrant and diverse experiences.

>implying being gay is wrong
>implying fez is a bad game(though the dev did sperg out)
>implying mass effect shrekdromida is bad... well it is so ill give you that

This was made well before those elections. Sorry~

>Listen, I'm not Sup Forums but I'm seriously sick of seeing the same low quality posts being repeated every single day.
Yeah, I'm sick of Sup Forums too

>HAHAHAHA LOOK, I'm throwing my money down this sewer drain! MY OWN MONEY! I bet you're mad now, huh? Next I'll slash my own tires, and there's nothing you can do about it!

>If you don't play Ubisoft you don't play Video Games
I did buy Watch Dogs for $5 (it was the collectors tin with stuff).

It was garbage

>being this mad over banter on a videogame forum

Falseflagging doesn't make it any less true

>tfw Instincts were the last good FarCrys

Far Cry Blood Dragon

Blood Dragon 2 when Ubisoft?

She and Sup Forums seriously deserve each other. Just wish we weren't in their way.

See this is what I mean? As soon as you see someone complaining about this very thread and the low quality posts in it, you immediately turn it back into a "lol @ Sup Forums" comment.

This is EXACTLY what I was talking about. There's not a single FC5 thread to be had without your, and I mean YOUR bullshit. If you hate Sup Forums so much, maybe stop baiting them or better, go over there instead of posting about it on other boards.

Back up the bus there, Gamergate was overwhelmingly liberal in it's makeup, even a year into the movement. There were a few dozen people who supported both GG and Trump, at most

Actually Far Cry 5
>Kill a bunch of Neanderthals and a crazy human death cult

The guy who made the image is obviously from Sup Forums and you autists literally believed Geert and Le Pen were gonna win 100% because some of you got doubles and le Kek praised you with meme magic. Sup Forums isn't even the same site, it's a subreddit at this point

Is Zoe Quinn still delusional? Looks like it. Shouldn't she be medicated for her BPD or something?

Me shitposting against Sup Forums doesn't aid or harm them in any way. I'm merely venting my frustrations over their existence on this board that gets constantly invaded by them. Piss in the ocean and all that.

>There were a few dozen people who supported both GG and Trump, at most
>When the media used the exact same shilling tactics against Trump that they tried against us

libtard delusion

where is that graph from?

>Somebody other than me remembers instincts.

My fucking nigga. If only the levels were at least half as large as the original game. Then the bait and trap mechanics would be much more useful.

>Kill a bunch of africans, it's fine.
It was? I remember there being a minor shitstorm about how everyone in africa was black

Just because the media tarnishes or lies about something doesn't make it conservative automatically. Look what they did to ACORN, and that was a solidly liberal org

Anyway the graph and data is from the most thorough poll done of GG:


Actual Sup Forums lurker here.

No one on Sup Forums is talking about this game. All this made up butthhurt seems to be 98% artificially generated by our enemies as a smear campaign.

Praise kek.

To be honest, we're mostly disappointed that Ubisoft went in this direction, but also not surprised. At worse, we'll just ignore the game.

Yeah because this thread is totally as shit as it is, because of Sup Forums invading it, and not because its reactionary nonsense bait already in the OP, only triggering Sup Forums posters(probably deliberately even) and anons who'd like to have one thread about a videogame not used as a virtual turf war.

pretty much this

What's your point? Whether we post about Sup Forums or not, the faggots are gonna continue to invade us. What do we lose from posting about them?

>725 respondents
>Twitter and Reddit users


also, it's not "who will you vote for in the 2016 election"

I guarantee you that 99.9% of gamergate voters started out Bernouts, then either voted for Trump or abstained. Or were just solidly Trump all the way.


White people gave you civilized civilization you proper fuckin' cunt. Treat them with some god damn respect why don't you?

>Praise kek
Fuck off and die you manchild

>Sup Forums's retard brigade collapsing into damage control and trying to deny they were pushing their agenda
Unironically considering preordering, just like how I preordered 3 and 4

Dude yes, Blood Dragon was fucking sweet.
One of my favorite games to play stoned.

8 years, great tears.

It's a sad day when Sup Forums has better video game discussion than Sup Forums. If you anti Sup Forums fags would just ignore their fucking posts.

Lel, I can smell the falseflaggers in this thread from a mile. The shittiest posters from Sup Forums love cross boarding to Sup Forums and blowing shit out of proportion while samefagging like hell, I hope this thread is moved to Sup Forums so that anyone can see that shit again.

>Praise Kek

You are a child.

It's a sad day when you fall for cherrypicked bullshit

>le kek is my friend and meme magic, weaponized autism, xDDD shadilay fellow pedes
Kill yourself ugly fuck

>Praise kek.
You make me cringe.